HR!Day236 - Mindhive: A new approach to Collective Intelligence
- --- Humanity Rising Day 236 - Wednesday April 28, 2021 (GoTo Bottom)
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In this session, we will dialogue with Bruce Muirhead, the Founding Chief Executive Officer of Mindhive - a global collective intelligence platform and ecosystem of some 12,000 thought leaders and partners.
Bruce has more than 25 years of experience building large-scale partnerships between the public and private sectors, focusing on the connections between economic, public, and social innovation. Before Mindhive, Bruce established and led the Eidos Institute: a public policy think tank focusing on research‐informed human capital, productivity and wellbeing policy by aggregating the capacity and influence of 55 member university and government institutes and centres across Australia and South Africa to undertake beneficial policy generative research.
Eidos and MindHive are networks of partners dedicated to developing ideas through collaboration to improve public interest's economic and social outcomes. They work by applying shared intelligence to public policy challenges and building partnerships between universities, governments, businesses and other social partners. The Eidos Institute is a Finalist in the Australian Business Innovation Awards and a recipient of an Australian Business Innovation Award, Australian Business Award for Community Contribution and a Lord Mayor's Innovation Award. MindHive has recently been named in the top 10 most innovative products and services in Australia by the most effective innovation awards program in Australia, the Anthill Magazine SMART 100. Most recently, he was awarded World's Boldest Crowdsourcing Platform for Mindhive.
Before joining Eidos, Muirhead was the founding Director of The University of Queensland's 'Boilerhouse' Research Centre. He has more than 25 years of experience in building partnerships between the public and private sectors, focusing on the connections between economic, public, and social innovation in community capacity development at local and global levels.
Bruce has obtained an international reputation, committed to community development. He has presented more than 50 academic and seminar conference papers; publishing 22 public policy reports; preparing 29 articles, numerous working papers and monographs published or in preparation; and leading 35 past, current, and submitted multidisciplinary and applied projects totalling more than $10M. He has a solid international academic network and is involved in ongoing research collaborations, including multi-million dollar grant developments, with colleagues in Australia, South Africa, Europe, North America, and the UK. His recognition as an internationally respected applied academic is evident by an Adjunct Professorial position at Griffith University, invitations to speak at international conferences in the USA, South Africa and the UK, including sponsorships by Stanford University Pennsylvania; The Ford Foundation; The University of Maryland, USA and Education Victoria, Australia. He was an invited participant to the Prime Minister's Australia Leaders Summit.
The Australian Government acknowledged Bruce as leading one of ten national projects (alongside the Sydney Olympics and the response to the Bali bombings) for creating large-scale collaboration to respond to Australia's priority challenges in social and economic impact. He has led more than $40M in research and development projects in Australia, Asia, Africa, UK, Europe and the Middle East. Over the past few years, he has been invited to speak on policy innovation in the USA, South Africa, Europe and UK. He works extensively with Government, university and international boards and executives on collaboration and their innovation futures. Bruce lives in Queensland, Australia with his wife Fiona and their three children. Besides his family, Bruce's interests include public policy, innovation and ideas, live music, the beach and travel. He has previously lived and worked in London.
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
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