Humanity Rising Day 597 Chat Page – Tuesday December 6, 2022
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 597
11:02:05 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Good morning, Jim, and Everyone… loving greetings from the traditional lands of the Secwepemc now known as Kamloops BC Canada. Welcome to Humanity Rising!
11:02:16 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Georg Boch(Direct Message):
Thank you, Georg
11:02:50 From to Everyone:
Another GOOD morning from White Rock BC. So grateful for Humanity Rising!!!
11:04:12 From Rob de Laet to Everyone:
Hello Jim and all wonderful people, greetings from the Brazilian rain forest.
11:04:18 From Erik Cornish to Everyone:
Greetings to all from freezing England! The problem is not the USE of technology, it is MISUSE by folks (normally male!) using tech for their own gain rather than the greater good of all, another problem of low-level consciousness at work!
11:05:18 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
It’s technologically Day 597 of Humanity Rising
11:09:05 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
We were created to be the “Naked Ape” and God is not wrong… just inviting us to create with S/He/It… and learn from the experience!
11:15:59 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Could patriarchy be playing an outside role here?
11:16:40 From Andrew Cameron Bailey to Everyone:
The Bushmen of the Kalahari, the First People of Africa, used technology. As one example, they invented and developed EVERY musical instrument we use today, with the single exception of the synthesizer.
11:17:30 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Rob, Stan and Erik, great to be sharing this with you, and Everyone,
11:17:51 From to Everyone:
Wow Andrew I did not know that!
11:25:09 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
I have many friends who use those patches very successfully.
11:25:43 From to Everyone:
A few years ago an invention was spoken of a body patch with which one could charge up a cell phone using the zero point energy of the body
11:25:55 From Andrew Cameron Bailey to Everyone:
Thanks Maureen. Talk about appropriate technology, dedicated to the enhancement of the human experience.
11:26:00 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
I love this!
11:26:16 From to Everyone:
Exactly Andrew.
11:26:34 From Ina Albert to Everyone:
Ina Albert - Does this effect the aging process?
11:28:11 From Andrew Stock to Host and Panelists:
Ina, good question. We’re in a firmament.
11:29:37 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
I love much of what David is saying. I DO wonder where are the women on his team (reference to yesterday)
11:30:22 From Judy Hanmer to Everyone:
Mary Thorp: what do the patches do and are they readily available?
11:30:31 From Jill Buzan to Host and Panelists:
Yes, many are experiencing and witnessing age reversal ..
11:31:01 From Andrew Stock to Host and Panelists:
I would like to try a patch
11:32:02 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Right, my fat stem cells now are not as good as they used to be. lol
11:33:33 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Having neuropathy is a drag. Kurt Krueger would Love to be in one of your studies.
11:33:43 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
To Andrews point humans ARE inventive. Working WITH life is the key. Working with the body is fine, does the impact of using that technology support LIFE or undercut it? Living longer is one side effect that might require fewer births if we want to say within Life’s needs.
11:34:03 From Jill Buzan to Andrew Stock, Host and Panelists:
Hi Andrew, I am the contact for this. For more information and to contact me, go to:
11:34:20 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
War is not life conducive….
11:34:42 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
I’m in Los Angeles area. Thanks for your life’s work for a thriving life. Together in collaboration, coagulation, and dialogue, we get to prompt the world back into thriving for ALL our relations. See how we can do it even faster with the Peace Lab,
Founding Member of Peace Lab,
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Going Beyond Your Beyond Youtube Channel: ::
‘We don't address their brains; we address their hearts.’ ~ Mandela
11:34:47 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Yes, yes, yes!!! Where do we get the patches?
11:35:59 From Jill Buzan to Andrew Stock, Host and Panelists:
Hi CHarry, I am the contact for this. You can reach me through this link.
11:36:38 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
The AfterChat could be a great source of candidates for testing the patches…
11:38:40 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
Jill Buzan to Andrew Stock, Host and Panelists (11:35 AM)
Hi CHarry, I am the contact for this. You can reach me through this link.
11:38:46 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
Nerve damage can happen through surgery as well. Knee replacement do a job on me.
