Humanity Rising Day 147 After Chat
- Date: Friday November 27, 2020 (2020-11-27)
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Chat from Chat People Zoom from HR Day 147:
- 00:12:27 Daniel: the indigenous i know, have no concept of owning land, money is communal, however they/we do manage time
- 00:13:43 Mushin: Chief Mel Lone Hill “Oglala Lakota Proclamation†March 24th, 2017 responding to Trump Executive Order!AuH1jbUiyrlQea3JtFKcUS0fwGE
- 00:16:48 Daniel: humility - of the earth
- 00:18:11 Daniel: humus is the organic broken down matter of the earth, humility
- 00:18:15 Shannon McArthur: needs of the body served by the heat of the fire within the earth
- 00:18:27 Shannon McArthur: water serves us all
- 00:19:05 Kurt Krueger: You got to meet him? WOW.
- 00:19:41 Kurt Krueger: Great book on Padre Pio.
- 00:19:54 Shannon McArthur: we call it channeling ;)
- 00:20:04 Daniel: the ancestors are dis-membered, to re-member
- 00:21:20 Rajinder Jhol: +1 @daniel
- 00:21:30 Daniel: shadows are not a problem, they are lessons and gifts
- 00:23:58 Daniel: we are constantly evolving, in every moment, creation, infinite possibilities in the time continuum tunnel
- 00:24:12 Julie Wolf: We are nature saving - adapting ourselves.
- 00:24:18 Daniel: we are animals
- 00:24:33 Daniel: whale and dolphins are also in thew fourth world
- 00:24:35 Shannon McArthur: we are the wonderers
- 00:24:47 Shannon McArthur: The Mystery is ours.
- 00:25:02 Kurt Krueger: Dan, Totally - as well as Elephants. :)
- 00:25:11 Daniel: Kurt, yes
- 00:25:38 Daniel: diversity makes us stronger, measure of health
- 00:26:35 Daniel: Hey, we traveled to the fourth and fifth world, many weeks back
- 00:27:28 Daniel: I love it malini
- 00:28:54 Daniel: there were two trees in the garden of eden, christian cosmology
- 00:28:57 Shannon McArthur: how very Christian of us/them
- 00:29:21 Daniel: this set up, may have been a flaw of the christian mythology
- 00:29:30 Shannon McArthur: one of many!
- 00:29:39 Daniel: and this mythology is christian-centric
- 00:30:50 Julie Wolf: Non human sentient beeings, as Malini is speaking, are not othering like we are/do. We can learn from that non-human intelligence. if we will only open to it, let go of the illusion of superiority.
Book: Spirit Bee by Jaqualine Freeman the bees communal wisdom and of nature and even humans is so enlightneing. I bow to that intelligence. I bow.
- 00:31:11 Daniel: control is a mechanism of unhealthy boundaries, and manipulation, flow. christian also in mythology
- 00:31:54 Rajinder Jhol: wonderful malini
- 00:32:19 Daniel: the fifth is already there, yes Lesley
- 00:32:27 Daniel: and my point of view, is why not today
- 00:32:41 Shannon McArthur: changing our lenses so we can see, and walk into it!!!
- 00:33:05 Daniel: yes, separation is not a problem
- 00:33:22 Daniel: albeit the root of suffering
- 00:33:49 Daniel: we live in a dualistic and non-dualistic worlds
- 00:33:55 Jon Harvey: "There's no other space around this space, so this must be the space"
- 00:34:21 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Yes Jon
- 00:34:26 Rajinder Jhol: torus flow state is space for connection
- 00:34:29 Julie Wolf: Spirit Bee: Book and watch teh video here
- 00:34:36 Daniel: the space within the space is a portal to deep meditation
- 00:35:35 Daniel: there is no such thing as devolution (devilution)
- 00:35:55 Rajinder Jhol: +1 Daniel
- 00:36:00 auguste hill: happy Thanksgiving everyone! gotta go cook. see you soon
- 00:36:38 Shannon McArthur: bye Auguste!! c u tomorrow I hope!
- 00:37:15 Rajinder Jhol: @malini, interesting point you made in control
- 00:38:17 Kurt Krueger: Connect with Ram Ravi Bokenkamp, 1132 XX Volendam
- 00:38:35 Kurt Krueger: Annelies
- 00:38:57 Daniel: to get the great gifts, it helps to learn the great lessons. and then celebrate.
