HR!Day019 - Whole System Change - Part 1

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This session on Whole Systems Change is part of the Strategies for Change track. In these sessions we go into a deep inquiry around the how of creating deep change quickly. Whole Systems Change explores what it means to engage in change while keeping the whole system in mind.

  • Robin Wood, founder of Thriveability and the Balancer - Synergizing What’s Working: Breakthrough Solutions for Global Challenges
  • Paul Ray, author of 'Cultural Creatives' - a Commons-Based Strategy-Making Process
  • Julene Siddique, arts and impact specialist, Global Leadership 21 Project (World Academy of Art and Science & UN Office Geneva) - Key Strategies and Practices for Global Systems Change
  • Richard Hames, Strategic Futurist, Executive Director, Centre for the Future - Stop [Pause] Reset


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Jim Garrison - Convener . . . .
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Presenter Name . . . .


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