Humanity Rising Day 767 Chat Page – Monday September 25, 2023
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Text of the Zoom Chat from Humanity Rising Day 767
11:01:47 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Hi everyone, welcome to our Science and Consciousness week on HR!
11:02:24 From Stan Pokras To All Panelists:
Welcome to Day 767 of Humanity Rising
11:02:27 From HRN To Everyone:
Welcome everyone
11:02:46 From Stan Pokras To Everyone:
Welcome to Day 767 of Humanity Rising
11:02:46 From mary thorp To Everyone:
Hello, Peter Merry.
And wonderful to see & hear you, Jim.
11:03:13 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
It’s a new world, with Peace on Earth happening in hearts everywhere — more and more, spreading to infect Humanity - LOVE, the best virus EVER!!
11:03:18 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Loving greetings from the traditional lands of the Secwepemc now known as Kamloops BC Canada. Welcome to Humanity Rising!
11:03:30 From mary thorp To Everyone:
It's such an extraordinary time to be together here on the planet.
11:04:10 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
I LOVE Peter Merry (oooo, don’t tell him — it’s a secret!)
11:04:30 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
11:05:02 From mary thorp To Everyone:
Jim, I know you're on the move, but it's so wonderful & unexpected to have you here with us.
Thank you.
11:06:24 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
I know, Mary! I thought this “move to Washington” was going to require Jim to be away from us. This is nice!
11:07:53 From Jim Garrison To Everyone:
Thank you. I’ll be here till Wednesday and then on Thursday I’ll be flying back east early so will miss HR Thursday and Friday. Always good to be with you all as I can during my transition to DC.
11:08:06 From mary thorp To Everyone:
Peter, how do we be in touch with you?
I also want to note the quote behind you that says, ""All things are delicately interconnected."
11:08:13 From Katherine Augustine To Everyone:
Love that re: Time!
11:08:30 From mary thorp To Everyone:
Thanks, Jim.
11:08:39 From Kim Kerrigan To Everyone:
Love the wisdom on your wall! "All things are delicately interconnected" So so true! Reality is just like the movie title: Everything, everywhere all at once!😎
11:09:14 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Syntropy… the complementary effect to entropy. I learned about syntropy last year at Broughton Hall with Peter and everyone at Making Wyrd the Norm.
11:10:43 From mary thorp To Everyone:
Findhorn...the example for decades.
11:11:21 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Wolf!! Great to see you!
11:11:37 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
This has some parallel w/ sloop time experiments at Visual Math Institute, Ralph Abrahams research! So glad to hear this for HR! The Age of Consciousness!
11:11:39 From Kim Kerrigan To Everyone:
Yes! Consciousness IS cause! Cabbages as large as huge pumpkins! Love Findhorn's regenerative gardening wisdom!
11:15:11 From Kim Kerrigan To Everyone:
QUANTUM MIND by Arnold Mindell (where physics meets human psychology and collective consciousness, synchronicity, etc) An excellent book!
11:15:46 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Andrew Still, Founder of Kirksville, MO. School of Osteopathy, said all knowledge is “caught not taught”! It’s ALK in the field!
11:16:15 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Wolf’s appearances on HR can be found here: ::
11:16:56 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Fantastic Work Wolf & Peter!
11:17:35 From Stan Pokras To Everyone:
Wolfhardt Janu - Participation on Humanity Rising ::
11:18:14 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network To Everyone:
How will your research be dynamically affecting Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace.
11:20:14 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Mary - you can always email me at
11:20:34 From mary thorp To Everyone:
Thanks, Peter.
11:20:35 From Kim Kerrigan To Everyone:
Provocative picture. What is happening with those fists in the air?
11:21:47 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Kim - eros related to the tantric research and thanatos related to the dying research.
11:22:32 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Please do let us know if you have any questions or need us to explain anything that Wolf says.
11:23:27 From Anne Marie Law To All Panelists:
What is a tantric ritual?
11:23:58 From Peter Merry To Anne Marie Law and All Panelists:
I’ll ask him to explain that when he describes the results.
11:28:30 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Question: If time is a fluent influencer, not a linear process, and our intention & vibration we walk into a research lab with affects the data, can we grasp the potential of creating Peace in every Human Heart & our 🌎?
11:30:28 From Kim Kerrigan To Everyone:
Yes, last week program Peace 2030 is creating that reality by forming Peace Pods. Will we eradicate the harmful intentions being done by the global elite?
11:32:54 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Question: How does your research have any significance in communicating w/ Alien Intelligences?