- 00:39:52 Daniel: happy thanks giving
- 00:40:15 Mushin: @Basil and @Malina the Western creation story & fall is the shadow misinterpreting creation, a mistaken observer error based in political economic power denying the essence of primordial wisdom continuums. A powerful book by Vine Delorious Jr is “C. J. Jung and Sioux Traditions: Visions, Dreams, Nature, and Primordial.† I consider this a new uplifting OPEN conversation deep diving into a radical constructive new interpretation of primordial. Thanks for your comments. University of Colorado linguistic department asserts Lakota language will survive this moment of creative destruction. Thanks
- 00:42:33 Kurt Krueger: Two sources for the extreme value Indigenous wisdom and power of the Feminine side. SACRED INSTRUCTIONS by Sherri Mitchell. THE ABSOLUTE BEST BOOK ON BLENDING INDIGENOUS WISDOM FOR LIVING THE LIFE WE WERE ALL MEANT TO LEAD - one of compassion and peace. Using Science, Regenerative agriculture, Feminine/Masculine, Spirituality, and Societal change...
ANOTHER connector with nature is The Four Sacred Gifts, a great book by an indigenous elder, Anita Sanchez - former panelist on Humanity Rising.
- 00:43:10 Annelies Weijschede: Bring in the weavers…!
- 00:44:40 marciaraffstudio: A special THANKS to Stan for making “us†happen!!!
- 00:45:24 Julie Wolf: Yes Annelies!
- 00:45:48 Julie Wolf:
- 00:46:31 Basil Savitsky:
- 00:46:33 Rajinder Jhol: thank you for presence basil
- 00:46:36 Annelies Weijschede: Thank you for this gathering… I am currently within Center for Human Emergence in NL (salon host and coordinator) and a weaver in Co-creating Europe… Thank you, I receive all your mails (and you have my mail:
- 00:46:51 Annelies Weijschede: Good now to you all!
- 00:47:09 Shannon McArthur:
- 00:47:16 Basil Savitsky: Thanks!! Bye all…
- 00:47:25 Shannon McArthur: thank you Basil
- 00:47:32 marciaraffstudio: where do we get the invite for tonight Shannon
- 00:48:29 Mushin: Thank you and have a great thanksgiving. I am off to cook two Pecan Pies for a Lakota Family gathering. Doksha
- 00:48:48 Julie Wolf: Shannon today 6-8pm Find the Zoom room at
Gratitude to Mother Earth by I am the Preistess of Gaia thru Shannon
- 00:48:50 Shannon McArthur: Be well and safe, Mushin, thanks for coming!
- 00:49:21 Daniel: the platinum rule - love others the way they want to be loved
- 00:49:27 Daniel: has some pitfalls also
- 00:49:55 Mushin: You too Shannon and share your honor to Unci Maka.
- 00:49:56 marciaraffstudio: Thanks Julie
- 00:50:07 Shannon McArthur: we are animals but disconnected from Source; we are re-membering
- 00:51:16 Shannon McArthur: perhaps they are your teacher… the beauty shines through when you learn the lesson
- 00:51:27 Shannon McArthur: Rajinder, it was lovely to see your face!!
- 00:51:44 Jon Harvey: We seem on the surface to be more than animals, but we are also disconnected from Gaia- we have lost our roots, ready to collapse as a result
- 00:51:59 Shannon McArthur: or take flight, Jon
- 00:52:13 Shannon McArthur: 7
- 00:52:42 marciaraffstudio: why not use this room as a breakout
- 00:52:55 Jon Harvey: Interesting. In some sense, birds are connected to Gaia (I think ?!?) but in what way??
- 00:54:18 marciaraffstudio: Jon…everything you see and dont see on this earth is connected. We are all made of the same source.
- 00:54:38 Shannon McArthur: they have the sense they were born with — we were not born with it… it is the sense of the Oneness that we are re-membering
- 00:55:03 Daniel: sometimes we don’t (yet) UNDERSTAND, OR PERHAPS NEVER. AND BEING RIGHT WITH THT. UNCERTAINTY.