11:39:34 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
Are the patches available commercially?
11:40:29 From Shannon McArthur to Host and Panelists:
Gallery view for everyone please
11:40:45 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
Hi Charry, You can go to www.
11:41:58 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
Happy to have you contact me.
11:42:04 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Thank you so much! So glad to see these do not require a prescription.
11:42:17 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to George Cappannelli(Direct Message):
George, The audience still doesn’t have Gallery view
11:42:30 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Much easier than subcutaneous peptides.
11:42:54 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone: for shopping for the patches😊
11:43:11 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to George Cappannelli(Direct Message):
I see it since I’m a panelist. but my other computer is logged in as an ordinary participant.
11:43:43 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thank you!!
11:43:58 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
It’s good now
11:44:04 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to George Cappannelli(Direct Message):
It just switched!
11:44:14 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
So are all of you much older than what you appear?
11:44:29 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
Charry I am 63
11:44:57 From elle stockton to Everyone:
how do we get the patch
11:45:12 From Jill Buzan to Deborah Perkins, Host and Panelists:
Please go to
11:45:16 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
11:45:23 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Wow is right.
11:45:41 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
11:46:27 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
To purchase, for more information and my contact to guide you if you need.
11:47:07 From Tally Rhoades to Host and Panelists:
What happened if you stop taking it after a time?
11:47:17 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
So wait a minute, is this X39 patch specific to the Copper peptide? The explanation went by so quickly -- were there other mechanisms as well? Is this also working with other peptides?
11:47:44 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
Yes, Charry
11:48:00 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Currently have a bottle of BPC-157.
11:48:34 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
Welcome to Humanity Rising
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this notice several times…
11:48:35 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Has the patch been subjected to a standard placebo comparison test?
11:49:00 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
There are so many different patches on the website; how do you know which is best for you?
11:49:10 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Carol Sue/Sarah of the AfterChat uses this too… I’m gonna sign up with her.
11:49:16 From Onyx Coale to Host and Panelists:
I only use x39
11:49:19 From to Everyone:
A mainstream medical report on the mainstream news in 1994 announced that the body is designed to live a healthy 150 years. The greater truth is that Consciousness runs the body so the potential is physical immortality
11:49:25 From Onyx Coale to Host and Panelists:
X39 makes up 80% of corp total sales
11:49:40 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
And what is the X49?
11:49:49 From Onyx Coale to Host and Panelists:
A different patch.
11:50:12 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
The planet has no more room for more people. Time for older folks to leave some space for younger people.
11:50:14 From Onyx Coale to Host and Panelists:
I recommend everyone focus on just x39 for al least 90 days. SO you know what the product is doing for you
11:50:35 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Read THE LONG PILGRIMAGE, by J. G. Bennett, the Shivapuri Baba live to about 139…
11:50:37 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
We don’t need 8 billion folks living 900 years…I shudder
11:51:48 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Biologists say the planet can only support 2 or 3 billion people sustainability.
11:52:12 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
We are talking here about health span, not simply life span. And according to Ayurveda, the purpose of living longer is to become more conscious -- wiser.
11:53:05 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
And Charles -- yes you have a valid point.
11:54:29 From Jan Cafearo to Host and Panelists:
To me, it is important that we live well until death, rather than live longer. Reversing the effects of modern day lifestyles, so the young people don’t need to look after us, we can continue to contribute to the cause.
11:54:30 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Thank you, thank you for not making this a pharmaceutical! Many, many blessings!!
11:54:36 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
It would be far better for everyone and the planet to create better birth control technologies.
11:54:43 From Tally Rhoades to Host and Panelists:
At what age (ie 14, 25, 35, 60, 80) is this recommended? Why?
11:54:45 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
I totally agree with that David. We are poisoning the planet with our pills.
11:54:46 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
When we live wiser, the planet can do wonders in SELF REGULATION, sharing,
11:55:04 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
Jan Cafearo to Host and Panelists (11:54 AM)
To me, it is important that we live well until death, rather than live longer. Reversing the effects of modern day lifestyles, so the young people don’t need to look after us, we can continue to contribute to the cause.
