Esperide Ananas Ametista
Esperide Ananas Ametista, PhD, is a psycho-sociologist, pioneer in human development research, coach, writer, and designer. She has worked for the European Parliament and the United Nations. A citizen of Damanhur since 1993
Esperide Ananas Ametista, MA., Hon PhD, Wisdom University is a Socio-psychologist, energy therapist, spiritual facilitator, and expert in meditation and creative visualization. She has worked for international organizations including the European Parliament and the UN, specializing in gender equality. Almost thirty years ago, Esperide decided to become a resident citizen of the Spiritual Federation of Damanhur to deepen her spiritual practices and metaphysical knowledge. There, she graduated in Spiritual Healing, specializing in cellular rejuvenation and energy activation of the human being. For many years, she has conducted research into ritual since ancient time, and led hundreds of people to retrieve memories of the vastness of their presence throughout time, in order to better identify their current life purpose. She is trained in transformative peace negotiation, and is a certified SoulCollage facilitator. Esperide speaks five languages fluently, is a writer, and loves poetry, literature, films and music. She is also a published lyricist.
Participation on Humanity Rising
- Day003 Community, Creativity And Spirituality Rebelieving Our World
- Day 124 Art and the Revolution
- Day 338 Wed 10/13/21 Women on Men: What do women think of men and how men should transform?
- Day 366-2 Thu 11/18/21 Man In Relationship To The World
- Day 757 Tue 9/12/23 WARRIORS CRY FOR PEACE: The Metallurgy of Grief: Voices of Ground Zero