HR!Day051 - Education For A New World

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Humanity Rising Day 051 - Saturday, July 11 2020

Videos Today's HR Video Recording After Chat Video (when available)
Chats Humanity Rising Chat: (none - starts Day 56) After Chat: (none - starts Day 60)
Resources Ubiquity Link for Day 051
HR Presenters Day 51.png

The current educational model is totally dysfunctional.  If you think about it, every sector of society has changed with the progression of human history, except education. Medicine, economics, technology, culture, art, spirituality have all evolved. Education has not. Students are compelled to attend class, take notes, memorize information, take tests, just like in ancient China and Greece. What is urgently needed is a radically new way of learning, one that is not based on competition but collaboration, not about memorization but about wisdom, and not about degrees but about competencies. Education must be integral, uniting the head, heart and hands so students have the mindsets, skillsets and toolsets they need to live abundant lives and come together and solve critical global challenges.

  • May East, Director, Gaia Education
  • Aftab Omer, Founder and CEO, Meridian University


To make a voluntary contribution to support the partner organizations and the Humanity Rising team, please see our contribution form.

Each Zoom live webinar will have a maximum capacity of 500 participants. If you are not able to join on Zoom, we will be live streaming here on the UbiVerse and on:

UU Facebook:

UU YouTube:



Community Education Industry Science Culture Change & Innovation Integral Interconnections Personal Development Sustainability


Name Org URL Other Links Comment
Jim Garrison President of Ubiquity University and Founder Humanity Rising Humanity Rising, Ubiquity University UbiVerse Social Platform Humanity Rising: A Global Solutions Summit. “Transforming conversations that matter into action that makes a difference."
May East . .
Aftab Omer . . . .


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List: Humanity Rising Days
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The Main Humanity Rising page "Weekly" List of Humanity Rising Sessions
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Humanity Rising Resource Page Table of HR Episodes from 1-200
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List of Humanity Rising Partners Chat Action Resource Page
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List of ChatPeople Chats
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HR Chat People
Template:HR Chat
See:Category:Is-Zoom Chat Humanity Rising Days on Origin