Humanity Rising Day 212 Chat Page – Thursday March 25, 2021
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 212
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:01 AM)
Happy Thursday Everyone!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:04 AM)
Gratitude!! Thank you!! Yes, we're alive!! And working for mental health and happiness. For All Living Beings and the Planet as a Whole!!
Me to All panelists and other attendees (11:04 AM)
A 212th step in the human journey... Hello, Liliane. Thank you, Jim.
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (11:05 AM)
Ahem Diane! ❤
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (11:05 AM)
Yes, Lars — great connection!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:06 AM)
❤ ❤ ❤
Hoping that 'the workplace' is somewhere we don't have to go too often - unless our work is creative and full of LOVE!!
Me to All panelists and other attendees (11:11 AM)
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:13 AM)
Thank you
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:22 AM)
Why do we think (for the future especially - after the pandemic) - why is life about having a job? Why isn't social cohesion and loving our neighbours more important than earning money/having a job? If we had UBI we could all be happy with less and play with our community more. Loving the prospects of new ideas (lovely girls) but - the labour market??? Good question - want or need to have!!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:24 AM)
It will take the leaders in power like today- to make mental health a safety issue for people and profit.
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:25 AM)
And Community Leadership, bottom up and up bottm approach.
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
“What is the mystery of peace, that if we were to discover and embrace, our realization of it would be faster and easier."
Your expertise is needed by the planet and her people. You could participate in any branch of the Peace LAB or simply BE the force for Peace through your actions. Check out
Groups are forming together or at the same time through teleconference to bring more Peace to the Planet. Here's a Meditation practice that can greatly help. 12 minutes.
Her’s a prelude to what the Peace LAB produced ~ via a media mode, and their’s so many more ways to bring peace. A Humanity Rising Prelude to the Peace LAB week with Lovely Lady Lesley:
If you have any questions, contact me through:
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:26 AM)
And education on how to be a person and how to be happy etc - as part of life. Many men (especially) if they don't have a job, they don't know what to do with themselves.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
I won a lawsuit in Ca for advocating for wellbeing of Fetus. Took 6 years and it was not advertised because I believe- it created a moral question for corporation.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:27 AM)
That is very sad tho - that self-worth is based on earnings!!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:28 AM)
Yea Diane. Things are shifting with new workplaces being created
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
Yes, it all starts at home. But certainly in the UK, life at home starts with "You need to pass exams so you can get a job" rather than "You need to go and knock next door as they need help" (or something like that)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:29 AM)
Or to be educated for Life itself!! Well said!!
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (11:31 AM)
Here is a link to my lawsuit. It’s not all in here- but I did spend my life savings on mental health care after I finally left the job. Grateful to experience the forces that want to keep employees chained.
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:31 AM)
Resilience and Stress tolerance are one side of the coin. The other side is about working with trauma.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:32 AM)
Thanks Sarita!! And yes Liliane!!
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (11:32 AM)
Brilliant Lilianne
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (11:34 AM)
The CV has shown us that we all have and can develop mental health/wellbeing issues. And this makes the concept becoming top priority.
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (11:36 AM)
Is a perspective Diane, the context in which we individualy and as a human collective, define ourselves in the societal construct we co-create.
It is the manifestation that we -as Light Source manifestors, co-creators of a holographic projection of light, bring to be in our experience as a collective.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:38 AM)
Thanks Yasmina.
Fantastic David!! Please talk later!! Mental health for life!!
Me to All panelists and other attendees (11:39 AM)
Global Women 4 Wellbeing (GW4W) is a charitable organization dedicated to supporting more women to become healthy leaders to create a more sustainable world through innovative research, inspired connections, shared thought-leadership and personalized mentoring. They have a focus on mental health.
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (11:39 AM)
How can I view the entire slide?
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:41 AM)
Great info, STAN. Thanks. :)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:42 AM)
Liliane - in the UK, 'they' say that 1 in 4 people will have a mental health condition at some point. I think it is more that 1 in 4 people will NOT (in other words 3 in four - nearly everybody will have an issue at some point.) The pandemic highlighted this - as we see. So...…. huge part of education needs to be 'how to have a mentally healthy life'!! Well-being - better word.
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
Moral injury is also a factor in burnout/poor health
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
Diane - YES!
Michael Cassiers to Panelists and Attendees (11:43 AM)
Can these slides be shared?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (11:44 AM)
Empathy - huge!! There is an Irish lady who was given the Nobel prize related to teaching empathy to children in schools
Emotional Intelligence - also huge!!
Brilliant statement Lene. Thank you!!!
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (11:48 AM)
Amy- Yes!
