Humanity Rising Day 912 After Chat – Friday May 3, 2024
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 912:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:05:05 Kat Haber: Thank you generously, Osprey! Would you say something about WE CAN’s nuclear efforts please?
00:06:26 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 912
00:09:17 Stanley Pokras: We send emails with links to the Humanity Rising and this conversation and the CHATs from both. Send me your email address to receive these reports.
00:09:39 Leo Jacoby: I am in a book discussion of The Web of Meaning by Jeremy Lent. Osprey, I look forward to your recorded conversation with him last February: :: (58:31)
00:11:36 Shannon McArthur: ::
00:11:54 Lynn Brodlie: BBC One In UK - Panorama, Big Brands’ Green Claims Uncovered link: ::
00:13:43 Lynn Brodlie: Stopping carbon emissions rewarded by carbon coupons abuse and corruption in various countries and destroying local communities
00:14:08 Richard Page & Paloma Pavel: Paloma video recorded the Suffern meeting while Richard live streamed it to YouTube live.
00:15:13 Leo Jacoby: Osprey, you mentioned Thomas Berry. Comment on his influence and others in your own formation.
00:15:46 Shannon McArthur: Replying to "Paloma video recorde..."
Can you share it?
00:15:52 Richard Page & Paloma Pavel: Ted Turner Foundation was a major funder at Suffern. He told me "You don't have to be a billioaire to do something for the earth"
00:17:26 Janice Hall: Yes Stan - absolutely fabulous idea for a book
00:18:38 Leo Jacoby: :: (R. Buckminster Fuller 1969)
00:19:13 Lauren: Thank you Leo 🙏
00:21:38 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: There’s some good and few not so good in A Brief History of the Future is a unique six-part documentary series about our futures and how we can reimagine them. Hosted by renowned futurist Ari Wallach, the show invites viewers on a journey around the world that is filled with discovery, hope, and possibility about where we find ourselves today and what could come next. ::
00:23:35 Leo Jacoby: ::
- (2:14:06 Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller - a Discussion)
00:25:09 Shannon McArthur: If you find your mic turned off, please forgive me for stepping in. Just wanting to keep the interference to a minimum. Thank you.
00:28:36 GreenBridge: Defining "need" and then prioritizing with addicted humans is untenable. It's how we got where we are. Do you have suggestions for bringing this topic to the table?
00:29:20 Richard Page & Paloma Pavel: Paloma Pavel and her work prtner Carl Anthony won the Thomas Berry Award for their life's work awarded by the Yale Forum on Religion and the Environment
00:30:07 Kat Haber: Bravo, I’ll suggest it to women conservation leaders!
00:30:17 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: CADOGAN would u please feel free to speak up.
00:31:00 Patricia Aguirre: thank you Osprey. Collective energy!!
00:31:09 GreenBridge: ::
00:31:34 Osprey Orielle Lake, WECAN:
00:31:48 GreenBridge: We Shall Be Known by Mamus
00:32:21 Richard Page & Paloma Pavel: MaMuse
00:33:28 Richard Page & Paloma Pavel: Good News lights the screen and our hearts
00:35:14 Goodnews Cadogan: Replying to "Good News lights the…"
Thank you
00:39:50 Patricia Aguirre: Have to go! Love to all! together
00:39:55 Janice Hall: WECAN does indeed get in front of the banks - that are often behind the scenes
00:40:24 Leo Jacoby: Saw this excellent documentary this week directed and produced by Mary Mazzio: :: To care for the next seven generations...
00:40:56 Janice Hall: and she is a great writer too!
00:41:08 Janice Hall: We all need to be active allies of the indigenous
00:42:30 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Join us in our PeaceMakers Circles/Network for local and global impact in all areas dealing with Peace. With 50 years of experience in Peak Performance Practices, we merge ancient wisdom and modern tools to create peace in everything. Claim your gift membership and accelerate change with PeaceMaker MasterHeart Circles. Register at :: Let's dare to change the world together in COMMUNITY ~ Common Unity!
PeaceMakers Circles/Network are for people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world and dar
00:43:17 Leo Jacoby: Mary Mazzio is an American documentary filmmaker, attorney, and a rower for the United States in the 1992 Olympics. She founded the independent film company 50 Eggs. Mazzio received a B.A. in philosophy and political science from Mount Holyoke College in 1983 and a J.D. from Georgetown Law. ::
00:44:37 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: TY Leo.
00:45:25 Janice Hall: when you purchase a book please add a review on amazon
00:45:36 Shannon McArthur: Replying to "when you purchase a ..."
00:48:39 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Peace LAB:
LABoratory ~ experiments, investigates, researches, and explorations, and some emergent design … ALSO
LAByrinth ~ one winding, irregular, peaceful path in and out! ::
00:49:06 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Replying to "when you purchase a ..."
00:49:15 Janice Hall: BLESSINGS ALL - I MUST GO
00:50:00 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Replying to "when you purchase a ..."
Always leave reviews helps the higher listing when people search and decisions to read… 🙂
00:52:42 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Much of these teachings in some way are in a bestselling series of books, Winning Ways for Living. Feel free to contact Kurt Krueger for assistance in making ourselves and our planet a better place to live and thrive. We are here to serve.
00:53:33 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Kurt gets to go do some PT. Whenever you say goodbye, please do it with The Peace Salute, :: ZOOM PEACE into the world. Young people love it! You can too. :)
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