Humanity Rising Day 632 After Chat – Tuesday February 14, 2023
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 632:
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Leo's Links for HR Day 632 on Black Madonnas
00:04:13 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 632
00:09:13 Leo Jacoby: Stan has compiled many links re. Black Madonna: ::
00:10:36 Leo Jacoby: Links shared today (click before chat closes)
00:13:09 Leo Jacoby: :: (1:08:38 Yesterday's Ubiquity Chartres Academy Community Call, Feb 13th 2023_
00:14:39 Leo Jacoby: :: (1:11:10 Ubiquity Chartres Academy Community Webinar, Jan 8th 2023)
00:14:53 Diana Will:
00:15:36 Shannon McArthur:
00:15:53 Leo Jacoby: :: (1:14:27 Chartres Community Call Webinar, September 12th, 2022)
00:17:30 Leo Jacoby: :: (Playlist of Chartres Community Call Webinars)
00:19:21 Leo Jacoby: 57 videos in the Playlist (above)
00:20:43 Diana Will: I have to jump off to get to an 11am meeting. thank you so much
00:21:25 Leo Jacoby: :: (Register for The Black Madonna for Racial Liberation Friday, March 24, 2023 12:00 pm EST)
00:27:42 Leo Jacoby: :: (Previous talks in this series available:
00:27:45 Leo Jacoby: January 27, 2023: Pilgrimage in the Global Middles Ages: Hospitality and Encounter
February 10, 2023: Becoming a Pilgrim People
March 3, 2023: Sacred Art and the Journey Toward Justice
March 24, 2023: The Black Madonna for Racial Liberation
00:29:53 Leo Jacoby: Another Matthew Fox link: ::
00:31:51 Leo Jacoby: :: (3,845 results for black madonna in all
View black madonna in videos (209)
00:34:20 Leo Jacoby: :: (42:32 Luisah Teish on the Black Madonna & the Dark Mother - 1992 From Black Madonna Archives)
00:36:30 Shannon McArthur: Hi Anistacia
00:37:04 Leo Jacoby: :: (“THE ENDURING GODDESS: Artemis and Mary, Mother of Jesus” By Carla Ionescu A DISSERTATION 250 pp.)
00:40:10 Leo Jacoby: :: (Mary: Co-redemptrix, mediatrix of all graces, and advocate of the people of God: An interdisciplinary exposition andevaluation of the proposed fifth Marian dogma By Flynn M. Fernandes 101 pp)
00:41:53 Leo Jacoby: :: (Marian Apparitions & Prophecies by Robert A. Nelson 2000)
00:42:30 Shannon McArthur: Good one, Leo! Thanks!
00:47:35 Leo Jacoby: :: (10 "Mary, Militant and Maternal" In Faith and Fatherland: Catholicism, Modernity, and Poland By Porter-Szücs Brian 2011 - requires access)
00:49:33 michael:
00:49:59 Stanley Pokras: ::
00:50:25 michael: ::
00:52:15 Shannon McArthur: ::
00:54:14 Leo Jacoby: :: (CHRISTUS MEDICUS AND RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSY IN LATE-MEDIEVAL EUROPE: DISSIDENCE, AUTHORITY, AND REGULATION DISSERTATION 364 pp Chapter 1: The Virgin Mary as Nurse, Medicine, and Mother: Devotional Texts and Hospitals)
00:56:00 Shannon McArthur: Click here.
00:59:49 Shannon McArthur: Lifecycle of a God, by Shannon McArthur: :: It’s fun!
01:01:27 Stanley Pokras: Here’s a page with a number of links to the theory of the growing planet… ::
01:02:36 Shannon McArthur: Carole Bubar-Blodgett
01:03:10 Shannon McArthur:
01:09:23 Leo Jacoby: Updated file of links shared today (click before chat closes to download to your computer in a Zoom directory.0
01:11:56 Shannon McArthur: Yes, Sarah Sue, it’s almost too beautiful to bear… “SonLight Sparkling on the Waters”. I love that you will see me in your waters! I wish you a very happy P/Valentines Day and Anniversary, Anistacia!!
01:17:29 Leo Jacoby: :: (Michael's Facebook page to see his splendid photos.)
01:24:49 Leo Jacoby: Michael writes the reflections on photos he finds.
01:25:51 Leo Jacoby: :: (Another Facebook page of Michael's)
01:25:55 michael: ::
01:26:57 Leo Jacoby: :: (Another Michael page)
01:27:38 Leo Jacoby: "I Wonder Why" -- lyrics by Stanley Pokras
01:31:23 Leo Jacoby: ::
01:39:43 michael: ::
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