HR!Day171 - Seed + Spark: Using Nature As A Model To Reimagine How We Learn & Live - Stephanie Pace Marshall, Sam Chaltain & Trung Le
Humanity Rising Day 171 – Wednesday January 27, 2021
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Following a two-year design expedition in search of the irreducible DNA of a healthy learning environment, panelists Sam Chaltain, Stephanie Pace-Marshall and Trung Le produced Seed + Spark, a highly visual, deeply eclectic book that takes its readers in search of a better understanding of the future of learning -- and, by extension, the future of humanity.
Believing “the future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed,” Seed + Spark provides a framework for remaking our schools, our workspaces, and our social structures in ways that align with the design principles of the natural world. Join us on January 27th to discuss this provocative series of interviews, profiles, and case studies in which sacred cows are slaughtered, parallel worlds collide, and our basic understanding of the world is forever altered.
- Stephanie Pace Marshall is a visionary and pioneering educational thought leader, speaker, writer and advisor. She is the Founding President and President Emerita of the Internationally recognized Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, a former President of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development International, and the first woman Chancellor of The Lincoln Academy of Illinois. Her award-winning book: The Power to Transform : Leadership that Brings Learning and Schooling to Life was named a new generative and life-affirming story of learning and school grounded in the principles of living systems. She is a lifetime Fellow of The Royal Society in London, and a member of the President’s Society Of the National Academy of Sciences , the Society of Fellows of The Aspen Institute,and the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists, she was awarded the Order of Lincoln, Illinois‘ highest honor for “Achievement that contributes to the Betterment of Mankind”.
- Sam Chaltain is a partner at 180 Studio, a global design collaborative dedicated to advancing people’s understanding of the future of learning — and what it requires. Sam’s writings about his work have appeared in both magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today. A former speechwriter for each of President Obama’s U.S. Secretaries of Education, Sam is the author or co-author of seven books; a co-producer of the PBS documentary film, 180 Days: Hartsville; and co-creator of the 10-part online film series, A Year at Mission Hill. Sam Chaltain
- Trung Le is a founding partner at 180 Studio, a global design studio that helps communities design places, tell stories and set strategies that advance our collective understanding of the future of learning and one another. During his 30-year career as an architect, Le has consistently produced award-winning education projects that underscore his passion for making the world a better place through design. Le currently serves on the Board of Trustees at the Academy for Global Citizenship, a public charter school located in the city of Chicago. Le’s projects have been published in periodicals including Architectural Record, World Architecture News and Edutopia. In 2007 he collaborated with Bruce Mau to publish The Third Teacher. Le has blogged for Fast Company and is a frequent speaker at national and international venues.
- Moderator: Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
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Sam Chaltrain (SC): “There can be no return to normal — because normal was the problem in the first place.” Plant new seeds. Read and share the book: Seed + Spark Anyone that wants one can get a digital copy of the book for free via the website - Book: Seed + Spark
Notes From Session's Speakers
Stephanie Pace Marshall (SPM): Privilege to be alive in this moment, due to pandemic aware of interdependence with nature, highly intertwined, Trung Lee-architect human construction of space, Sam Challtain-writer, leader, author speech writer to Sec of ED, (Right now Sec of Energy nominee hearing and today Pres Biden will give climate change details in his Week 2 plan) point camera in new place, TED Talk photojournalist human suffering of natural disaster, secret of taking great photo?
