Karen Wilhelm Buckley
Karen Wilhelm Buckley, Communicore Consulting Karen Wilhelm Buckley is an international consultant, executive coach, and speaker, specializing in personal transformation, complex change, and developing conscious leaders who generate substantive results while evoking wisdom and love in their organizations. As a pioneer in the field Karen has published work on transformational leadership for over three decades. Her long-term client retainers expand the rich potential of people, products and services, build thriving cultures, create sustainable enterprises, and establish high leverage collaborations. Based in San Francisco, USA
As a senior Organization Development Consultant and Coach I partner with executives, teams and business leaders to reinvent themselves, design breakthrough change and evolve their ability to consciously lead.
Founder and Director of Communicore Consulting, my team and I develop wise leadership – the skills, strategies, and presence to cultivate committed performance and effectively drive change.
Strengthening the capacity to collaborate, clients work together to take effective action that benefits their team, their company, and the world as we work together.
A few reasons why it's worth connecting...
You need emerging leaders to develop the skills and capacity to successfully move into increased responsibilities.
You want an experienced guide in planning and working through a leadership succession.
You face underlying dynamics that stop you from resolving persistent issues or responding to change.
You want a culture where conversations of complaint become conversations of commitment and effective action.
You are ready to shift levels, to develop mindfulness and love as practices essential to a centered presence as an entrepreneur or leader.
My clients and I often work together for many years as they:
• Leverage key strengths in a compelling leadership style.
• Design #sustainable organizational growth.
• Access new thinking, sensing, and listening to #Innovate.
• #Transform mindsets to accelerate results.
• Exceed #performance improvement milestones.
• Develop self awareness and conscious presence.
• Cultivate #wisdom – the capacity to put what they know into effective action.
I love leading annual retreats that invite businesswomen and #womenleaders in the US and Europe to recognize the necessity of their #wisdom, #power and #leadership for a sustainable, healthy, and loving world. Because of the pandemic we are now offering these programs virtually to build a rich, intelligent community of women leaders.
Underlying my consulting and coaching are explorations into conscious leadership, organization transformation, feminine wisdom, and spirit and business. There is much to learn about the visible and invisible dimensions of leadership.
Because of a passion for spirit-based whole-child education I co-founded the GreenWood School, an innovative Waldorf inspired school. My two adult children, husband and big red dog bring me great joy when hiking, gardening, and continually learning to consciously contribute to and benefit all life.
Member of The Conscious Leadership Guild and The GLEN, Global Learning and Exchange Network.
Recently I designed a new website, and updated my blog . Please visit me there for many new posts with recent leading edge thinking, practical exercises, and skill building.
My commitment continues to be that each of you will be the wise leader you can be, more willing and able to manage complex change, develop leaders, start and run your own business, contribute as an effective manager and leader to the business you are in and plan sustainable growth.
A number of my blogs speak specifically to women in leadership – both to the skills and approaches relevant to women as well as to the organizational culture that best utilizes the natural gifts and talents of women.
Through my organizational consulting and executive coaching I continue to partner with leaders and teams, developing their leadership and helping them fulfill their purpose, their personal mission, while running highly effective organizations and teams.
I continue to join you in our work toward a world sustainable for all life, for generations to come.