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (11:51 AM)
Hummm, I wonder if some of this might have something to do with the KIND of work people are being required to do and HOW that work is done?
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (11:56 AM)
Ah, the boss….
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (11:58 AM)
How incredibly smart and civilized! I just have to vent my ire at our American failure to have a national healthcare system!!!!!
Davidson Akhonya to Panelists and Attendees (11:59 AM)
Christian, can you put your contacts in the chatbox?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:00 PM)
Can't find the English version of the dk website
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:00 PM)
there isn't one Diane
cultural context is huge
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:01 PM)
Ooops. (thought he said there was) thanks Liliane xx
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
America is retarded in the world in health care for the citizens. My sister in OZ (Australia) had innumerable tests and a week of hospital stay for her heart for nothing but a similar amount of taxes as we have in America - although we get so little of the people covered.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
Yes - agree!! And the nordic countries have loads of healthier ways (many levels - mental, physical and educational health
Christian Sorenson to Panelists and Attendees (12:02 PM)
Hello all - you can reach me at - and yes, unfortunately there is not (yet) en English/European site;) Also, happy to share my slides of course.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)
In fact - already - "concept" the need for educational background!! Brill!!
Oh gosh - resilience - not 'tough'
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:03 PM)
We invite you ALL to the After Chat for discussions of todays session for us all to connect.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:04 PM)
How you contribute!! Yaaaaay!!!
So much bigger than what you receive!!!
And 'responsibility'!!! And values!!! Yes!! We love it too!!!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:07 PM)
A very turbulent moment David!! And some people are able to offer solutions!! This is amazing!! Thank you xxx
Yes - we can contribute!!
Davidson Akhonya to Panelists and Attendees (12:09 PM)
Carsten, are you able to project/share the ABC board on your background?
Carsten Lyng Obel to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:10 PM)
Phew!! "Also some solutions" - thank goodness for that hahaha
Carsten Lyng Obel to Panelists and Attendees (12:12 PM)
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
Yes! The great resset ❤
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
Does solving the ‘economic’ problem = creating a meaningful life?
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
Wow!! Guidance for the mind!! Technology? Followed by - a change of attitude. Brill
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
More time does not necessarily mean a more meaningful life…
Lars Münter to Panelists and Attendees (12:13 PM)
Feel positive to know John Maynard Keynes foresaw todays session.
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Two separate things Kathryn. Economics and meaningful...….
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:14 PM)
Part of how we re-design communities and cities.
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)
Love to after chat about this!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:15 PM)
Yes!! Re-design life itself!!
Yes, me too - great topic, eh. Hope they all come - You are ALL welcome!!
Oooh culture too
Uncertainty is FUN!!!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:17 PM)
Loads of the Imaginarium lately.
The goal of collaboration? A space for everyone - linked with all the others where they are happy too. Everyone feels safe hahaha
Melodie Land to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Economic disparity makes humanistic programs especially difficult (at least here in the U.S.)
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM) for a better alternative!
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Shift in mndset
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
Ah, interesting - values…
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:19 PM)
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
Mark Carson?
Carsten Lyng Obel to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
And bottom line - UBI - everywhere
David Wood to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
Mark Carney
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
Compassionate listening -inclusivity 🧡
David Wood to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
VALUES: The Living Values Education Program: The first two Values instructed are Love and Peace. All the other Values are generated from these.
Developing quality Character traits is vitally important for all levels of society. When will WE emphasize this?
There is one program, that has over 90% reduction in violence in a Thai Refugee Camp within 2 years! The woman who developed it then went to Johannesburg, RSA and designed a program for street people - similar results!
We can then evolve even further by meditating to the source of thoughts, Consciousness.
Marilyn Hamilton to Panelists and Attendees (12:20 PM)
Mark Carney was also the Reith Lecturer on BBC this year - his series of 5 lectures are inspirational (of course I am biased as a Canadian :-)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Just weird that so many know about de-growth and yet governments (supposedly with our best interests at heart) - don't listen!!
David Wood to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
I understand that Mark Carney;s new book is an extension of his Reith Lectures - which may be viewed on BBC iPlayer
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:21 PM)
Here's one of the PRIMARY PREVENTIONS for so many issues of our time.
Start early ~ PARENTING is awesomely effective. Read and apply: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect: Mindful Parenting, by Diane Tillman. Have the Living Values practices taught is schools… For inspiration listen to this:
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
They know which side their bread is buttered (my kids say)
Building th esolution - so much more fun tho!!!!!
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
we need to build human infrastructure too!
David Wood to Panelists and Attendees (12:22 PM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
No. It takes effort. But that's OK - really rewarding!!!
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
Thank you All.
