Humanity Rising Day 597 After Chat – Tuesday December 6, 2022
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 597:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:09:18 Charry Stover: quicksilver scientific
00:09:49 Charry Stover: glutathione
00:14:45 Naomi Calligaro: We're having some background interruptions
00:15:48 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 597
00:19:33 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: PLEAASE connect with me 818-399-0771. I have to go to a PeaceMakers Circle meeting
00:23:35 Jill Buzan: ::
00:24:08 Jill Buzan: 941-321-9770
00:27:17 Naomi Calligaro: Q: Could you please clarify the position regarding clinical trials on these patches? One friend I have in mind has very advanced oral cancer. I wonder whether it could help her, and what costs might be involved.
00:28:07 Naomi Calligaro: I don't have a camera
00:28:15 Shannon McArthur: All good. Thanks
00:30:42 Charry Stover: Every night at 9:00 eastern, 7 days a week? 5 days a week? Is there a link?
00:30:46 Naomi Calligaro: Could you please give the reference
00:31:32 Jill Buzan:
00:31:33 Naomi Calligaro: Could you please put this in the chat box?
00:33:10 Charry Stover: I listen to 5-12 hours of alternative medical information every week, and I have never heard of this. How has it been so well hidden?
00:34:49 Charry Stover: Can you talk just a little about the other patches?
00:35:14 Naomi Calligaro: What is the minimum investment in these patches to try them please?
00:38:47 Charry Stover: And is David ever worried about his personal safety? That drone really pushes up against big energy.
00:39:04 Naomi Calligaro: I'd like to invite some of my contacts to watch today;s webinar. What is the link for it please?
00:40:02 Naomi Calligaro: Where can I find out more about the drones please?
00:40:27 Naomi Calligaro: Thanks
00:40:57 Stanley Pokras: ::!Day597::
00:41:12 Naomi Calligaro: great thanks
00:44:05 Jill Buzan: 941-321-9770
00:46:03 Shannon McArthur: Write to Jill at
00:47:19 cecely: Deep bow of gratitude to Jill and all you Angels!
00:47:27 Naomi Calligaro: Thanks
00:48:57 Charry Stover: He did talk about those briefly.
00:53:54 Naomi Calligaro: The human Shadow!
00:54:58 Naomi Calligaro: I'd prefer to hear more about healing
00:56:06 Charry Stover: Thank you all! Ovokaitys if I'm lucky. Very powerful supplements.
00:56:23 Charry Stover: It's lasers
00:56:56 Charry Stover: His store is I believe
00:57:47 Charry Stover: Yes, it is
00:57:57 Charry Stover: Thanks all!!
00:58:10 Stanley Pokras: ::
00:58:59 Naomi Calligaro: Thank you
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