Humanity Rising Day 825 Chat Page – Thursday December 14, 2023
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 825
11:01:14 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
We come to enjoy the last day but one before our holiday!!! Loving greetings from the traditional lands of the Secwepemc now known as Kamloops BC Canada. Welcome to Humanity Rising!
11:02:41 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
Hello - Welcome to Day 825 of Humanity Rising. Good Morning, Shannon and all our friends.
11:03:20 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
It’s actually a bright sunny day here in Philadelphia
11:04:40 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Welcome Danny, thank you for your extraordinary work on the planet!
11:04:50 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Nice. Dawn reveals a shroud of clouds around the shoulders of our mountains here.
11:05:11 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
11:09:23 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
You two, with your gray white locks, look like the signers of our original declarations.
11:10:04 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Maybe they’re channeling! Ha!
11:10:19 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
11:10:39 From Jim Garrison to Everyone:
11:10:54 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Times of lawlessness
11:18:06 From Judy Hanmer to Everyone:
Has anything been published in the press or other media on this subject?
11:19:11 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
story of star wars
30 minute how things turn on a dime
Darth Madar and a slight name by accident is easily looked over
all the planets now replace all the territories
order 66- Passing of Bills without consensus
chip implants
34: incompetence of the Jedi Order and Council
Glancing over issues that have serious consequences
36: The Martez sisters - orphan story
Mace Windu and Anakain- we love someone and then we hate someone
allies turn into competitors when power and belief are distorted
11:22:52 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
Welcome to Humanity Rising
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
We’ll post this invitation several times…
11:22:53 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Up until now!
11:25:45 From Astrid Ståhlberg to Everyone:
How do they communicate ?
11:26:03 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
11:27:20 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Telepathically 👍
11:27:22 From Lynn Brodlie to Everyone:
Yes, telepathically
11:27:45 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Ancestral knowledge can be activated and shared
11:29:13 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Is there a template letter already written like the week before last to ask them to support the bill?
11:29:55 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Is Dan in Santa Cruz?
11:30:30 From Jim Garrison to Everyone:
Yes, in Santa Cruz
11:31:08 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Thank you, Daniel Sheehan!! And Jim - we are so grateful for all of your work on this!!!!
11:31:22 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
11:31:41 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
11:31:42 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Thank you Jim.
Wow Dan!!!
11:32:05 From Katrina Vaillancourt to Everyone:
It’s stunning that this should be HUGE news and yet most people are relatively unaware or too caught up by other news to pay this attention.
11:32:24 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Many thanks to you for your excellent work!
11:32:26 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
I was on a zoom last night with abductees telling their story thru poetry.... heartbreaking and also a testament to the human will to live
11:32:37 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Our news is orchestrated!
11:32:58 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Richard Nolan?
11:33:24 From Jim Garrison to Everyone:
Richard Dolan
11:33:43 From Tricia Fortina ; ) to Everyone:
Richard Dolan UFO's and the US Security State... ; )
11:33:47 From Kat Haber to Everyone:
11:34:04 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thanks, Kat, that would be it!
11:35:01 From Lynn Brodlie to Everyone:
Amazing achievement, thank you so much, Jim and Daniel. What a lovely Christmas present for us all🌈
11:36:15 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:
There are so many narratives about who the ETs are and why they're here. Any definitive answers about that?
11:36:52 From Dianna Winsor to Everyone:
I would also add to Dolan's wonderful books, Leslie Kean's "UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record" (2011), at among other sources
11:38:48 From Jim Garrison to Everyone:
11:39:10 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Tish Eastman and Opus Group Sharing of Abduction and punishment of disclosing
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11:39:29 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
I want to know what will be done to reconcile the actions of the government on individuals and groups that caused major trauma in their lives. Including murder.
11:39:33 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
If you wish, post your email here or directly to me to receive the ChatPeople report which includes this chat
11:41:03 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
In John Mack’s book, “Abduction”, that started Danny’s involvement in this UFO stuff, said that the Aliens have said from his patients hypnotic states, they think Earth is “God’s Dream”…philosophically, What does that mean to You?
11:41:15 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Anyone who disclosed the truth of Star wars stories- people who travelled without money to get to george about the truth... were arrested and monitored by security to make sure they were quieted and medicated Families were taught that their child was mentally ill
Ive got goose bumps now
11:41:30 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
The way I see it, the governments of the world (starting with the USA) have perpetrated crimes against humanity by their actions against people believing in UFOs
11:41:48 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Carter apparently was an eye witness to a sighting.