11:55:05 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone: doesn’t open
11:55:32 From to Everyone:
Looks like a Canadian Toony
11:55:47 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Jan Cafearo, Host and Panelists:
Please send messages to “Everyone”
11:55:52 From Jane Norton to Everyone:
Has there been any evidence of the Life Wave patches helping with diseases like cancer?
11:56:19 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
Deborah, I’m having the same issue. the website isn’t loading.
11:56:27 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
You are invited to join the PeaceMakers Circles/Network:
Specifically, we are leveraging human consciousness, personal leadership development, social media and marketing tools to affect Intentional Change. This is a rare opportunity in history to Train as PeaceMakers through programs that are scalable and replicatable, to unlock their potential by applying ancient knowledge, with the latest neuroscience, with Peak Performance Practices, and modern communication technology to intentionally affect world peace. Creating ever more, "Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace."
We would love your participation in creating Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace in whichever way best suits you. We’re sending you a complimentary membership to get started. Please register with the link below.
11:57:51 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Yes, aren't the bond angles different in structured water?
11:58:00 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Pollack in Washington.
11:59:06 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
Try this..
11:59:12 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
11:59:57 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Yes. Structured water is great stuff. Plenty of resources for that on the internet.
11:59:57 From Jill Buzan to Kathryn Alexander, MA, Host and Panelists:
12:00:01 From Jill Buzan to Kathryn Alexander, MA, Host and Panelists:
Try thish
12:00:24 From Jill Buzan to Deborah Perkins, Host and Panelists:
Try this..
12:00:29 From Jill Buzan to Deborah Perkins, Host and Panelists:
12:00:43 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
I don't remember your being in Tony Robbin's book "Life Force". Maybe I missed it, but you definitely should have been included if you weren't.
12:01:05 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
Jill, they both go to Ageless Living with Gregg Braden
12:01:24 From Jill Buzan to Deborah Perkins, Host and Panelists:
Scroll down…
12:01:30 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone: works
12:02:23 From Tally Rhoades to Host and Panelists:
Is drone satellite dependent?
12:03:12 From Jill Buzan to Deborah Perkins, Host and Panelists:
Scroll down.. it’s under that ..
12:03:24 From Jill Buzan to Deborah Perkins, Host and Panelists:
12:05:22 From to Everyone:
12:05:23 From Antonia Gentile to Everyone:
Very interesting, David. Thank you for sharing your spirituality and this healing device with the world.
12:05:34 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
Some folks are saying my link is not working. Please go to: ::
12:05:39 From Jane Norton to Everyone:
Can you explain the MLM part of this? The Ageless Living website doesn't seem to have info about who is involved - assuming George is because it says Age Nation. Where do Onyx and Jill fit in?
12:05:39 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
And scroll down
12:05:41 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
That is so inspirational.
12:05:58 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
For a new generation of clean energy technologies see
12:06:35 From Tally Rhoades to Host and Panelists:
What about healing coral, animals?
12:07:55 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
Todd Ovokaitys Has made claims about life extension in his talks on humanity Rising ::
12:07:57 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
In the still space between the breath.
12:08:33 From to Everyone:
We are part of and ONE with the Informational separation. We ARE consciousness
12:08:36 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
Is David familiar with Todd’s work?
12:08:45 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
That link worked, Jill.
12:09:36 From Jill Buzan to Jane Norton, Host and Panelists:
Jane, Age Nation supports this product. For the details please feel free to call me at 941-321-9770.
12:09:41 From Leila Yazigi-Jeantelot to Everyone:
Amazing David. This sounds like those who had NDEs. God bless
12:09:54 From Andrew Cameron Bailey to Everyone:
Right on, Tom! I’m on your team!
12:10:29 From Antonia Gentile to Everyone:
I'm very inspired by this conversation and my future work in the world. I also see, via David's website, that we share the same alma mater. Amazing synchronicity for me!
12:11:10 From Jane Norton to Everyone:
@Jill, thank you - will do. Looking for transparency on the call too.
12:12:04 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Can the drone technology be adapted to planes?
12:12:24 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Can the drone technology be adapted to cars?
