Humanity Rising Day 191 Chat Page – Wednesday February 24, 2021
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 191
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:05 AM)
Greetings everyone. Happy Wednesday - the day for Being Healthy naturally!! Way to go xxxxx
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (11:07 AM)
The etiology of the Corona19 likely originates in non-humans, but lab research on animals resulting in change of that RNA particle has a 17 year history worldwide. Suppression of information has created mistrust, which affects vaccination acceptance.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:07 AM)
With a capital N!! (Naturally hahaha)
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:08 AM)
Good morning, All! Bless you in your bodies as we find our way forward together, seeking Peace… please include Attendees in this chat so we see what you say. It’s time to put our words together to support our intentions!
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (11:11 AM)
Blaming Nature for this virus now pandemic in humans may create a fear of nature such as occurred in the fourteenth century Plague. Fr. Thomas Berry suggests that the concept of individual salvation originated then, and a divorce from Nature. He writes that we are within Nature, not apart from Her.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:12 AM)
Elizabeth Sahrtoris!! Oh my! I love your book!
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Me to All panelists and other attendees (11:13 AM)
Oh! it's a healthy Day 191 on Humanity Rising...
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Good morning Mr Gordon. Welcome
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Yes Shannon - think she was here before too. Brill xx
Me to All panelists and other attendees (11:13 AM)
. ..oOo..
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Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
We will also be holding a planning session for the Peace LAB in a breakout room.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Hello, Diane - so are you - brill!!
Thanks Stan; looking forward to that!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:14 AM)
Wow!! What a beginning!! Enhance the good bits!! Yes!!
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:14 AM)
TED interview with Adam Kurcharski on Coronavirus response: ::
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:14 AM)
(Hahaha - hello you two xxx)
And Kat!! Yaaaay! Hello!! xxx
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (11:16 AM)
Seeing Nature as ‘Other’ has perhaps allowed the mechanistic, extractive colonialism of the last 500 years. See Dr. Vandana Shiva-Oneness vs. the 1%.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:17 AM)
We're still learning Richard. Just starting really - if our hearts and minds and eyes are open :)
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:19 AM)
And as COVID informs climate response.: ::
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:22 AM)
Fantastic Kat! What an article. Thank you!! (Will copy and read properly later - for starters - The pandemic and the Possibility!! wonderful!!) Thank you Dr Gordon!!
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (11:23 AM)
Dr. James Gordon book: Transforming Trauma: Discovering Wholeness and Healing after Trauma
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:24 AM)
Grab that moment Mr Turner!! Brilliant!!!
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)
For Diane & Noel-so happy to be chatpeople with you! COVID19 mapping tool…I set this one to the Amazon, the lungs of Earth. ::
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)
Time for Massive Change!!!!!
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
We need to explain and train people about self healing
field of epigenetics
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
Check out The Center for Mind-Body Medicine
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
Gosh Kat - again!! Wow!! (Was just talking to my bin man - from Ecuador - asking him how is his country compared to the UK. Interesting!! Fits with these conversations too!!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
Deression descends when Community is absent
Tom Bowling to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
“Community is immunity” is a phrase that arose during a Center for Mind-Body Medicine training at Allegany College of Maryland a year ago.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:28 AM)
and yes - COMMUNITY!! Working on it!! daily!!
Love that phrase!! Community is Immunity!!
Ken Haldenstein to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
Thank you for sharing that article, Kat!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
We Zoom to commune now!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
Also just caught a few mins of Donna Eden - 13th World Tapping Conference. Energy medicine - Energy way of life!
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (11:30 AM)
For thousands of years the world over traditional and indigenous systems of medicine were being practiced- it is only in the past 300 years that the western medicine emerged and yet it presents its self as the mainstream form of medicine and calls all the other thousands of years old systems as alternative. Its time that western medicine became the alternative and not the mainstream.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:31 AM)
Malini, aho!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:32 AM)
Have to include and share (was resisting it as no wish to irritate) but - how to work against depression and how to build a healthy (and happy) life ::
YES Malini!!!
