HR!Day216 - Co-Creating Europe: Exploring the Potential of Unity and Diversity
- --- Humanity Rising Day 216 - Wednesday March 31, 2021 (GoTo Bottom)
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As a network of change-makers, Co-Creating Europe is dedicated to stewarding Europe to connect those that can relate to the essentials to co-create in the present time honoring, include and transcend the past, manifesting the emergent future now.
We aim for a fundamentally new political and spiritual kind of sharing life on this planet. Despite all of its current problems, we believe in the potential of Europe to embrace unity in diversity and become an experimental hub for new, transnational forms of society. As a network of purpose-driven individuals and initiatives, we want to contribute to this process. We stand for a Europe that it true to its best values but willing to face and transform the shadows of our history and culture so we can be an inspiring partner for all world-cultures in co-creating humanity’s future as a new partnership between a multitude of our world’s cultures and a new partnership between us humans, spirit and earth.
Co-Creating Europe’s mission is connecting spiritual and social change-makers from all European countries and regions. We aim to inspire and learn from each other to transform Europe into a place of solidarity and diversity, rooted in the prior unity of all being.
The Caravan of Unity Series is a format allowing us to show up together glocally in Spirit, Art, Dialogue and Action to learn, co-create, and celebrate. “Another Kind of Spring!” is the theme of the March 2021 virtual tour from March 8-22, 2021
- Anne-Marie Voorhoeve is an Evolutionary Leader, co-founder of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence (THC), core team member of Co-Creating Europe and lead of its CCE Action Team, initiator-vision holder of Caravan of Unity in Europe, core team member of World Unity Week 2021. Focussing on the emergence of heart-centered planetary governance, she Coalesces Authority, Power and Influence (CAPI-Adizes). She is part of core teams of conscious networks like Integral City Meshworks, WholeWorld-View and Unity Community, the Club of Budapest. Ambassador of Loving Classroom-Loving World, active member and facilitator of SINE which provides community leaders with networked resources to maximize impact. She is an experienced integral facilitator and practises the WholeWorld-View framework Think Cosmic, Feel Global, Act Local. Meshweaving and meshworking around the world, she loves to work intergenerationally, balancing the masculine and the feminine in co-creation, guided by the Universal Heart.
- Julian Baller is a scholar, cultural activist, project manager, and change facilitator. He is the managing director and community holder of Co-Creating Europe, served as a board member of Integrales Forum Germany, and took the lead in organizing and facilitating the European leg of the Caravan of Unity 2020. From his academic background in cultural theory and aesthetics, he brings a deep passion for history, epistemology, and continental philosophy that he loves to combine with his insights in non duality and the evolution of consciousness.
- Annette Kaiser is founder Co-Creating Europe and was born in Zurich in 1948. After studying economics and Sociology at the University of St. Gallen (CH), she worked for many years in the field of development cooperation. At the end of the 1980s she founded her Tai Ji DO school and has been training teachers ever since. From 1982 she was a student of Mrs. Irina Tweedie for 17 years and was authorized by her in 1998 to continue the specific path of love. In 2000 she developed the “practice path DO”, which she continues to develop and teach people in a non-dual, cosmocentric understanding. In today’s teaching and learning activities,. As an evolutionary visionary, who sees herself in the tradition of an enlightened mysticism, she is close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Mirra Alfassa, Auroville). In her book “One World – One Humanity – One Consciousness” she invites to a Universal Spirituality.
- MiraMichelle is the founder and director of the Sacred Female Rising Institute, The Cleanse Site Project and author of the upcoming book, ‘Sacred-ize Your Life - The Ancient Art of Ceremony meets the Contemporary Age’. She is member of the Action Team of Co-Creating Europe. Mira’s love for humanity and planet Earth have bought her to a profound place of advocacy for female-kind. She feels that for humanity to truly establish peace it is necessary to restore and bolster the innate worth and core values of the Divine Feminine. MiraMichelle is a quantum shamanic healer and resonates with the role of ‘spirit midwife’ to awakening consciousness and is inspired by the symbiotic relationship between humankind and Earth coupled with science and the path of the contemporary shaman.