11:41:52 From david Beatty to Everyone:
11:42:26 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Yes, David?
11:43:01 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Very Cool, Danny, Jesuit’s!
11:43:05 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
I met the grandson of the man who found the Roswell craft and still has some material from it which I got to see at the Contact In The Desertat Joshua Tree, CA about 7 years ago. Everyone was there Jim Marrs, Author of" Chariots of the Gods". My parents kept that Blue Book Book next to their toilet and so I read it a lot. Been following since a kid and feel I had my own experience at 15. (71 now)
11:44:21 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
That’s movie scene stuff! Ha!
11:45:04 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
First let’s gather in the AfterChat and talk about all this!!!
11:45:44 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Yes, Shannon, crimes against humanity. The question is now, how will the US shadow play out now? Such as US addiction to war, hegemony, and imperialism?
11:46:07 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
can you please put the name of those books in the chat
11:46:27 From Mark Weinstein to Everyone:
I went to a lecture on UFO’s in the mid-nineties, might have been MUFON conference. Waiting in line for tickets, I chatted with a United Airlines pilot. He shared similarly. He saw a UFO craft, right outside his plane window
11:46:38 From diana Winhill to Everyone:
11:47:06 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Carol Sue: UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-Up: 1941-1973 and there’s a 2nd volume too
11:47:06 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Carol, it's the Amazon is already posted above!
11:48:04 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
I'm glad to be a leader of this in West Virginia.
11:48:04 From Carol Sue Engleman to Everyone:
Thank you
11:48:20 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Thank you for that template and set up. Is this the same or an updated letter than the one some of us did a couple of weeks ago? Assume an updated one so we should re-do it? Thanks…
11:48:31 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Where’s your link
11:48:33 From Marc Barasch to Everyone:
Danny, will you want to make any comments on the “controlled disclosure” vs. “catastrophic disclosure” dialectic? As you’re aware, this is a “wing” of the “movement” beating the drum for the latter in response to the gutting of the UAPDA. Others are of course suggesting something historic had indeed taken place today and the best path is to build upon it.
11:48:40 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Katherine, duplicates are ok.
11:48:47 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
we must talk no matter the conflict Religion and politics must be at the table
11:48:48 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Let's all forward these letters to our circles, to send to our congressmen and women!
11:49:32 From Debra Kaiser to Everyone:
@ Diana Winhill - CETI
11:49:45 From Jennifer Comeau to Everyone:
Where can we find that Catholic church statement?
11:50:07 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
The New Paradigm Institute ::
11:51:30 From Prashant Amara to Everyone:
reflections on work by Dr. Michael Salla, Sacha Stone, Dr. Hurtak et al.
11:51:31 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
See also our page in Othernetworks: New Paradigm Institute
11:51:47 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Just sent my Senator the message!
11:51:59 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Fascinating and profound implications! Yet so tragic, that we humans have not been willing to STOP all wars, destruction of our earth, and eradicate all weapons. So sad and illuminating. Hope WE all learn from this auspicious moment in time!!!🌹🌹🌹
11:52:04 From Debra Kaiser to Everyone:
@ Diana Winhill - SETI Institute
11:52:05 From Natalie Tobert to Everyone:
Thank you Stanley
11:52:06 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Right action, Dehanna!!! Everyone, follow her lead!!
11:52:31 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
I just cliked the buttons that sent letters to Capito, Manchin & the other guy I can't stand.
11:52:34 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
11:52:53 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
From the Q&A… Jennifer Comeau 11:19 AM
Does it make any sense to send communications to companies like Radiance Technology, Wright Patt, etc.?
Katrina Vaillancourt 11:48 AM
Might there be benefit to Danny doing a show with Joe Rogan, Aubrey Marcus, Lex Fridman or influencers in those circles? I know Kennedy has been interviewed by Joe and Aubrey… and I imagine any of them would be interested in this topic… love to see the word get out to a broader audience. Hugs to you both!! 🤗🙏🏼💜 Katrina Vaillancourt
11:52:54 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Good for you, Mary!! Even the ones we don’t like!!
11:52:58 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
11:53:04 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
11:53:18 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
@Shannon YUP!
11:53:32 From Marilyn Schramm to Everyone:
aren't there other countries that also have evidence of ET visitations?
11:53:32 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Chilling statement: "as long as we have these democratic processes available to us"
11:53:55 From diana Winhill to Everyone:
Thank you, Debra 🙏Wonderful to see you❣️🥰
11:54:51 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
11:54:59 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
I have begun inviting that relationship with ET's
11:55:12 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Don’t wait to see the UFO craft to reach out telepathically…
11:55:13 From Katrina Vaillancourt to Everyone:
I sent my letters
11:55:28 From Katrina Vaillancourt to Everyone:
Sharing with friends and family too!