Anna D Atkinson to Panelists and Attendees (11:33 AM)
This is such an awesome discussion and space for sharing of information. I'm incredible grateful to be able to join you all here today.
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:34 AM)
we need to promote functional medicine
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:34 AM)
It's great isn't it!! Already!! And Eleanor - keeping it all on track!!!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:35 AM)
Good to have you here, Anna! Come to the AfterChat if you can; let’s share voice vibrations!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
Wow!! What a starry start!! Keep the bacteria - part of life itself!!
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:37 AM)
Love that, Shannon! Elizabeth’s TEDxHamburg talk a decade ago about surviving crisis: ::
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:38 AM)
Agree - K and S - voice vibrations!! Yaaaay!!
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:38 AM)
Thoughts on long hauling, Elizabeth?
Go Guts!
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
Elizabet Sahtouris "Gaia's Dance" The Story of Earth & Us"
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
eat organic food, proper supplements
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
Yaaaaay!! Feed the bacteria!!
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
Natural fermented foods.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
Elisabet Sahtouris’ books are beautiful - esp. Gaia’s Dance - the Story of Earth and Life - ::
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
Simple. Less processed food - just healthy!!
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
Make sure you chew your food slowly, this helps digestion which helps in the long run…
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:40 AM)
I heard that Vitamin K helps the Vitamin D absorb
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:41 AM)
Yes Natalie - how you eat is as important as what you eat!
The first stage of digestion - chewing!
And it's March next week!
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (11:42 AM)
Yes Jen I think the VIT K helps the bone densification process. Vit D is a harmone that helps many other metabolic processes, Vit D and Vit C along with a lot of micronutrients keep you healthy immune system.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
No need to be embarrassed Elizabet. Just LOVE Mexico hahaha
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
Love that Elizabeth has a rainbow in her background…El Salvador and Guatemala, Mexico Treatments teaching USA about: Vit D, C, We have poor stats (data collection fail at Federal level?)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
Yes, loving that rainbow too xxx
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
And our Minds Healthy too!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
the trajectory of the rainbow…
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
Phew!! Healthy Mind, Healthy Body!!
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
So true, a cooperative maturity as adult
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
new rituals please!!!
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
Years ago WHO released a report that the greatest pandemic was acutely low levels of Vit D across world populations. Including countries with higher sunlight radiations,
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:45 AM)
Interesting Malini!!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:45 AM)
Stan! Your tune is being sung - HELPFULNESS
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:46 AM)
Indeed!! Amazing Speed!! Mother Nature - being Helped by Humans!! hahaha
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:46 AM)
Blessed by Elizabeth? A good day it is!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
Isn't it lovely to see thinking people having their brains inspired!! Dr Gordon - great!!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
kids need dirt - so do adults!
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
stress and food are causing a lot of GI and brain problems
wrong foods that is
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
lack of exercise too
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
But we needed to see where we were going wrong (imho)
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
Our pets also bring the micro-organisms into the home to help our immune function
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:49 AM)
gather in community and grow food together. Take care of each other and the crops, heal and grow…
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:50 AM)
The cleaner is as important as the brain surgeon - I was 14 when I learned that argument!!
Nearly 60 years ago. No change so we received a pandemic!! Thank you Universe!!
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
Yes, it is a huge problem…so quick to give prescriptions for pharmaceuticals.
Anna D Atkinson to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
I would add that Mothers - the most invisible of and undervalued of all caregivers - must also be recognised for their endless, unpaid contributions to families and communities. I don't know about in the US but here in Ireland they are mostly unseen ….
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Very sad - that's how they were trained!! vocational doctors taught how to buy in to the consumer society.
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Change your diet, exercise, reduce stress.
Juan Sebastian Cardenas Salas to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Thank you Humanity Rising for all these remarkable/necessary conversations which depict the advent of the true Homo Sapiens Reciprocans…a state we need to keep rising a story of ‘interbeing’
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Walking in nature!
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (11:52 AM)
Hear-hear @ Anna! Mothers are the backbone of society!
