Lars Münter
Lars Münter is the Head of International Projects Unit at DCHE, MA in Rhetoric and Natural Sciences, University of Copenhagen. He has been the initiator and developer of the annual Nordic Hygiene Week campaign from 2009, initiator of the Self-Care In Europe-network and the annual (award-winning) Self-Care Week Europe.
Former national partner in JA CHRODIS+, member of WHO Europe Advisory Group on Health Literacy, alternate member Danish National Antibiotics Council (part of MoH). Project Lead of the EU Commission Pilot Project on Self-Care in Minor Ailments (PiSCE 2014-2017) and WP-lead in Pilot Project in Self-Management of Chronic Conditions (PRO STEP 2016-2018). Part of/leading a number of Erasmus+ projects on empowerment or supporting informal carers for people with dementia, kidney patients, psychiatric ailments, use of art in health etc.
Participation on Humanity Rising
- Day 182 Health and Humanity
- Day 187 Healthy by Design
- Day 192 Health and the Wider Ecosystem
- Day 212 Mental Health, Longevity and a Working Future
- Day 252 The transformative power of health literacy - can we tame the infodemic beast?
- Day 207 Our Digital Health
- Day 262 Cradle to Grave - Healthtech to the rescue?
- Day 267 Mental Health in a Time of COVID
- Day 272 Inequality and Public Health
- Day 310 Thur 9/9 The Transformative Power of Co-creation – professionals and citizens working together
- Day 324 Thur 9/23 Health and the Environment. A view through the lens of environmental sustainability
- Day 334 Thur 10/7/21 Bottom-up innovation in European health: tail wagging the dog?
- Day 339 Thur 10/14/21 The future in their hands? Seeking the views of young health professionals on where the European health ecosystem is heading
- Day 344 Thur 10/21/21 Health in Europe
- Day 703 Tue 5/23/23 Zombies Rising: The existential threat to our humanity posed by the idealisation of modern technology and its many manifestations