HR!Day179 - Revolutionary Love and Prophetic Empathy – A Strategy for Progressives for the Next Two Decades
Humanity Rising Day 179 – Monday February 8, 2021
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Join Rabbi Michael Lerner and Cat Zavis, Convener of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, as we explore how we can co-create a caring society - one that centers the needs of people and the planet rather than corporate interests. How might our economic, education, legal, and political systems look if guided by love, generosity, empathy, justice, and peace? We will explore the limitations that social change movements face when they ground their approach solely in arguments of economic entitlement and political rights and the need for a more nuanced, psycho-spiritual analyses of the political landscape, moving beyond materialist-reductionism and shame.
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University, with Sabinije von Gaffke, Entrepreneur, Change Leader, Founder, Impactfullness Ventures
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