Must move & be in Nature for Health & vitality
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:53 AM)
Mothers - the first carers. Let's aim to include fathers too, eh!! (Keep dads for exercise? hahaha)
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)
I’ve been suffering from loneliness but exercise and being in nature has helped me get through it. And hugging the trees helps release the oxytocin ♥️🌲
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)
yay for shared exercise of mothers and fathers!
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)
monitoring our thoughts - stop toxic, negative self talk
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)
Love caring for our caretakers! Enrollment is way up for nurses and doctors though to offset that drop? Enrollment in baccalaureate nursing programs increased nearly 6% in 2020, to 250,856, according to preliminary results from an annual survey of 900 nursing schools by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Fauci effect: ::
BidenCare Open Enrollment - 2021 ACA Open Enrollment open until end of 2021 ::;CQ0-3n1teJDpzIT3DJe2Z3Of47CyGNrRs9eC15gBCfPDtQY7d5NXcJ2ORW5WIpumYociogbNYqUol7g7c8m5io_YJRkQGA&gclid=Cj0KCQiAj9iBBhCJARIsAE9qRtCRX8cuZ2n1TnDd9BioX3Q1xUPDshY5yMn0VjD70YtZyZzin9J7C64aArR5EALw_wcB::
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (11:54 AM)
Health is critical for inner and outer peace. Have you shared your views as we build up to understanding the intersection of Health and Peace: 1. Peace Lab survey for Individuals
2. Peace Lab survey for companies/organisations
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Well done Jen!! And - we love you too!! Maybe more zooming? Sing? Outside with the neighbours?
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Jen, if I can help, I’d love to…
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
not watch TV while eating !
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Ayurveda is all about nature within and external.
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Chew your food, honour the food as you engage with it and share your bread.
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Skiing is my daily Vit D dose and Exercise and respiratory therapy. Yay, joyful gliding!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Education - teach us to be conscious, caring and curious!!
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (11:55 AM)
Oh yes, I’ve also been singing outside with friends so I’m not totally alone. I have community around but don’t interact with them as much as I used to
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
Dance Sing & laugher yoga!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
Summer coming (for some of us?) That might help?
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
And, Breathing slower! Coherent Breathing-5 breaths per minute, 20 minutes a day bring brain-heart-lungs into optimal function
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
educate and introduce children to diet, meditation, yoga
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
Yes, Veronika xxx
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (11:57 AM)
Noel and Jen: I’ve been singing two hours every Sunday since I got COVID-helps with breathing, joy, connection, and reframing. and the jets from Hot tub helped also lungs from behind…Yes, veronika meditation and yoga and smart eating!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)
How are the big Hospitals and Clinics approaching Holistic care in the age of pandemic?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:59 AM)
In the UK - Sarita - seems that they are ignoring it - mostly. they stick to pharm and even the food is mass produced
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:00 PM)
I am on Medicare - it seems that whenever I try to see an integrative medicine doctor, they do NOT take medicare and I have to go someone who doesn't resonate with my values re: health :(
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:00 PM)
Hot tubs, lovely - baths are so comforting! Seniors apartments are being constructed without baths because of possible injury. The vital need for and benefits of communal baths is becoming clearer to me.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:01 PM)
(Will add - maybe I don't know - avoid as much as poss - altho I did work for the NHS. Conflict!!)
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:01 PM)
Kat - add howling at the moon ;)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:01 PM)
hahahaha howl howl!!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
When I had breast Cancer - I saw how difficult it was to manage holistic care- almost a shaming process. I ended up lying to my docs about taking the meds prescribed- and then just told them after the positive results came in. e
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)
You do what you have to, Sarita, though it’s not comfortable to have them think they succeeded… It’s good you’re here!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)
Well done but - sad, Sarita xxx Maybe it will change soon. Certainly the world is looking more at healthy living!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
Validation for all that happened should be part of our transition to our next state.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
I don’t lie anymore. Sometimes we internally have to navigate power and community opinions. now I’m stronger in my intuitive and indigenous upbringing. 👏
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
I'd add to that … forgiveness for all that has happened ;)
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
a win, indeed, Sarita. Strength can only be found through adversity.
