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I'm the Publisher of OtherNetworks and the Instigator for Community Magic

  • I consider myself to be a social visionary or if I can implement more of my visions, I might call myself a social engineer. I assume that running a storefront "Information service" to connect people to each other on Philadelphia's South Street in 1970 - 1971 is one qualification for me to be considered a visionary.
  • I now describe the 1970 service called "Everything for Everybody" as "Craigslist on 3 x 5 cards" where I introduced hundreds of local people to each other for jobs, housing & friendship. Some people that I met married each other, some found work or project collaborators. Many in that community were artists, crafts people or budding entrepreneurs and the service I ran, nicknamed "E for E" empowered them in ways that no other kind of service did at that time.
This page needs a link to the origins of Jack Scully's Everything for Everybody for which I ran a Philadelphia branch...