SPM: Know where to point the camera. Coauthors of a new human story, point at the places currently unseen, can’t see must name/confront the current story to write a new story, 21 lessons for the 21st Century, #1 Q: Humankind facing unprecedented revolutions, not new story to replace them, Prepared for transformations for surviving/skills/understanding/navigating maze of life? Best to fit what we see as broken developing tools for fixing, but rather reweaving what is torn/frayed needs to be healed. We do not yet have these tools, Story we tell, Mindshaping
SPM: Group of 10 dance, then elder sang, stopped, started again, ilya Tary began again, invited to come sit in the circle, changed the singling and nothing will ever be the same again, 80,000 year old singling, rainbow serpents, 2 males, 2 females, females wanted to go to the lake aline, males jealous underneath killed them, a new story of the rainbow serpent, 2 females by themselves to the lake, males sad and missed them, followed to the lake came up underneath the lake and embraced them, SPM invited to tell a new story, thought no, then understood in the presence of Western leader cocreated a new story from hostility/anger/death/competition to new story of love/compassion/generosity>>>perhaps something was set in motion, Australian gov 1998 declared nat day of healing SORRY DAY, 8 years later parliament issued apologies to Aboriginals, nothing would ever again be the same, new story of possibility to become who we are, can go every/anywhere, returned to Illinois science academy, why don’t we create
SPM: Our strategic plan like a story line, then wrote book, identity, map, relationships, patters, structures brought back a frame is the new story/map/landscape
Sam Chaltain (SC): He was there in his office at the events at The Capitol unfold, first draft of history moment, would be in the place of the TV images s=to steps at the Capitol, horrifying, no clear indication of violence but yes, fanaticism and growing menace, deeply help belief, so not surprising a friend of his a history teacher, student asked “Is this the end or the beginning of something?” Both, first page of the book
SC: “Nature listening and speaking to itself.” - JG initially in search of essential learning environment A-C-G-T- optimal conditions in which people learn/grow, design principles of natural world, Lee and Sam had to be led by Stephanie there, once tracking this path, no going back, work that we do as a studio, design schools, also creative storytelling, change the way we think about learning, How do we set the conditions to create the greatest likelihood of the stories under which we live/learn to bring a new world into being? each intro essay: identity, to eco tissue of bihemispheric nature of brain to James Baldwin about American identity interwoven in slavery: white/black identities, bread crumb trail of wisdom/ideas, to frijol Capra, to artists to scientists, ubiquity of principles, even if implicit, how do we make these principles Explicit? How do we think about physical design?
Trung Lee (TL): Path of series of questions, many conversations with SPM over a decade, trying to operationalize reaching insight/wisdom affecting work/questions, Distinction between science and design, Science: understanding the now, Design creating the new future we want to be/live in, Seed & Spark, unexpected series of workshops with collaborators, teacher Cristie Wylie asked “What do I do Monday?” Complex set of ideas, NOW? at 180 with Sam, use design to see new story for ourselves and children, Left Vietnam since end of the war, new world, different country, broken with decades of wars, amplifying old vs new story, 100,000,000 people 60% under 35 years old, “What does it mean to be Vienamese in 21st Century Context?” manifested in physical form new story, in own backyard in Chicago Southwest side (My father’s family is from this neighborhood perking up attention, I marched thru here in 2014) learn the world enough to steward it for kids, emergent clarity in Seed & Spark
SC: if goal is to seed & spark then a book is one form, need many other forms, this year weaving together a group of people from around the world using nature as its guide, how to elevate this 2021 journey (SO CURIOUS!) recurring conversations in Humanity Rising, sign up to receive regular emails on Sundays, tomorrow featuring Dr. Dan Segal at the forefront to articulate working definition of mind, new word (Love creating new vocabulary MWE-I am because you are {UBUNTU?} applied to our lives, many requesting personally providing the ebook, what should these 130 people talk about, differing degrees of responding to our questions…?
SC: designed on same $ for $ as any other Chicago school would have to be built, design for any school with public thread bare budget, all stories in Seed & Spark are important grounded in a school community, see through them how most practical applications are taken in the world,
TL: Identify things that we are bothered by, instead things of such beauty that they remain with us, Architectural Digest best buildings annually, next highest tower-STOP DOING THIS! things we know are quite harmful and counterproductive from separating ourselves from nature, go beyond sustainable to regenerative, STOP BUILDING!
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7Vortex for Today
From Hugo Araujo to Everyone: 08:33 AM Great to be around listening nature’s voice in all of you… In case you are interested in local and connected perspectives about this new world free to use
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