Ken Haldenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
I just did the Peace survey, thanks for link
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
Well done Sarita. And yes, Noel!! Forgiveness is huge (even to the docs who are offering 'wrong' info)
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
moving from head to heart is necessary
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
when you’re not wearing a mask - SMILE - let them see the benefit of sharing love and joy!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:06 PM)
JOY & Forgiveness!
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
right on.. Veronika!!; you can also smile evenif you have a mask on ;)
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
to be grateful for everything we have
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
- -D xxx <3
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
remembering - this is just temporary
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)
- D
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)
And even with a mask on - people see the smile in your eyes!! (I tried it hahaha)
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)
there is a reason for the Covid… find the positive lessons we learn from it about self and life
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:08 PM)
Yes, all of that, and we are preparing for the George Floyd trials here in Minneapolis with quite a bit of reason for concern. All suggestions welcome!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)
reframe situation in positive results, not negative and concern
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)
Noel: love dogs howling: ::
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)
the longest trip is from the head to the heart
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:10 PM)
The Government in India has published Covid 19 guides based on Medical Systems Practiced In India. See ::
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)
national integrative health associates
Harriett Crosby to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)
Why isn't more information being made available to the public that the best defense against the coronavirus is a strong immune system? a healthy, wholesome lifestyle, balanced diet, getting outdoors, sunshine, exercise, slow breathing, getting plenty of sleep..
Stanley Pokras Pokras to Panelists and Attendees (12:11 PM)
I published an article on a repurposed prescription antidepressant, fluvoxamine, for early COVID. Of 145 volunteers who used it, zero needed hospitalization. My article is at
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:11 PM)
thanks Stan!!
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:11 PM) National integrative health Associates
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:12 PM)
That last note from Stanley Pokras Pokras was NOT from me... What is happening here???
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
This is exactly what I wanted to be part of in Los Angeles. This is amazing.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
disturbing, Stan
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
WOW!! Stan!! Interesting!! What IS happening??
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
do we have 2 Stanleys?!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)
Stan, that article is published by someone called John S James. Know him?
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)
This is great!
Harriett Crosby to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)
You can join the Zoom Meeting :: Meeting:: ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)
Mindfulness and healthy eating in schools, yoga and exercise.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)
OhGs, thanks, Harriet!
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)
Harriette- Many nations have released a lot of public information about building immunity as the first line of defence against the pandemic, the second was washing hands and sanititizing and the third was wearing masks when in public places, You cannon make a phone call in India without a public message of how to stay safe and prevent others from infection. Looks like the USA and UK seems to be in ostrich mode,
Kat Haber to Panelists and Attendees (12:16 PM)
Amy: be safe and thoughtful during George Floyd’s trial. All of these suggestions regarding protection from COVID are Xellent and I do. Still after 5 distinct Xosures the viral load got me. Nearly a year later still recovering. How might AI assist with a more efficient initial healthcare delivery system. Last evening I was on Clubhouse with Neil COP of Netflix turning his AI expertise to healthcare. He was describing using AI as an intake tool. Good day Chatpeople…on to visioning…
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
Totally agree James
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
thanks, Kat!!! great to have you with us!
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
unknowingly self healing - is placebo
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:18 PM)
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (12:18 PM)
Thoughts are things. Words bring them to life.
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:18 PM)
so we can heal ourselves if consciously focusing on healing
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
We live in an area where young people are encouraged to consider other gender earlier and earlier resulting in hormone injections and drugs. would love to hear thoughts about this.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Wow!! Indeed - the power of our words!! Very important Dr Gordon! The base for a conscious way of living!!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
controlling our thoughts is the most powerful change agent in our being
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
We heal ourselves by consciously focusing on Health perfect health. To focus on healing is to focus on the illness that needs to be healed. The body doesn't need an anatomy lesson. Just focus on Health.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Also - if the placebo effect works, why is it not used/validated? (Obvs 'cos no-one can make any money from it.) but - if we really want a healthy, happy world...………...
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Yes I have been using acupressure to avoid a whole lot of side-effects to the chemo and the medication. The government has a dedicated department for AYUSH.
