Humanity Rising Day 825 After Chat – Thursday December 14, 2023
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 825:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:03:09 diana: Unfortunately, I can't stay - what an interesting session it will be 😊 Enjoy it❣️🤗
00:03:23 Leo Jacoby: ciao Diana
00:04:44 Shannon McArthur: In OtherNetworks Stan collects links of HR & AfterChat sessions, along with the chats from both, and all the speakers who have appeared. Check out the list of episodes, and then dive deeper: ::
00:04:59 Shannon McArthur: Welcome to the AfterChat! Stan sends out an email every day with the links to the HR recording and this recording, along with the chats for both. If you’d like to receive the email, send Stan a message with your email.
00:05:53 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 825 of Humanity Rising
00:16:36 Lynn Brodlie: Astrologers have said for a while that religions will join together in the future
00:26:12 Shannon McArthur: Oahspe?
00:32:22 Lynn Brodlie: The mirror effect
00:35:40 Urszula Hawes: It's BIO Engineering-a system in the human body can only take over your chosen intentions when your repetitional actions. thoughts, call-overs are made as a devotional way of life. Like the yoga engineering way of life, especially promoted now by Sadhguru.
00:38:54 Paul Hillery: Read ESALEN The Religion of No Religion, by Jeff Kripal.
00:43:04 Paul Hillery: See THIRD EYE SPIES.
00:44:19 Linda DeHart: the troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it.
"the entire garrison was mustered on the parade ground" Re: “ Garrison “
00:47:05 Paul Hillery: Babies don't know to speak, but they know their parents and how to cry for food or laugh.
00:49:01 Carol Sue Engleman Facebook Sarah Sue in Belize: David Schneider a Fictional Trilogy of Cloak and Dagger around the cover up of Roswell with teenagers that have some of the materials from the crash that were passed on to the daughter of one of the men who found the crash and what the government was willing to do to hide this.
00:52:24 Carol Sue Engleman Facebook Sarah Sue in Belize: Telepathy is natural and those who tell no lies do it easily. We all do it as we have receptors that are always sending and receiving and picking up info all the time. We guard our thoughts when we lie
00:56:33 Linda DeHart: May Love arise in Everyone, where in our uncertainty CREATION moves.
00:57:10 Paul Hillery: Isn't that how 2001 ends? The great rebirth. Animal Magnetism (sound doesn't go that far.)
00:58:18 Paul Hillery: Many believe GOD is Eternal.
01:02:51 Bob Hayes: 💚
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