HR!Day703 - Zombies Rising: The existential threat to our humanity posed by the idealisation of modern technology and its many manifestations - Lars Münter, David Somekh, Zuzanna Cichon, Caroline Whyte, Robert Rubenstein & Daniel Steenstra
- --- Humanity Rising Day 703 - Tuesday May 23, 2023 (GoTo Bottom)
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Nordic Health 2030 and the European Health Futures Forum (EHFF) offered 15 presentations between February and October 2021 on transforming the European Health system. As a follow-up, this time we offer just one, a reflection on the hidden (or not so hidden) threats to a society that worships the twin gods of wealth and technology.
David Somekh is again your host, but because Lars Münter can’t be in two places at once (he will be chairing another meeting in Greece) we’re delighted to have as guest host, another colleague of ours, who has participated as a young health professional in one of our previous webinars, Zuzanna Cichon. She currently works at Erasmus Hospital, Brussels.
Another returning presenter and close colleague, Caroline Whyte, has been involved with FEASTA, the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability, since 2002. She has studied ecological economics and written a master’s thesis on the relationship between central banking and sustainability. She is a Director of the Irish Environmental Network, is Feasta's alternate representative on the Environmental Pillar, and is one of three Pillar members of the Irish National Economic and Social Council (NESC). She is also one of the founding members of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) Irish hub. She lives in central France, from where she edits the Feasta website.
Yet another returning presenter is our good friend Robert Rubenstein of TBLI. Robert is a social entrepreneur and the founder and driving force behind TBLI Triple Bottom Line Investing Group - (TBLI Group), a group that specializes in environmental, social and governance, ESG and impact investing, using triple bottom line principles. His mission is to create an inclusive values based economy.
We look forward very much to hearing their different perspectives on the topic, which will be accompanied by a presentation from David on the major threat to our collective psyches that he feels is not properly recognised.
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
65 Participants
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