- Puria Kaestele works as a healer and transformational alchemist, empowering people in journeys of healing and awakening in individual sessions, workshops and retreats. She was a founding member of a trans-generational community and a non-profit organization for cultural change in Germany, where she managed its seminar center for three years. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 she organized international teleconferences “Conscious Evolution Summit” where she interviewed more than 100 experts. She is member of the Action Team of Co-Creating Europe.
- Shweta Srivastav is a Design Researcher, Architect, Educator, and Sustainability Consultant. She has a PhD in urban sustainability and a deep interest in trans-disciplinary learning, critical sustainability studies, the idea of indicators and pathways to sustainability transitions and much more. She has worked in the UK, India and Netherlands on co-creative projects and learning engagements for systemic impact. She was previously coordinator of the UNESCO chair in Culture, Habitat and Sustainable Development and Associate Dean at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore India and am currently on a journey with The Hague Center of Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence as a Meshworks Coordinator. An eternal optimist, she refuses to see the world in problems, only ways to a better life, society and universe.
- Lev Gordon is a lifetime student of the human condition, communications and leadership. He graduated with honors from St. Petersburg University of Telecommunications, received a Masters in European Business from Ecole Nationale Superieure de Telecmmunications de Bretagne, Executive MBA in Strategy and Leadership from Columbia Business School, and attended executive education programs at Harvard Business School and London Business School. After working for 12 years in telecommunications and financial sectors on various projects with 35 countries, Lev retuned to Russia where he served as president of a private university and later co-founded the Association for City Development and Forum of Living Cities, applying the principles of integral development.
- Adrian Iacobus is a member of the core team of The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence. He consults with C-suite executives of large, complex organisations of 1000’s of professionals in private and public sectors in Romania, throughout Europe and North America. He guides leaders to rearrange internal policies and procedures to shift to an integral, wholistic approach, such as shifting authentically to client centered care in a large hospital. He helps clients achieve coherence around the organizations objective and individual internal and cultural development using methodologies and concepts of Integral Coaching (Ken Wilber), Teal Organizations (Frederic Laloux), Organizational Agility, Meshworking and Spiral Dynamics integral (Don Beck), Leaderless Networks, U-Theory (Otto Sharmer).
- Ervin Laszlo was born in 1932 in Budapest and received the Sorbonne’s highest degree, the Doctorat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines, in 1970. Shifting to the life of a scientist and humanist, he lectured at various U.S. Universities including Yale and Princeton. Following his work on modeling the future evolution of world order at Princeton, he was asked to produce a report for the Club of Rome, of which he was a member. In the late 70s and early 80s, Laszlo ran global projects at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research at the request of the Secretary-General. In the 1990s, his research led him to the discovery of the Akashic Field. He is the author, co-author or editor of 101 books that have appeared in a total of 23 languages He is a member of numerous scientific bodies, including the Inter- national Academy of Science, the World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, and the International Medici Academy. Laszlo received the Goi Award, the Japan Peace Prize in 2001, the Assisi Mandir of Peace Prize in 2006, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.
- Marilyn Hamilton PhD, CPA (ret) is a city (or Human Hive) evolutionist, futurist, PRAQtivist, author and independent researcher. Through Placecaring and Placemaking, she co-creates conditions for cities to reframe complex challenges. Designing “learning habitats” for the 4 Voices of the city – the Citizens, Civil Society, Civic Managers and Business/Innovators -- to care for self, others, place and planet, she has facilitated workshops for Wemakethe.City 2018-19, Ecocity World Summit 2019, 6Aika Finland, Energetic City 2050, IDG Smart City, Globe Forum Sustainable Cities,and Integral Theory/Europe Conferences. Founder of Integral City Meshworks Inc; author of the Integral City Book Series; Board Member Findhorn College and faculty Royal Roads U, she convenes Integral City communities of practice. She is member of the Action Team of Co-Creating Europe
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- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
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