HR!Day334 - Bottom-up innovation in European health: tail wagging the dog?
- --- Humanity Rising Day 334 - Thursday October 7, 2021 (GoTo Bottom)
Nordic Health 2030 and the European Health Futures Forum (EHFF) continue their third series of Humanity Rising webinars, ‘Conversations with leading edge practitioners on the art of transforming health’.
Lars Münter and David Somekh are again your hosts, and we are delighted to welcome, for our third ‘fireside conversation’, two experts from different parts of Europe who will discuss the ways health policy and practice can be influenced from the bottom up direction to improve, despite the shackles of institutional structures.
- Dr. Yvonne Prinzellner is a senior researcher focused on (e)Health- and Security-Research at the Research and Innovation Centre at Johanniter Österreich Ausbildung und Forschung gemeinnützige GmbH (a not-for-profit Company based in Vienna, Austria dedicated to health research and providing health education to the wider public). She has extensive experience as a researcher with a background in Communication Sciences and Media Psychology at Universities on a national and international level. Additionally, she also works as a lecturer and thesis supervisor at Applied Sciences Universities all across Austria. Her expertise and research interests include Health Communication, Online Communication, Gender and Sexuality Studies, ICTs as well as Digitization & Impact of Technological Innovations on society.
- Jonathan Munro is Associate Director for Criminal Justice & Secure Care Services, Rethink Mental Illness, UK. He has extensive experience of working in a variety of Criminal Justice and Healthcare environments, in both operational and strategic roles. These include but aren’t limited to, working in a high security prison, assessing and addressing offending behaviour, substance misuse and mental health. Currently responsible for the strategic direction and service delivery of numerous mental health services across England. The services are based in a multitude of environments including prisons, GP surgeries, community mental health hubs and accommodation services. With a history of working with the most marginalised members of society he’s passionate about delivering high quality care to all and working to influence system change to facilitate this.
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
To make a voluntary contribution to support the partner organizations and the Humanity Rising team, please see our contribution form.
Each Zoom live webinar will have a maximum capacity of 500 participants. If you are not able to join on Zoom, we will be live streaming here on the UbiVerse and on:
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Community Health Governance & Politics