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Humanity Rising Day 289 Chat Page   –   Monday July 12, 2021

Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 289


Beverly Sullivan to Panelists and Attendees (11:02 AM)

I don’t have any visual.

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:02 AM)

Happy Monday Everyone!  Welcome back Sabinije!

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:04 AM)

Howdy y'all. <3  Is today the day we save the world with utopianism financed with negative interest loans?  ;P

Dinesh N to Panelists and Attendees (11:04 AM)

namaste everybody

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:05 AM)

Put the info in the chat Seb xxx Yes, let's save the world!!

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:06 AM)


Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:07 AM)


Seb here from Canada.

I am running a global outreach operation to save the world through utopianism financed with negative interest loans.

I’m also after the Nobel Peace Prize.

Can You Help With World-Saving Socio-Economic Development?

Utopianism financed with negative interest loans to remunerate custom jobs, subsidize wage inflation, refinance debt, boost human resources, adjust capitalism for the future of work, adapt capitalism for future of work, support gene therapy efforts through the production of regional variant mRNA vaccine production facilities, establish ideological goals for humanity worthy of the 21st century and beyond as well as finally providing a platform to fix the root causes of most of humanity's problems.

Thank you for your time, good luck, God bless and godspeed.  


Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:07 AM)


Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:10 AM)

Good afternoon all.

Lovely Mac.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:12 AM)

Brilliant Seb!! Thank you! And good luck with the Nobel Peace Prize :-D xxx

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:15 AM)

Maybe you qualify to nominate me: ::

Michael Brownstein to Panelists and Attendees (11:17 AM)

Beautiful…you have to rediscover your own indigenous past. This links something people think is “out there” to us personally, inside our deepest self

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:17 AM)

Goosebumps "open yourself to your own indigenous past"

Sabinije von Gaffke  to Panelists and Attendees (11:19 AM)

Dear all viewers here today, pls feel free to send in questions to Mac Macartney in the Q&A section in the browser and I will raise them :)

Cindy Bledsoe to Panelists and Attendees (11:20 AM)

"I'm not getting older, I'm getting newer." - Barbara Marx Hubbard at 88 years new.

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:20 AM)

This is so powerfully logical, freeing and WISE!!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:21 AM)

What an amazing concept!! Retire during the 'over-active' years whilst (I guess) being trained up to that point and then offering wisdom and experience after those years of exuberance!!

Gosh!!! Offering a life of service. The best!!

Ina Albert to Panelists and Attendees (11:24 AM)

Ina Albert: We treat aging as a disease when it is a vital part of the life process.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:24 AM)

Surely no such thing as failure? Only chances to learn xxx

Cindy Bledsoe to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)

This concept follows the model of Harmony in Education (UK) that gets us out of the classroom onto the playground, into nature and the chance to see ourselves reflected there. Innovation follows.

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)

If we remember our inherent “Deathlessness” what are we perpetually growing in wisdom toward, with each cycle?

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:28 AM)

What a moment, thank you for sharing this.

Me to Panelists (11:29 AM)



With love...

Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.

You can join the After Chat here:

Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451

Passcode: 919541



Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)

Yes, thank you for that story. Beauty and wonder is everywhere. We just have to learn to find and appreciate it.

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (11:30 AM)

Have you been through, or know of a transition ceremony from adults to elder-hood? :)

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:33 AM)

Sounds like you had discovered the true, authentic wisdom you were seeking Mac.

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (11:35 AM)

Mac, you’re a great vehicle thank you for sharing.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)

It is all being woven in perfect Divine timing. Relax into the quest and reach for your dreams. It is how the weaving is done.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:37 AM)

Hence Harmony in Education - wonderful!! Yes, Mac - UK education at the moment is learning how to get a job!! No wonder they are confused about how to be a person!!

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:37 AM)

Education systems...severe imbalance- all Mind no Heart!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:38 AM)

Totally - we need to reclaim a Life of Heartfulness

KATHERINE AUGUSTINE to Panelists and Attendees (11:38 AM)

That - wow - when children were raised with those understandings….

  • are

Cindy Bledsoe to Panelists and Attendees (11:38 AM)

Stay tuned for an update on HARMONY's CHILD, a multi-media documentary project on HARMONY IN EDUCATION (UK) lead by Richard Dunne. Project was an outgrowth of Humanity Rising. I executive produce.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)

thank you for your good work, Cindy!!

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)

Lovely Cindy!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)

Wow!! Fantastic news Cindy xxx

Michael Brownstein to Panelists and Attendees (11:42 AM)

Mac is so deep to have not only found these powerful healers but survived what they became as the result of being corrupted by power.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)

Potentially the task of the human being - to find their best level and keep it there while practising life itself

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)

Aho, Michael.

Davidson to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)

I am in Kenya, Africa, where our education system was patterned after Britains  -- passing exams. We are now exploring a new model that centers around wholistic living and talent capacitation.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)

Mistakes are made by the best of us.