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:21 PM)
Diane - John James is a friend of mine. He used my Ubiquity link to join here today... He's getting registered under his own name...
Richard Page to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Yes, James Turner- C5 and C7 acupuncture points, among others, for reducing chemo nausea…
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Focus on the magic of life filling you with love and light. Vibrant good health seeks you through the joy of life.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Stan - ahaaaaaa!!
MALINI Rajendran to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
aho Shannon. you said it so well.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
Focus on magic and magic works!! JOY!!! Yaaaaay!!!
Ina Albert to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
Ina Albert: I wrote an intergenerational/children’s book called Granny Greeny Says Listen Louder that teaches interpersonal communication and most important — what happens when we really listen to one another. Every age group needs to review their listening habits.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:23 PM)
Yaaaay Shannon and Malini - sopme peeps are already playing. Soon they'll all join in :)))
- some
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:23 PM)
Happily Ever After. The End. tie it up with a bow. Packaging and Marketing - puts the world to slumber.
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
cognitive dissonance :(
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:24 PM)
James Gordon and James Turner... could the discord in the world have people behind it who have lot$ to gain by sewing confusion and hate...
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
I wonder when we'll stop making guns?
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
Didn’t New Zealand get rid of their guns?
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Thank you to all the panelists and Eleanor LeCain for bringing this together... and of cours, Ubiquity!!
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
This has been wonderful, thank you all!
Tom Bowling to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Thank you all for a great session.
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Luv yr gut <3
Rachel Root to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Thank you everyone!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Yes, thanks to everybody here. This has been great!! Fun!! And a vision of better things to come!!
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:26 PM)
. ..oOo..
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Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
We will also be holding a planning session for the Peace LAB in a breakout room.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
You can also sign up for the daily Peace CHALLENGE at :: - The Peace Challenge will be on-going through February culminating in a week of Peace, March 1 to 5.
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RUthe Schoder-Ehri,Squaxin land to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
great summary Eleanor!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
QAnon seems to offer a solid expectable shared “ground” and a turning away from imagination. There is no joy there. Let’s share joy and wonder!!!
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
That was great session. Thank you ALL.
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Yeah... Jim Garrison!!
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
This really resonated with me.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
thank you, gentlemen and Eleanor! Common sense well presented.
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
acupuncture should be covered by medical insurance
Anna D Atkinson to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
Thank you so much to everyone for today ! It was an awesome seminar :-) So much learning.
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
wish I could join the chat... have another ZOOM .. next time ?!?!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)
absolutely, Noel - every HR day!!
RUthe Schoder-Ehri,Squaxin land to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)
millions of people have NO FOOD or not enough. it is very elitist for we advantaged folk (with time and eqpt to zoom here) to say "eat healthy food". how about Revolution of Global Food systems? or every grocery trip donate $20 to.licsl food banks?
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
“Science and Experts” have been used to weaponize natural process of healing and thriving.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
thank you, RuthE, so true. I remember the line-ups at the food banks …
we need to be empowered to take care of each other!!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
Yes Ruthie. Healthy Living is unaffordable to masses. We have to spread the resources
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
I live with a beautiful cat. I can touch her safely. :)
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
having a pet these days is very helpful.
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Grateful for our companion animals!!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
If we start taking care of each other (helping each other) we are empowered!! (Sh xxx)
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Grateful! thank you thank you!!!!!💕
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Grateful for ALL!!!!
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:32 PM)
. ..oOo..
- ==========================::
Chat PEOPLE and panelists
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes.
We will also be holding a planning session for the Peace LAB in a breakout room.
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
. ..oOo..
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Thanks everybody <3
Harriett Crosby to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
You can join the Zoom Meeting :: Meeting:: ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Yes. Again!!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Helping people - a way of life!! Never lonely again xxx
natalie seiden to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Also denial of covid and the necessity of the vaccine.
Noel Tech to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
Sandy Hook is just a symptom... so sad... must get to root
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
denial is driven by money and social exclusion.
Veronika Krejci to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
much confusion and mistrust about TRUTH.
Ken Haldenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
I think they deny to try to hang onto their profits first world view
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