HR!Day067 - Innovative Approaches to Regenerative Economics

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The Generative Economy is a term coined by Marjorie Kelly to define "a living economy that is designed to generate the conditions for life to thrive, an economy with a built-in tendency to be socially fair and ecologically sustainable."[1]

  • Generative economy attempts to reorganize the purpose and structure of an organization, to the extent of being self-organized around serving the needs of life. Generative economy is based on designs that are rich in biodiversity, not monoculture. Examples[2] of these types of organizational designs are employee ownerships, cooperatives, credit unions, community land trusts, co-housing communities, community wind, family-owned businesses, and foundations-owned companies. Its goals are to create fair and just outcomes, benefit the many rather than the few, and enable an enduring human presence on the planet Earth.
  • The recent launch of Seeds is rapidly gaining traction for transformation; a digital currency and financial system that serves, rewards and finances the people and organisations committed to creating a healthier and more equitable planet. It is a revolutionary new way to distribute value to initiatives that deliver favourable outcomes for environmental & societal regeneration.

Humanity Rising Day 067 Monday July 27, 2020

Videos Today's HR Video Recording
Starting with Rieke Cordon
Starting with Marilyn Hamilton
ChatPeople Video
Chats Day067HRChat Day067HRAfterChat
Resources Ubiquity Link for Day 67 List: Humanity Rising Day Pages


Name Org URL Other Links Comment
Jim Garrison President of Ubiquity University and Founder Humanity Rising Humanity Rising, Ubiquity University UbiVerse Social Platform Humanity Rising: A Global Solutions Summit. “Transforming conversations that matter into action that makes a difference."
Rieki Cordon Seeds Library ... ...
Manuel Valle ... ... ...
Marilyn Hamilton ... ... ...

Paste Day From Week

Monday July 27, 2020 Day 67



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TOP Stan (talk) 18:48, 30 December 2020 (EST)