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Humanity Rising Day 218 After Chat   –   Friday April 2, 2021

Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 218:

12:57:30 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : ::

13:02:12 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : I’m blessed to live with a marvelous garden writer. See Sallly’s page on Wikidelphia for links to gardening ideas. ::

13:08:35 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : The Machine Stops ::

13:09:22 From Kurt Krueger to Everyone : I’ve gotta get going. GREAT being with ya all. :) Love ya.

13:11:13 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : The Need To Grow - Film

13:14:28 From Frank M Tedesco to Everyone : ::

13:41:56 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : Alecia, how far are you from Catania city?

13:42:25 From Alecia Caine to Everyone : In Sicily?

13:42:33 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : The Argonauts

13:44:05 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : ::   Is this the guy, Stan?

13:45:24 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : I have a friend Surgeon who is President of the Rotary club of Catania. He is trying to raise funds to help our hospital in Kenya get an xray machine

13:46:26 From Alecia Caine to Everyone : that is very nice.....Im on the mainland Italy, Catania is on the island of Sicily

13:46:32 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : Shannon mentioned “The Miracle on 34th Street.

13:47:13 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : He is in Italy and will be happy to talk to you. Dr. Marcello +39 333 719 9579

13:47:32 From Alecia Caine to Everyone : thank you

13:47:34 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : For the idea I brought up that I call “Mutual beneficial marketing”

13:55:02 From Alecia Caine to Everyone :

14:11:53 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : brb… body break needed.

14:16:08 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone :

14:18:06 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : ::


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