12:12:54 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
ho ho, back to the political will issue.
12:13:01 From Jill Buzan to Jane Norton, Host and Panelists:
12:13:37 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
Is there a website to explore this technology and the drone?
12:14:10 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Is this a disruptive technology? Will there be pushback from the fossil fuel industry?
12:14:24 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:15:05 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
Do you have an Affiliate Program? I would live to be one! I have a catalog of the Cream of the Crop Health Solutions I will be launching. I am excited about this company as a doctor and patient.
12:15:51 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
Is a Brand Partner different than an Affiliate?
12:17:00 From Jill Buzan to Everyone:
Carol, this is explained here… and you can call me too… ::
12:17:38 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Biomimicry energy — use gravity, magnetism and resonance to make energy rather than the destructive burning of carbon products.
12:17:54 From Antonia Gentile to Everyone:
Beautiful words said by all. Thank you.
12:20:25 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Viktor Shauberger also built and demonstrated “free energy” technologies.
12:20:56 From to Everyone:
Viktor also water technologies
12:20:59 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
How does rain water compare if it is in an area with a lot of lightening?
12:21:12 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
George and Tom, Thank you so much for bringing us David.
12:22:42 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Jill, I’d like to have your number to join Carol Sue and you
12:22:58 From Jill Buzan to Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network, Host and Panelists:
12:23:07 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
Does this open it up so that the water no longer has memory from 17 places back that it has been. Maybe memory is held in the hydrogen.
12:23:10 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network to Everyone:
Jill, 1-818-399-0771
12:23:16 From Deborah Perkins to Everyone:
David, do you have a website for your energy research? Besides the patches…
12:23:16 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Billy Maier demonstrated running a car on an internally generated hydrogen technology back in the 80s.
12:23:59 From Georg Boch to Everyone:
Yes Stan Meyer Hydrogen Fuel cell
12:24:13 From Jane Norton to Everyone:
wonderful to hear from someone so brilliant who is also conscious and making a positive difference with technology- we need more people like him!
12:24:25 From Georg Boch to Everyone:
He had a very spontaneous heart attack to say the least…
12:25:05 From Leila Yazigi-Jeantelot to Everyone:
Thank you David for such an amazing contribution to Humanity. Thank you Jim, George and Tom. Love and Light to all
12:25:07 From Lynne Franks to Everyone:
So inspired by David - thank you, thank you, thank you. Humanity Rising have the most extraordinary breadth of guests and speakers - unique and the world needs to know!!
12:25:08 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
We have had these technologies for decades. All of them have been suppressed, and many of the inventors threatened or destroyed.
12:25:53 From Lynne Franks to Everyone:
Let’s not forget Tesla !!
12:26:03 From Andrew Cameron Bailey to Everyone:
Trust the Loving Universe!
12:26:07 From Georg Boch to Charles Bensinger, Host and Panelists:
12:26:19 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thank you SO MUCH for today. This is how we find our way past the dystopian nightmares that suck us in. Please come to the AfterChat so we can talk more!
12:26:36 From Antonia Gentile to Everyone:
Great conversation, worth relistening to a number of times.
12:26:57 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Don’t trust the loving universe. Trust the ability of creative men and women working hard and taking major risks to bring these new technologies into the light.
12:27:13 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
Encourage the guests to come to the after chat please!
12:27:31 From MARIA PATRICIA PRADO to Everyone:
Thank you all again!!super inspiring in various aspects!!
12:27:37 From to Everyone:
Charles those creatives ARE the loving universe embodied
12:27:44 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
Charles - Don’t trust the living universe?????
12:27:45 From Jim Enwright to Everyone:
Wow, wow, wow. Thanx much!!!
12:27:54 From Anahata Pomeroy to Everyone:
12:28:26 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Trust is fine; action now is what’s needed.
12:28:52 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
Also replay the AfterChat from yesterday!!! Andrew and Brian were both at the AfterChat ::
12:29:10 From Stan 4 ChatPeople to Everyone:
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:29:14 From Kathryn Alexander, MA to Everyone:
Charles, I think you need both and I’d suggest (and I know you know this) it is alignment that has promise.
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