David Wood to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
Another interesting book on new solutions becoming available for mental healing: "The NeuroGeneration: The New Era in Brain Enhancement That Is Revolutionizing the Way We Think, Work, and Heal"
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
Well said Lars!
David Wood to Panelists and Attendees (12:24 PM)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
Thank you ALL very much!!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:25 PM)
and Panelists. Oops, forgot Attendees!
thank you so much! Thank you David & Lars.
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
Thanks Kurt! This is the next song on the “To Learn” list!
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
The journey is home… We need our “coping travel bags”
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
One piece of energy. Everywhere!! We are nature.
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:26 PM)
How much of this is our adapting to the world we are creating instead of creating a world that is supportive? Does it matter?
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
Wow, really good question Kathryn
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
Yes! what a gift! A path of infinite possibilities for the human collective to co-create! 🧡
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
And the Happiness Report comes out of DK :)
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
Maybe they want to preserve their mental health, Jim!
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
yes, Kathryn, it matters. imho
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:27 PM)
That stat seems to say more about work than about people...
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)
Very interesting, so true...the Happiness quotient!(?)
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:28 PM)
Oooooh Such an interesting question Kathryn! Chicken or egg?
Lesley Southwick-Trask to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
Thank you David and Lars…you continue to bring such intriguing perspectives that broaden our minds and equip us to see how we can contribute to psycho-social health. Bravo
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:29 PM)
Kathryn, I believe it’s going to be a bit of both. The concept that has been discussed of navigating the current paradigm whilst co-creating a new one
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
Yes, Jim, in our family the pandemic has thrown our generations together — much less distraction. We are fortunate to be geographically local.
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:30 PM)
Maybe waiting for the inheritance is part of the problem. Waiting for money to live. It’s backwards
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Fantastic David!! Loving Life!! Even when it's hard!!
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Loving Life. Something Victor Frankl speaks so eloquently of
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Can we love life without nature? Think Startrek
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
And Carsten - you said it too!! Yaaay!!
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Thank you so much David and Lars!!
AMY A BLUMENSHINE to Panelists and Attendees (12:31 PM)
Quote: That’s obvious, It’s hard…..?"
Davidson Akhonya to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Thank you, I have learnt alot
Sarita Patel to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
LOVE this panel! Thank you Jim!!! And the HR team!
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Kathryn Alexander, MA to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
SOgrateful for this discussion and exploration!!!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
It's been a good fun day!! Great!!
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (12:32 PM)
Much gratitude to All for session & your contributing work globally 🌎🙏❤️
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
THANK YOU ALL! You’re one of the major contributors to me loving life at this time <3
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:33 PM)
And aren't we lucky to still be alive, eh xxx
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:34 PM)
and to have you, Diane, to bring smiles and chuckles! Lovely to see you…
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:35 PM)
LLIANE, SO TRUE - we need to build human infrastructure
Shannon McArthur to Panelists and Attendees (12:35 PM)
and a positive perspective, Diane.
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:35 PM)
Carsten Lyng Obel to Panelists and Attendees (12:35 PM)
Jims description match well the concept described in this magazine
Davidson Akhonya to Panelists and Attendees (12:35 PM)
I am the President of a Rotary club in Kenya, and we are scanning the horizon for speakers at our weekly interactive come-togethers. My email is:, whatsapp: +254 725577885
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:37 PM)
Funny - door just knocked - aaaagh!! Quick Quick - was a person (a scary one) who just said "Thank you!!" Wow!! Life!! Phew!! (Out of control?? Who knows - just flow - teetering on the brink of chaos!!)
Kurt Krueger to Panelists and Attendees (12:37 PM)
ITS ALWAYS CHAOTIC when transferring from one paradigm to another. :) Adventure
Yasmina Groenstein to Panelists and Attendees (12:37 PM)
Chaos is one of the many possibilities ...does not have to be.
Liliane Mavridara to Panelists and Attendees (12:37 PM)
This is a humanity issue
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:37 PM)
Hahaha - "a thin veneer!"..... chaos! Wow!!! This is not academic - this is LIFE!!!!!
Diane Skidmore to Panelists and Attendees (12:38 PM)
Luckily my mental and emotional stability is.... there xxxxx
Me to All panelists and other attendees (12:39 PM)
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
Dehanna Rice to Panelists and Attendees (12:39 PM)
Yes! More Power to all Humanitarian Health!🙏
Davidson Akhonya to Panelists and Attendees (12:39 PM)
I am eager to schedule a townhall zoom meet up bringing our medics in Kenya with practitioners around the world to compare notes and share best practices
Jen Forti to Panelists and Attendees (12:39 PM)
Davidson, you should join the after chat!!!
Click on the link that was just shared above
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