Humanity Rising Day 571 After Chat – Monday October 31, 2022
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 571:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:07:34 Pamela Schreiner: Can someone post the link that Lynn McTaggert showed us?
00:19:37 Candy Leonard: @Michael great picture!
00:20:27 Stanley Pokras: This is the AfterChat for Day 571
00:21:52 Stanley Pokras: The Loving Way… Thank you Patricia
00:22:40 Candy Leonard: I.e., male and female, respectively.
00:24:28 Leo Jacoby: Patricia Davis to Everyone
From the Dine' Indigenous lens the Female Life-task is Life-giver/Nurturer; and, the Male Life task is Protector/Provider of women and children in a Healthy Helping teamwork for win-win, constructive co-creative life-
affirming decisions for those outcomes. The Root Cause of violence against women and girls is male domination and female submission, which results in animosity and aggression within and among males, when females
Reframe out of Placator (Pleaser) to Leveler and Truth-teller. Historically women and People of Color are required to agree to lose and pay to lose, which is destructive and death-producing decisions for those outcomes
we are now witnessing and transcending and transmuting into living the loving way as a way of life, HOZHO for the women in Iran and women of the world.
00:32:27 Patricia Anne Davis: Google: Patricia Anne Davis Choctaw Navajo; Facebook Page: "Indigenous Wisdom Institute";; Email:; Cell Phone: 206-778-6721, text 1st as my phone silences all calls not in my contacts.
00:38:08 Candy Leonard: Yep
00:39:18 Leo Jacoby: Links and some comments from today's HR program, (Click above to download before chat closes.)
00:40:40 Candy Leonard: "trade and commerce thinking” - very useful concept
00:43:05 Patricia Anne Davis: Change at two levels: At a Systems Level - Systems Engineering; and, Individual, Family, Community and Society Conditioning. Then, there is two levels of Persistence and Resistance to change.
00:44:20 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: You may wish to check out, and their Re-enculturation and transition economy
00:45:31 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: sorry, 🙂
00:46:06 Dielle in WV: Got here late - is Patricia Indigenous? Who is her ‘we’?
00:46:50 Stanley Pokras: If you would like to receive a link to this conversation and chat and the Humanity Rising recording and chat, send me your email address or just put it in this chat.
00:47:23 Stanley Pokras: I send email with this information each day.
00:50:45 Dielle in WV: I did not realize Diné had both ceremonial and conversational language. Yes - unlearning is a most important task.
00:51:21 Dielle in WV: Great upside-down costume, Richard!
00:55:06 Dielle in WV: Wow - blessings for your connection.
01:07:14 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: SACRED INSTRUCTIONS by Sherri Mitchell. BLENDS INDIGENOUS WISDOM FOR LIVING THE LIFE WE WERE ALL MEANT TO LEAD - one of compassion and peace. Using Science, Regenerative agriculture, Feminine/Masculine, Spirituality, and Societal change...
ANOTHER connector with our inner nature is The Four Sacred Gifts, a great book by an indigenous elder, Anita Sanchez - Forgiving the Unforgivable is the first of The Four Sacred Gifts. Spoiler Alert, she's a dear friend and colleague working with the Pachamama Alliance.
Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Kimmerer’s journey that is every bit as mythic as it is scientific, as sacred as it is historical. the awakening of ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world.
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect." ~Chief Seattle
01:07:20 Kurt Krueger, PeaceMakers Circles/Network: Three sources the extreme value Indigenous wisdom and power of the Feminine side of the Taoist coin.
01:07:21 Candy Leonard: the scRCITY MINDSET
01:07:42 Candy Leonard: Scarcity mindset -
01:07:46 Michael Coles: :: Indigenous Palaeolithic of the Western hemisphere
01:08:29 Michael Coles: ::
01:16:13 Stanley Pokras: Day082 A Crucial Time Of Choice - Healing Humanity; Healing The Earth ::
01:21:34 Michelle Massi: Anne Baring has a youtube channel and she is super generous with what she puts up everything videos of her talks etc so if you miss
01:21:56 Richard Page:
01:22:09 Dielle in WV:
01:22:20 Patricia Anne Davis: There are only two intentions: 1) Eurocentric Dualistic Inverse thinking system win-lose, no-one wins, destructive and death-producing decisions for those outcomes as we are witnessing in the enemy-creation global crisis today that devalues and dehumanizes people. 2) Affirmative thinking system: win-win, constructive and life-affirming decisions for those outcomes using the appropriate function of Conscience.
01:23:54 Dielle in WV: At some point I would like to hear Patricia & Kaariina’s opinion about the appropriation of Siberian shamanism.
01:36:56 Patricia Anne Davis: The 2nd Friday of every month: "Love Currency Embassy, A Sacred Circle Ceremony for Wellness Restoration" sponsored by SINE Network: Jon Ramer in Seattle, WA
01:39:22 Patricia Anne Davis: I call it Female and Male Life Task: Healthy Helping Teamwork
01:44:41 Dielle in WV: Can we curtail this & say good-bye? We have the link to go back when time allows.
01:47:46 Dielle in WV: Happy All Hallowed’s Eve to all of you. I observe the Day of the Dead - and lost my best friend this year - so it is a poignant one for me this year.
01:50:01 Dielle in WV: I hope there is a talk from Patricia & Kaarliina on the roster at some point! I must go; all the best to each of you.
02:00:11 Candy Leonard: Be well everyone - tell Jim to invite Elizabeth Lesser from Omega back on.
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