- 00:55:08 Daniel: SORRY FOR THE CDAPS
- 00:55:10 Daniel: CAPS
- 00:55:13 Stanley Pokras: Marcia, this room is available any time, If you feel like holding a conversation. just invite people to this very zoom.
- 00:55:21 Kurt Krueger: Sacred/holy space of the heart
- 00:55:24 Jon Harvey: Yes, we need to lean into the mystery
- 00:56:00 marciaraffstudio: Stan…that is good of you to make this room available whenever.
- 00:56:27 Kurt Krueger: Opening/allowing Stillness
- 00:57:08 Daniel: stillness can be a place of spiritual bypassing
- 00:57:40 Kurt Krueger: Dan, yes/no
- 00:57:45 Daniel: we go beyond knowingness yess
- 00:58:04 Daniel: kurt, i said can be, so yes, yes and no
- 00:59:06 Daniel: success - we can upgrade our relationship with success
- 00:59:22 Kurt Krueger: Our ChatClan is now shaping reality in Action within the stillness. :)
- 01:*00:35 marciaraffstudio: Lesley, thanks to Sen we can do that!
- 01:*00:41 marciaraffstudio: Stan…
- 01:*01:20 Julie Wolf: Jon inspired me to sing this and it feesl so good.
Lean Into the World — Laurence › album › lean-into-the-world
Lean into the world, and trust the deeper currents that move, that move through all things. Part Two: Embrace your grief for there your soul will grow.
- 01:*01:33 Julie Wolf: .
feels so good
- 01:03:45 marciaraffstudio: I was saving that chat for me and somehow it got sent as a message?
- 01:04:14 Rajinder Jhol: and unlearning
- 01:05:02 Daniel: like a hummingbird
- 01:05:07 Daniel: or a still lake, Kurt
- 01:05:43 Suzanne Marie: Thank you Rajinder ... thank you Stan, thank you Lesley, thank you Shannon, thank you All
- 01:05:56 Daniel: stillness is an archetype,
- 01:05:59 Rajinder Jhol: 🌸
- 01:06:08 Shannon McArthur: thank you, Suzanne, for witnessing… beautiful soul
- 01:06:08 Julie Wolf: X0 Suzanne!
- 01:07:05 marciaraffstudio: Nice to see you looking good Sally!
- 01:07:56 Shannon McArthur: had to come home to experience this - and your lovely granddaughter…
- 01:08:13 Daniel: rocky mountains must be your temple, Lesley ST
- 01:08:38 Shannon McArthur: The Rocky Mountains are the spine of the One We Are, imho...
- 01:08:40 marciaraffstudio: Funny, I’m trying to figure out why am I Austin, Texas, of all places????
- 01:09:23 Kurt Krueger: worship Love. Show only scenes of Love to the witness behind your eyes. Let your behavior be full of Love. Let your Love for cows, dogs, trees, flowers and fruit grow each day, as Love is the basis of all. Muktananda
- 01:10:40 Natalie: lol
- 01:10:42 Stanley Pokras: The idea of a meditative mind is discussed in a very humorous way by
Mark Gungor, a comedian who speaks of "The Nothing Box" (aka. Mens's vs. Women's brains.)
10 minutes:
5 minutes
- 01:12:02 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Yes that is a beautiful profound and funny video.
- 01:16:45 Stanley Pokras: Jea - My friend Tom Greco speaks and writes about how the money system may change. His book "The End of Money and the Future of Civilization" points at a specific way...
- 01:16:59 Shannon McArthur: I’m not sorry you’re from Germany, Jea!! Love to hear your accent, and your point of view. Thank you. We are finding new, better ways; through our struggles we see them… let’s hope to engage in responding to Climate Change instead of Nuclear Change.
- 01:19:23 Shannon McArthur: each one of us has the choice - collective choices change the world
- 01:19:32 Daniel: I keep thinking about the shapes talk yesterday, that was incrediblwe
- 01:20:06 Jon Harvey: I spent my last year of kindergarten in Germany and have mostly idyllic memories of it.
- 01:20:07 Shannon McArthur: a quantum shift has happened in the last couple of weeks, imho
- 01:20:39 Shannon McArthur: story of so many lives!!
