HR!Day1049 - What’s happening with the “Drones” in our skies? Humanity Rising Special: Day 1049

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--- Humanity Rising Day 1049 - Thursday December 19, 2024      (GoTo Bottom)
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Over the past month, something very strange has been happening over the UK, the US and dozens of countries around the world — strange objects have been appearing in the sky in significant numbers and night after night. The media has been calling them “drones.” New Jersey in the US has had a particularly large number causing dozens of mayors and state legislators to demand Federal answers to questions about what they are and what should be done about them. Similarly in East Anglia in the UK where these unidentified objects are concentrating over US military bases. None of the government agencies have any information or answers and yet the phenomenon continues. Even the mainstream press is asking questions.

We are assembling a special group of experts to provide their respective points of view of what is happening and what we should be doing about it.

Among the speakers:

Steve Bassett, Founder, Paradigm Research Group, co-Founder, Hollywood Disclosure Alliance Chris Bledsoe, Experiencer, author, UFOs and God Georg Boch, ET Studies Course Facilitator, Ubiquity University Richard Dolan, UFO historian, author, UFOs and the National Security State Richard Hoffman, Executive Director, Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies Ron James, Director of Media, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Birdie Jaworski, Remote Viewer, Founder, Albuquerque UFOs Network Daniel Sheehan, President and General Counsel, New Paradigm Institute Robert Searing, Director New Jersey MUFON Kevin Wright, Press Officer, New Paradigm Institute; Dick Russell

Convener: Jim Garrison

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  1. DroneIncursion
  2. USEastCoastDrones
  3. MysteryDrones
  4. NJDroneSightings
  5. VirginiaDroneIncidents
  6. AirspaceSecurity
  7. UnidentifiedDrones
  8. DroneSurveillance
  9. AerialIntrusions
  10. NationalSecurity
  11. DroneIncursion
  12. USEastCoastDrones
  13. MysteryDrones
  14. NJDroneSightings
  15. VirginiaDroneIncidents
  16. AirspaceSecurity
  17. UnidentifiedDrones
  18. DroneSurveillance
  19. AerialIntrusions
  20. NationalSecurity
  21. UAPDisclosure
  22. UFO
  23. Aliens
  24. Extraterrestrial
  25. UFODisclosure
  26. Consciousness
  27. AncientArtifacts
  28. UFOSighting
  29. AlienAbduction
  30. UFOTwitter

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