HR 61-70

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Click on the Episode Number to go to the Humanity Rising Day Page for that episode. On that page you will find all the recordings of the videos and the chats and detailed information about that session.

Date HR Episode Topic CONVENER Panelists
21-Jul-20 61 Transformations in learning in a VUCA ( Volitile, uncertain, complex, ambigous ) world Jim Garrison Stephanie Pace Marshall
Patrick Walker
22-Jul-20 62 Transpersonal Contribution to Human Evolution Jim Garrison Bernadette Blin,MA
Jure Biechonski
62 Bernadette Blin,MA Pier Luigi Lattuada
62 Vladimir Maykov
62 Magda Sole
62 Ingrid Indane
62 Dr.Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz
62 Regina U Hess
23-Jul-20 63 Embracing Doughnut and Regenerative economics as a pathway to a better future Jim Garrison Ross Jackson
63 Eduard Muller Steve Waddell
24-Jul-20 64 Fundamentals of Doughnut Economics Jim Garrison Kate Rayworth
64 Andrew Fanning
64 Bente Milton
25-Jul-20 65 Cities that are applying the doughnut economic approach Jim Garrison Yolanda Eijgenstein
65 Robert Metzke
65 Rieta Aliredjo
65 Bente Milton
65 Riardo Castro Iragorri
65 Eduard Muller
65 Roy Alejandro Barreras
26-Jul-20 66 Alternative Economic Systems Jim Garrison John Fullerton
66 Christian Faber
66 Brett Scott
66 Ali Niknam
66 Bert Ola Bergstrand
27-Jul-20 67 Innovative Approaches to Regenerative Economics Jim Garrison Rieke Cordon
Manuel Valle
67 Marilyn Hamilton
28-Jul-20 68 Wellbeing Economy Alliance Jim Garrison Amanda Janoo
68 Katherine Trebeck
29-Jul-20 69 Bouncing Beyond Jim Garrison Steve Waddell
69 Jasper Kenter
30-Jul-20 70 Dialogue with Thomas Hubl Jim Garrison Thomas Hubl
70 Kim Rosen
70 Clair Hiles

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