11:34:18 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Kim, thanks for mentioning the Peace by 2030 Game! Find it here: ::
11:34:36 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Hi Dehanna - it seems that working in these consciousness information fields is the way aliens intelligences communicate and drive their technology. You’ll notice that the communication attempts all involve some kind of meditation and connecting to our consciousness.
11:35:13 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
This technology enables us to get feedback on our impact on those fields.
11:36:37 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
Speaking of aliens, I’d recommend the movie Arrivals - very interesting twists.
11:37:11 From Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network To Everyone:
Kurt has to leave to a Dr. Appt. Thanks for your life’s work for a thriving life for all by your keen intellect and openness in Consciousness. Together in collaboration, coagulation, and dialogue, we get to prompt the world back into thriving for ALL our relations.
Kurt Krueger, AnotherU, PeaceMakersCircles at gmail dot com
See how we can bring Peace IN Everything, Everything WITH Peace even faster with the PeaceMaker Master Heart Circles while being all we can be to : ::
Use this link about/from Kurt, including some gifts : ::
11:41:51 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
This is the link to the Science and Consciousness event in November. To get the discount, use SCIENCE20 that is valid for this week. ::
11:42:46 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Thank you so much, Peter! It should be AMAZING, if it’s anything like last year… and the accommodations — ohhhhhhhh!!!
11:42:50 From Todd Bureau To Everyone:
Looking forward to it..!
11:43:34 From Connie and Andrew To Everyone:
Greetings to all from Gloucestor, MA
11:45:20 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Some “Wyrd” phenomenon!!
11:45:38 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
Very, very impressive!
11:46:22 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Right Peter, last week I met w/ Dean Radin on that subject…what it would take for training individuals w/ that talent, telepathic conversation.
11:46:59 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
We ALL have the potential to communicate that way.
11:47:06 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
I believe
11:47:14 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
I agree
11:51:15 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
This is what the REGS discovered prior to the planes hitting the Twin Towers. There was a greater coherence BEFORE. See the Global Consciousness Project
11:53:00 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
Hummm, this seems to fit with the experiments they have done that change what happened in the past with particles and waves, When the actual occurrence was changed after the event then the event changed, So you can change your past…
11:53:15 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
11:55:15 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Katie, we need to talk… I want to understand that better… AfterChat??
11:56:08 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Kathryn… sorry.
11:56:26 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
Ah, I was wondering… Yes I can come today.
11:56:37 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
11:56:47 From To Everyone:
Shannon, that is what Inner Resonance Technologies IRT facilitates... a direct access to shift patterns of energy to shape shift realities
11:57:21 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Maureen, yes… and I hope YOU can come today to the AfterChat too…
11:57:34 From To Everyone:
For a bit, yes!
11:57:38 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
This is important! YAY!!
11:59:05 From Katherine Augustine To Everyone:
Wow that is quite intriguing! That would be so cool - I can only say the feeling at those collective experiences is definitely a Oneness like at a concert....
12:00:19 From Susan Iancanelli To Everyone:
Does this concept of action in the "future" affecting the outcome of a "previous" event imply that our meditation/attention/prayer about an event that we perceive has already happened could actually affect the experience or result of that event?
12:00:50 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
That is what it suggests Susan…
12:03:56 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
The Florida Orchestra will play Gustav Holst’s THE PLANETS on Saturday in St Pete and Sunday in Clearwater. We will use at least one REG to track group awe. Awe influences human choices, such as responding with kindness, compassion and yes, Kurt, peace. A hypothesis is these cohering fields could influence our choices regarding climate change.;
12:04:46 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
check with Dasher Keltner’s research on Awe. He has a book out now.
12:04:47 From To Everyone:
Susan I, we can talk about that in our session tomorrow at 11:30 am PDT
12:04:49 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Ooo, SharonJoy, if only your REG setup could offer data to Wolf’s project…
12:05:38 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
(And vice versa!
12:06:01 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
I will follow up with Peter after this to include WYRD with IONS.
12:06:13 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
12:07:47 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
We imagine having every symphony in Florida that wants to to play the concert on the same weekend before the November 2024 elections to see if there’s a shift in consciousness at the polls and how the public responds to the outcomes
12:08:08 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
Nice, ShannonJoy!
12:10:36 From To Everyone:
Very interesting separation at death and a few minutes? later is the reconnection of the energies
12:10:37 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
container, not entity shifts.
