Humanity Rising Day 686 After Chat – Friday April 28, 2023
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 686:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:07:33 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 686
00:12:13 Rob Hayes: Watch "Humanity Rising Day 686: Summit on Ukraine V: Understanding Who blew up the the Nordstream Pipeli…" on YouTube
00:12:15 Stanley Pokras: ::!Day686::
00:16:27 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network:
00:25:49 Stanley Pokras: How Wealth Rules the World – Ben G. Price ::
00:27:14 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: What happens when we focus on what we want?
We know the history and how horrible people and our planet HAVE been treated.
We are living NOW, and can create a new reality when we focus upon it. When we want virtues and values to be expressed by others, how do people learn these? DO our schools educate for quality character? Does our society have a 200 year old Medical and Economic system creating good for all? What can replace it?
Research shows that when the least of us is uplifted/educated/healed, it VASTLY improves all others.
The Stoics had an expression: Acta non verba. Deeds not words.
00:31:44 Stanley Pokras: Deborah, Please send us your email address. Mine is
00:39:14 DeborahHenderson:
00:39:33 Leo Jacoby: :: (Centre for Inspired Leadership CIL)
00:45:01 Stanley Pokras: The intentional Community Findhorn ::
00:48:11 Shannon McArthur (she/her): Please, Michael, if there’s a link to the story of the Turtle Garden, please add it here.
00:48:29 Shannon McArthur (she/her): ::
00:48:36 michael: ::
00:49:55 michael: ::
00:50:27 michael: ::
00:51:17 michael: ::
00:51:36 Leo Jacoby: ::
00:52:10 Leo Jacoby: SEEDS offers tools to help you, your business and your movement regenerate our planet and encourage collaboration, cooperation and community building. We are changing the way we assign and distribute value.
00:52:24 Stanley Pokras: The SEEDS community ::
00:55:03 Stanley Pokras: Future Humans Trilogy with Jean Houston - Anneloes Smitsman ::
00:56:20 Leo Jacoby: leaving for the day. Ciao1
00:59:39 Rob Hayes: Have to start driving again. Be well folks. Thanks for showing up here. Hope to see you all again soon. 🌲😎🌲
01:09:21 Stanley Pokras: Where there is participation, there is appreciation
01:17:14 michael: ::
01:18:16 michael: ::
01:20:02 michael: ::
01:20:32 michael: ::
01:22:49 michael: ::
01:29:34 DeborahHenderson: Sorry everyone -- I'm going to need to sign off. I'd lost track of time .. and am late for a dinner.
01:30:06 michael:
01:30:40 michael:
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