11:55:30 From Tricia Fortina ; ) to Everyone:
I just contacted the Representatives for California... It took less than 4 minutes...
Yaaay Us!!!
11:55:31 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
Thanks, Katrina!!
11:55:39 From Katherine Augustine to Everyone:
Thank you for being with us again, today, Daniel… we so appreciate your and Sarah’s work, too. Thank you, Jim! Oh yes, I think Jim said we would have classes on this …. Thanks for this!
11:55:49 From Jennifer Comeau to Everyone:
Dr. Steven Greer has an app: CE5 CONTACT. Download it.
11:56:06 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Yes, It's easy. Click the button on the New Paradigm Institute website, and enter your address. It knows who your senators and representatives are and then you just click again. And personalize it if inspired. We've certainly had enough information to make that easy.
11:56:09 From Jennifer Comeau to Everyone:
Close Encounters of the 5th kind are Human initiated communication with ETs
11:56:15 From Jean Stevens to Everyone:
450 ICBM sites in North Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado on hair trigger alert. Immovable and a target for a nuke attack. I will be contacting my representatives during the holiday break to stop the plutonium pit and new nuke modernization. This is urgent. Scientific American has been publishing this urgency very recently. Civilization could end at any time in a matter of minutes. Earthlings need assistance to stop this insanity ASAP.
11:56:41 From Jean Yzer to Everyone:
I have not heard the voice of Steven Greer for some time. any update on him?
11:57:29 From Jean Yzer to Everyone:
Steven Greer's app has a system of communicating with the ETs
11:57:40 From Katrina Vaillancourt to Everyone:
11:57:52 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
Thank you Jean! Indeed, URGENT TO CONTACT OUR LEADERS to avert this planetary disaster.
11:57:55 From Marilyn Schramm to Everyone:
seems silly to me that "intelligent" life elsewhere in the Universe would choose to visit only the most backward, fearful humans on this planet
11:58:02 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone:
The NPI form still doesn’t work for a Canadian. Thanks for all your great work; still more to be done…
11:58:13 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Small and Mighty
11:58:15 From Charry Stover to Everyone:
Oh I think they've been here for a while. My question is why did they leave? Who do we think Zeus and Krishna were, anyways? (And probably Yahweh too.)
11:58:24 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
No evidence of that, Marilyn.
11:58:37 From Dehanna Rice to Everyone:
Hallelujah! Much GRATITUDE Danny, Jim & TEAM!
11:58:42 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
About The New Paradigm Institute
The New Paradigm Institute, founded by acclaimed civil rights and Constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan, is dedicated to advocating for the public release of information held by the government surrounding the issue of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), or what was commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). :: This the actual url for the New Paradigm Institute
11:58:44 From Charles Bensinger to Everyone:
Check out Steven Greer’s CE5 App
11:58:48 From Richard Page to Everyone:
Jump back Wright Pat…I got my 8th chakra lit
11:58:48 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Paul wallis has info on enki and Enlil
11:58:51 From Mary Thorp_WV to Everyone:
Can we send the emails more than once?
11:59:18 From Rev Dr Karen L Holgersen to Host and Panelists:
Just sent out the message to the senators and rep here in Texas.
11:59:21 From Jennifer Comeau to Everyone:
Send them from the new paradign inst and then send them from the senator's and rep's home page.
11:59:30 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
11:59:32 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
11:59:57 From Sarita Patel to Everyone:
Thank you Dan!!
12:00:03 From Kathleen McTeigue to Everyone:
12:00:23 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone:
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:00:23 From Marilyn Schramm to Everyone:
what about evidence existing in other countries? shouldn't this be global?
12:00:25 From Dianna Winsor to Everyone:
thank you Danny & Jim -- feels like we are at "ground zero" of the disclosure process
12:00:26 From Marc Barasch to Everyone:
“The Phenomenon,” which I wrote and produced, was the #1 iTunes documentary. Watch free on YouTube but with ads
12:00:27 From Kim Kerrigan to Everyone:
THANK YOU DANIEL for your urgent, passionate presentation today! Profound gratitude for your leadership!🌹
12:00:29 From amanda sebris to Everyone:
12:00:29 From to Everyone:
12:00:29 From Katrina Vaillancourt to Everyone:
Thank you!
12:00:31 From Roberto SCIFFO to Everyone:
thank you!
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