HR!Day852 - Fri 2/9/24 Parenting in an AI World

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Day 852 Fri 2/9/24 Parenting in an AI World

--- Humanity Rising Day 852 - Friday February 9, 2024      (GoTo Bottom)
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In "Parenting in the Age of AI," we explore the unprecedented challenges and opportunities faced by parents in this new technological era: We are parents not just to our children, but also to the burgeoning sentience of machines.

At the same time we are part of the first generation in history to witness a unique parallel - our children's development seems intertwined with the evolving intelligence of AI. Both seem to move exponentially - especially for young parents. How does it feel to navigate this uncharted territory? What lessons can our traditional parenting skills offer in shaping the ethics of AI?

We dive into the philosophy that, like children, AI too requires a measure of freedom to develop. How do we align AI's growth with ethical guidelines while ensuring it has the liberty to evolve? How can we guide our children in forming healthy, informed relationships with AI? How can we, as parents, equip our children to interact with AI in a way that is respectful, safe, and beneficial?

As with Social Media, we have seen the potential dangers of parenting in a world of technology. This new frontier presents parents with a unique set of challenges and opportunities in co-raising their children with the intelligence of machines. This first generation of children raised with AI will be required to utilize technology in a way that past generations raised with radio, television, and computers never faced. How can parents support their children in responding to this challenge?

Join us in this as we unravel these questions and navigate the intricacies of parenting in an age where artificial and human intelligence grow side by side. This podcast is meant to a resource and a conversation starter for parents, educators, and anyone interested in the future of AI and its intersection with our daily lives.

Panelists: Griffin de Luce, Sarah Richardson Mehler

Moderators: Georg Boch, Tom Eddington

Convener: Jim Garrison

53 Watching on YouTube

Sarah Richardson Mehler

Sarah Mehler is the founder and CEO of Left Field Labs, a creative technology firm dedicated to evolving human-centric design and engineering. She holds a degree in Design for Emerging Media from UCLA, and has over 20 years of leadership building Digital, Immersive, and Experiential projects, platforms, and campaigns.

Sarah is deeply committed to her teams and partners, and actively cultivates an environment that supports mutual well-being. Her passion is rooted in creating meaningful impact through innovation, and she and her team collaborate with companies that share in this mission. Combining masterful design and technology with a heart-led philosophy, Sarah and Left Field Labs craft experiences with the intent to enrich people’s lives, communities, and the world at large.

Griffin de Luce

Griffin de Luce is a distinguished figure in the tech industry, known for his profound impact in AI, Blockchain, and Web3 development. He has advised and influenced various Fortune 500 companies and organizations including Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Mastercard, the SEC, and the World Bank. His journey began with The Gryphon Group, a pioneering technical agency in New York, which he founded and later sold to WPP plc.

Currently, Griffin is actively involved in innovative projects in the Social and FinTech sectors, such as Definitive.VC and the development of Metachain® Metaprotocols™. Additionally, as a co-founding CTO of Ubiquity University, Griffin de Luce has been instrumental in fostering educational innovation and leveraging technology for broader global impact.

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