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Humanity Rising Day 587 After Chat   –   Tuesday November 22, 2022, 2022

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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 587:

aka ChatPeople Chat


00:05:01    Stanley Pokras:    This is the AfterChat for Day 587

00:07:05    Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network:    CU Manana… :)  Love you guys.

00:07:11    Kathryn Alexander, MA:    So sorry to have to leave!!! 🙏♥️

00:21:46    Mary Francis Drake:  Michelle Dunn on PTSD ::

00:25:06    Stanley Pokras:    I have a theory about the balance of good and evil in the universe… and the good prevails unless is doesn’t. If Good doesn’t prevail the universe ends and has no evolutionary history. It’s not possible for a universe to have an evolutionary history if evil prevails. The goodness that causes the continuation of the evolutionary history is that there is successful relations month the various parts. Those aspects that can get along survive. Those that can’t get along with ultimately cause the failure of the evolutionary process.

00:26:09    Leo Jacoby:    ::  (Rabbi Simon Jacobson) (Jacob Bijani, July 31, 2013 "Beauty is the most important thing to strive for in all that you create.") (First published Tue Sep 4, 2012; substantive revision Tue Mar 22, 2022) (by Timothy O’Malley, appearing in Volume 37 Spring 2020) (10:25 The Different Types and Values of Beauty WINFRIED MENNINGHAUS investigates the meanings of and values inherent in four categories of subject appeal, namely beauty, elegance, grace, and sexiness.)

00:26:11    Leo Jacoby:    Books (Values of Beauty: Historical Essays in Aesthetics by Paul Guyer, 2012) | :: (2015 He identifies the experience of beauty as a pancultural, neurobiological phenomenon. Drawing on a wide range of fields-- ritual and dramatic performance, the oral tradition, paleoanthropology and human evolution, neurobiology, cosmology and theoretic physics, chaos theory and fractal mathematics...  proposes that the experience of beauty is the recognition of this evolutionary process and the reward for participating in it.)

00:28:26    Shannon McArthur:    Thank you, Leo!!

00:31:14    Leo Jacoby:    :: (11:20 What is the meaning of Beauty? | Thomas Zeumer | TEDxYouth@HCCS 2022 Is it a feeling? Is there a formula? Does it come from the inside or the outside? How do people perceive it differently from each other? Can we change something within ourselves to feel more beautiful?

00:33:06    Leo Jacoby:    ::

00:33:40    Shannon McArthur:    ::

00:35:21    Stanley Pokras:    A Gathering of the Tribe By Charles Eisenstein ::

00:36:28    Leo Jacoby:    :: ("‘Are these my thoughts or yours?’ I asked. ‘It doesn’t matter,’ the Sun replied.  ‘You are me and I am you…. The Book of the Sun concerns the structure of the living universe, why it is so difficult here, and why we should all began to realise that we are all one, and yet diverse at the same time.  It answers many questions that have concerned minds throughout the millennia.  Why are we here?    Why is there  suffering?   What is the future for us?    These questions and many more are answered.)

00:37:32    Shannon McArthur:    Jeffrey Martin’s course

00:41:22    Leo Jacoby:    :: (Jeffrey Martin "Discover the world's largest ongoing experiment in consciousness... Stop Seeking. Become a Finder. The Scientifically Proven Program for Finding Lasting Inner Peace and Contentment" The Next Challenge Begins December 3rd!)

00:42:55    Leo Jacoby:    ::

00:44:32    Leo Jacoby:    :: (Reviews of The Finders by Jeffrey Martin)

00:46:05    Shannon McArthur: from 6-8pm PT

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