12:11:17 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
And, a certain charge as death shifts the space the entity is moving through
12:11:22 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
12:11:37 From Kathleen To Everyone:
Sharon Joy, I would like to talk with you about the research with the orchestra. I conducted a pilot in collaboration with Heartmath on the effects of a shared intention among the musicians on themselves and audience. I'm conducting more research at SFSU in the Institute for Holistic Health Studies. My email is
12:13:41 From To Everyone:
Yes and more information from the experience of the neurologist Eben Alexander that when a virus? bacterial infection ate his neurology and he came back from that "coma" with an amazing report
12:13:49 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
Rollin McCraty at HeartMath has been in this exploration.
12:13:59 From To Everyone:
His Book is Proof of Heaven
12:14:33 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
I’m talking to Rollin in 15 mins :-).
12:15:32 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
Please ask Rollin if he saw my updated email?
12:15:57 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Love how our worlds are weaving together!!
12:16:20 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Indeed Rollin ROCKS!
12:17:16 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
I have 2 Psyleron REGS, but we were planning to use IONS/HM’s mew REG 2.0. Should we use both?
12:17:21 From Kathleen To Everyone:
Peter, say hello to Rollin for me. I'm deso
12:17:38 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Link to Science and Consciousness again. HR discount code is SCIENCE20. ::
12:18:07 From Kathleen To Everyone:
I'm designing a study with orchestra in San Francisco
12:18:53 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
I’m at kleitsch@verizon. net
12:19:51 From SharonJoy Kleitsch To Everyone:
A Univ of So Florida physicist is the one who will gather the data on Saturday and Sunday.
12:20:38 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Will all of these people be at Broughton Hall at this year’s conference?
12:21:08 From Peter Merry To Everyone:
Many of them, yes Shannon. Annette definitely.
12:21:35 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Now I’m really sad; good thing I’ll be doing something lovely instead.
12:22:02 From Stan Pokras To Everyone:
With Love...
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting for conversation after this session.
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:22:03 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Fascinating Powerful Work! Much gratitude 🙏
12:22:43 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
This is SUCH important work!! Thank you, Wolf, for doing it and bringing results to us.
12:23:16 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
The venue is worth going to, even without the conference, truth be told!!
12:23:19 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
Seems to me the indigenous have done for some time
12:23:23 From Rita Marsh To Everyone:
Fascinating! Will certainly watch this program again!
12:25:11 From Mary Olson To Everyone:
FYI ::
12:25:11 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Blowing our minds seems like a good thing right now!
12:25:26 From To Everyone:
I am excited to be attending the Consciousness - Science, Spirituality and Social Impact at Harvard Medical School with the Sadhguru institute!!! October 26 for 2 days!!
12:25:44 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Definitely, the Great Mystery, Native American reaches
12:25:49 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Wow, Maureen!! Bring back reports — the AfterChat awaits...
12:26:54 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
The biggest issue, IMO is trust. We cannot con=mmunicate effectively if you do not trust - both ourselves and others.
12:27:01 From To Everyone:
12:27:05 From Mary Olson To Everyone:
WOW Jim! Are you being inducted to participate in UFO disclosure process "officially"?
12:27:18 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Yes, Mary, he’ll be running the office!
12:27:29 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Facilitating the disclosure
12:27:38 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
As well as the collection
12:27:46 From Mary Olson To Everyone:
12:27:46 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Dean Radin had some specifics what it would take to develop those telepathic capabilities in our population
12:28:15 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Mary, Jim’s been talking to us in his Morning Messages and I’ve been transcribing them for my blog.
12:28:18 From Mary Olson To Everyone:
We are so lucky that he will do this... blessed.
12:28:25 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Come to the AfterChat; let’s talk!
12:28:32 From Stan Pokras To Everyone:
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:28:41 From Shannon McArthur To Everyone:
Thanks, Stan!
12:28:43 From To Everyone:
I stayed in Moscow with a woman who worked in the Physics Research institute who as a scientist was celebrated for her contact with ETs and ships
12:28:53 From Mary Olson To Everyone:
Yeah, I have been MIA from HR for a couple years. today I felt CALLED>
12:30:19 From Kathryn Alexander, MA To Everyone:
That was my experience with my daughter...
12:30:26 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Very Cool, kids got it!
12:30:47 From Dehanna Rice To Everyone:
Thank you, consciously!
12:30:56 From Kathleen To Everyone:
Thank you!!!
12:30:59 From Stan Pokras To Everyone:
You can join the After Chat here:
Meeting ID: 8 10 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541
12:31:09 From Mo Stevenson To Everyone:
Wow. Anazibg
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