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)

OMG they were so mean to buddy. Why can't humans just focus on making the world a better place and focus on making the technology to be happy and free forever? Utopianism financed with negative interest loans could get us there... ;0

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)

Empower rather than enslave!! Wow!! Simple xxx

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (11:45 AM)

Here's one of the PRIMARY PREVENTIONS for so many issues of our time.

Start early ~ PARENTING is awesomely effective. Read and apply: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect: Mindful Parenting, by Diane Tillman. Have the Living Values practices taught is schools… For inspiration listen to this: ::

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:45 AM)

Remembering the good of the whole!!

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:45 AM)

Amazing Mac that you stayed true to your mission in the face of corruption and they didn't drag you down with them. ravo.


Jo Berry to Panelists and Attendees (11:45 AM)

Always inspirational  to hear you Mac, biggest hugs and love to you.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:47 AM)

Oooooh! Being open!! Brill!!

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)

Seek with us for the Philosophers Stone, OR  the Missing Link to bring Love and Peace to our planet. Each person has their own description of PEACE ~ just as Vasistha told Rama, "The world is as You see it!" To further our exploration, we get to begin with questions that are asked in the context of the New Era we are now in.

What does the word “peace” mean to me? How is it changing /evolving? How is peace showing up in my life right now? Where do I see peace as an active and vibrant LifeForce? What situations and places are calling out for the LifeForce of peace? What unexamined beliefs and assumptions do I have regarding peace?

The answers to these questions would shape the next level of inquiry for the Peace Lab to accomplish its focus: Peace In Everything, and Everything With Peace.

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." ~ Chief Seattle

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)

I think the trick is to ignore most of the media outlets. There is one great magazine - Positive News!! It's AMAZING!!!

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)

All life is sacred.

Lynnea Franks to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)

Always appreciate your wisdom Mac xx

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)

Yes, it's been a gradual process to reach the point where every human must have a voice - children as well as all others - all races, all creeds, all people. Hand in hand with education to care for all life!!!

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)

Living in the Wisdom of ancient futures

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:53 AM)

Mac, your story is such a great example of losing ourselves and surrendering our own wisdom and inner guidance to another in the 'leadership position. This wisdom  is always available to us if we just understand the importance of going within. These are the skills that we need to nurture in our current education systems.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:53 AM)

We are afraid of change and yet we encourage our children to change, and celebrate their getting taller… bigger, better…

Cindy Bledsoe to Panelists and Attendees (11:53 AM)

Understanding life as a reconciliation between what is eternal and what is temporary, what is me and what is the All.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)

Kala, yes: Living in the Wisdom of ancient futures

KATHERINE AUGUSTINE to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)

Yes, the Planet and Her Creatures - we are part of that! Working to inform and show the Earth and Creatures are not our resources! Are not separate or less worthy than us!

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)

Let this resonate with you and the extreme value Indigenous wisdom and power of the Feminine side. SACRED INSTRUCTIONS, bY Sherri Mitchell. THE ABSOLUTE BEST BOOK ON BLENDING INDIGENOUS WISDOM FOR LIVING THE LIFE WE WERE ALL MEANT TO LEAD - one of compassion and peace. Using Science, Regenerative agriculture, Feminine/Masculine, Spirituality, and Societal change...        

Listen to it while sitting with our feet bare and on mother earth. You’ll understand why, once you get a chapter or two in... It has tremendous teachings that bring harmony in all your relationships and oneself. It is the best book that I have ‘read’ in years!

Elly Lessin to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)

I am so grateful to have”serendipitously” tuned into this talk.. I am going to be 76 and find myself making a a bigger contribution now. Bless you

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:57 AM)

yes Kurt: SACRED INSTRUCTIONS, bY Sherri Mitchell is excellent.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)

Sadly we haven't responded - much. Tweaks here and there but.... we have to spread the word that - good changes will help!! We can encourage healthy and helpful and happy change. Change ourselves. Fill ourselves with love. And share that!!

Elly Lessin to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)

The master of the Hundreth Monkey!

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)

Magic! The Mystery.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)

MOM is serendipity by another name - the Magic in Ordinary Moments guides us all. We are woven by MOM.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)

Brilliant Elly!! Maybe as we get older we can contribute more!! xxx

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (11:59 AM)

Lol, understanding life without knowing chemistry + cell biology + theosophy + computer science artificial intelligence = fail

Elly Lessin to Panelists and Attendees (11:59 AM)

mystery of the 100th monkey! And YES! Diane I have no doubt about that..

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:00 PM)

See, you cannot fail if you listen inside and follow the guidance of MOM.

Seb, that was for you. Auto-correct FAIL!

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)

Oooops Seb xxx firstly - apologies Seb - not in a position to nominate. Also - life without knowing the sciences - possible. Life without heart - definitely fail hahaha

Annelies Weijschede to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)

using the leylines…?

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)

See the HR program on Shapes that Shape Us, Lois Farfel  Stark and Claudia Welss. ::

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)



Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)

-) xxx

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)

“The Children’s Fire: Heartsong of a People” by Mac McCarthy

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)

I love when know-nothing try to tell me otherwise with their pretences.

