HR!Day148 - Day148 Dialogue With Zvi Ish-Shalom

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In this dialogue with Zvi Ish-Shalom, Jim and Zvi will discuss mystical Judaism, the relevance of the Kabbalah in contemporary life, and a new mystical teaching based on the primordial spirituality of the Torah, called Kedumah.

Zvi Ish-Shalom, Ph.D., is a professor of wisdom traditions at Naropa University and is the founder and guiding teacher of Kedumah. He is the author of The Kedumah Experience and the forthcoming publication The Path of Primordial

Videos Chats & Images of HR Day 148

Humanity Rising Day 148 - Friday November 27, 2020

Videos Today's Video Recording (Jim mistakenly calls the day "146" in his welcome message)
Chats Humanity Rising Chat: Day148HRChat After Chat: Day148HRAfterChat
Images HR Presenters
Resources Ubiquity Link for Day 148


Co-Moderators Org URL Other Links Comment
Jim Garrison President of Ubiquity University and Founder Humanity Rising Humanity Rising, Ubiquity University UbiVerse Social Platform Humanity Rising: A Global Solutions Summit. “Transforming conversations that matter into action that makes a difference."
Sabinije von Gaffke Founder of Impactfullness Ventures . . Entrepreneur and Change Leader
Zvi Ish-Shalom, Ph.D. Naropa University . author of The Kedumah Experience and the forthcoming publication The Path of Primordial Humanity Rising Presenter


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Category:   Spirit & Soul Community Culture Arts mystical Judaism, Kabbalah, mystical teaching, primordial, spirituality,Torah, Kedumah