HR!Day141 - Dialogue with Malcolm Stern: How to thrive amidst loss and uncertainty
Humanity Rising Day 141 – Wednesday November 18, 2021
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- Malcolm Stern, psychotherapist, author and co-founder of Alternative
- Peter Merry, Chief of Innovation, Ubiquity University, with Sabinije von Gaffke, Entrepreneur, Change Leader, Founder, Impactfullness Ventures
Peter Merry hosts Malcolm Stern, psychotherapist, author and the co-founder of Alternatives in the UK, the UK’s longest running weekly mind body spirit events company. Malcolm’s new book "Slay your dragons with Compassion” is being released this September. In the book, Malcolm explores practices for managing loss, informed by his daughter Melissa taking her own life in 2014 and how he coped. Building on that, Peter and Malcolm will go into some tools for thriving amidst the kind of instability and loss that we are facing individually and collectively as humanity today.
Personal Development - Health - Education - Culture - Spirit & Soul
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