In the end, after asking" do you want to be happy and free forever" I know everything I need to know.

Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:05 PM)

Mac just mentioned Boudicca right as I was about to share the interview he had with Manda Scott of Accidental Gods! ::

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)

Jen!! thanks be to you and MOM!!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)

Wow Jen!! Brill!!!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)

"after asking "do you want to be happy and free forever" I know everything I need to know" xxx

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)

shivers! I love the words Mac is being asked to speak, in celebration of him.

how beautiful. <3

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)

Lovely - wings and prayers xxx

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)

What was Mac just reading from?

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)

his book

Annelies Weijschede to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)

Wow, thank you for sharing…!

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)

it was from the introduction to the book written by  …was it Peter Merry?

The book was written by Mac. the intro by Peter?

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:11 PM)

'The Children's Fire'  - title of Mac's book xxx

Intro - maybe from HR Matt?

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:12 PM)

endorsement by HR Matt

Michael Brownstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)

See Pierre Clastres, Archeology of Violence and his other books about the consciousness that destroyed what was in South America

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)

Beauty....'The Children's Fire'.

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)

the power of storytelling

KATHERINE AUGUSTINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)

Wonderful speaker - yes, authentic and heartfelt and the stories are so profound. So grateful for your willingness and courage. Thank you

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)

Speaking from the heart - true!!

Jane Norton to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)

Mac, thank you for your speaking and writing  and your honesty about your fear, and overcoming it with love.

Michael Brownstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)

Also may I recommend Deer and Thunder by Arkan Lushwala

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)

These are important questions. Very important,

gotta follow MOM’s guidance  ;)

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)

What do you want out of life, where do you see yourself in 500 years, do you want to be happy and free forever, do you know the power of technology?

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)

“Kneel only to the rise, to nothing and nobody else!”🌹

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)

Such a powerful, gentle,courageous spirit, living your truth. You are such a huge inspiration. Thank you Mac.

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)

to the Rose I kneel… to enjoy and cultivate!

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)

to the 🌹 Rose

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)

LOL own your truth, question all, express yourself freely, promote thought, discussion and the free flow of ideas and illuminate indiscriminately.

Barbro Esbjörnsdotter to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)

Thank you, Mc for these profound words.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)

What is it that you deeply and profoundly love? What is your deepest and most profound gift? And What is your deepest and most profound responsibility? Amazing questions!! (Hope that's right. followed by yes: to the rose I kneel xxx

Me to Panelists (12:22 PM)

You can join the After Chat here:

Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451

Passcode: 919541


Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)

And Seb - again - yes!!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)

Great upbringing! The days when equality began - late 50s. (I remember them too - brothers and me (a girl) all taught to cook and sew and do business/work)

KATHERINE AUGUSTINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)

Oh wow - lovely - generational on your and the animals’ end… love that - ropes of connection. Thank you

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)

Wow!! Ropes of connection (Kalahari bushmen)

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)

I love these stories....

KATHERINE AUGUSTINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)

Oh - love the Tree and Potato story! Creation and Ropes of Connection. Thank you!!!

Kurt Krueger, to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)

A birthday celebration: Maybe, after seeing this beautiful short video, plant a tree for each birthday! I know that you’ll keep enjoying the Play of Consciousness. :)

What do you think of the idea of planting trees for the number of years you get to achieve? It could be done through, or or Yourself.



Magical Academy Award winning animated short, THE MAN WHO PLANTED TREES, ::

“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.”

- Rabindranath Tagore

"Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."

- Robert Louis Stevenson

Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)

Thank you Mac, for your inspiring words this morning, and giving me more reason to live than to want to give up <3

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)

Ha!!!! 25 potatoes!!! Life going on!! Wonderful!!!

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)

What a beautiful gift for your Mum, Mac. This is the best kind of education for the young ones.

KATHERINE AUGUSTINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)

Off to work - thank you so much for this wonderful session - so grateful for it and your work in the world. Thank you for sharing via speaking and your book!! In Gratitude!

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)

the web of life is formed of the ropes of connection.

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)

Goodness gracious!! Building belonging!! Wonderful!!!

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)

Dimensionally woven sphripple?

Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)

thanks, Sabinije

Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)

Kala to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM) -  Mac speaking on Qi Global

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)

Thank You so are such a huge shining light. Very grateful to have met you.

Sébastien Roussel-Konan to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)


Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)

we really appreciate you, too! thank you Mac!

Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)

Thank you Mac, what an inspiration!

Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)

Thank you - heartfelt and loving indeed!!

Me to Panelists (12:31 PM)

Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.

You can join the After Chat here:

Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451

Passcode: 919541


Richard Buckley to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)

Jane M to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)

Thank you as always Sabinije.

franka to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)

Come to the AfterChat

Annelies Weijschede to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)

Can’t wait to meet my next door children Mac!

Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)

Much love everyone <3 <3 <3

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