- 01:21:13 Julie Wolf: True for me Shannon. I jouined Humanity rising and ChatPeople Action 2 weeks ago (or 3)
- 01:21:51 Daniel: i work with individuals to help them find their innate ability to heal and become radiance, and I mentor professionals to become the same
- 01:22:23 Julie Wolf: Thank you Daniel for your work!
- 01:22:48 Daniel: your welcome, so this stuff is not philosophy, rather tools.
- 01:23:04 Daniel: and words matter
- 01:23:23 Kurt Krueger: FOCUS on what we want. Let go of the negative forces attraction
- 01:23:25 Daniel: and loving connection matter, soul kitchen and emotional intelligence
- 01:24:04 Julie Wolf: Jea can you use the Zoom to raise your hand?
- 01:24:19 Daniel: energy follow attention, attention follows intention. life follows energy
- 01:24:46 Kurt Krueger: DAN, OH YEAH
- 01:24:59 Daniel: hahahaha Kurt
- 01:25:36 Daniel: not only in the heart, also in the souls kitchen, oneness (dzougchen) and helpfulness (yes Stnley)
- 01:25:40 Daniel: stanley
- 01:25:47 Rajinder Jhol: well said Malini 🌸
- 01:26:05 Daniel: well said Malinin
- 01:26:26 Rajinder Jhol: ðŸ™ðŸŒ¸
- 01:26:26 Daniel: there is a step past complete surrender
- 01:26:31 Daniel: or steps
- 01:27:04 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Ill put it in the chat.
- 01:28:33 Shannon McArthur: I believe a Jubilee will be enacted. I don’t know how… and yet, my knowledge is not necessary.
- 01:28:33 Kurt Krueger: Jea, do you know of SEED?
- 01:28:49 Shannon McArthur: Yay, SEEDS!!
- 01:29:52 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life:
- 01:30:15 marciaraffstudio: Maybe changing the purpose of the current armed forces…Those departments could serve American and lots of people who have o other “community†will still have the services…just change from “armed†to Peace.
- 01:30:19 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: This all about the reset and the fourth industrial revolution.
- 01:31:08 Jea: Save our planet - Save our existence !
[1] - Response to #FaceTheClimateEmergency [2] - Survival war measures of Humanity - Our last ditch hope ! [3]
- 01:31:31 Natalie: You can see the workshop we were working on here: which is a part of this
- 01:32:20 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Jea please see the video link I sent you.
- 01:33:40 Shannon McArthur: coincidence = MOM, the Magic in Ordinary Moments… how we are guided by the Divine, each of us
- 01:34:08 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Today is Indian Constitution Day.
- 01:34:24 Rajinder Jhol: what a beautiful coincidence 🌸
- 01:34:35 Shannon McArthur: Bless India, Malini, thank you for telling us!
- 01:34:40 Kurt Krueger: Happy days for Malini,
- 01:36:04 Cate Roberts: shannon do you know bob and Noel? co- creators doing something similar it would be great if you got together! And Joel I’m wondering if you know Dr. Sialish Rau in the climate of healers movement?you need to please come back!
- 01:37:04 Shannon McArthur: Julie you have to put the link in...
- 01:37:43 Jea: That's by the way my email in order to contact me personally for a further exchange:
- 01:37:48 Shannon McArthur: lean into the world!! good words!
- 01:38:39 Kurt Krueger: Sailesh is a great soul, I was on his section of the 11 Days of Global Unity. A bit of an extremest - with Eskimos being vegan!
- 01:39:07 Kurt Krueger: Jae, Looking forward to collaborating with you.
- 01:39:16 Shannon McArthur: Cate, I don’t think I do, except for seeing them on screen… all in time… blessed be!
- 01:39:24 Kurt Krueger: As with Rajinder
- 01:51:17 Daniel: beautiful meditation - thank you Malini
- 01:51:51 Daniel: swaha
- 01:52:19 Rajinder Jhol: thank you malini 🌸🙠thank you everyone here
- 01:52:46 Lesley Southwick-Trask: thank you Malini - beautiful
- 01:53:12 Jea: Good bye all :)
- 01:53:24 Daniel: good bye all, gratitude
- 01:53:41 franka strietzel: 🥰👋
- 01:59:17 Rajinder Jhol: there will be many new currencies