Humanity Rising Day 326 After Chat – Monday September 27, 2021
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 326:
aka ChatPeople Chat
00:02:35 Daniel: I need to leave soon
00:12:58 Daniel: Be well
00:19:09 Jean Stevens: Thank you for your thoughts. Good to see you all. I have to leave also to deal with a neighboring conquistador.
00:19:39 Shannon McArthur: Oh, Jean! Pleased to see you - may love go with you!
00:19:50 Kurt Krueger, Love you Jean
00:20:21 Jean Stevens: Love to all of you!
00:27:56 Carolyn Bumgardner: To me it is all related. We cannot talk about and give attention to a "high frequency" without acknowledge "everything else"... my comment was to pose if we are all one, how do we plant seeds for that frequency to embody it?
00:29:01 Shannon McArthur: Thank you for speaking as you have, Carolyn. This is difficult terrain...
00:29:10 Leo Jacoby: Links I shared during HR so you can copy: Links to Barry Cottrell
Most Popular Book: The Way Beyond The Shaman: Birthing A New Earth Consciousness
Today starts Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Week. Live sessions on the NCTR website :: or Youtube channel :: at 11:30 am ET and 1:00 pm ET. Or watch later on the NCTR website.
00:29:55 Shannon McArthur: Thank you so much Leo
00:30:25 Kurt Krueger, TY Leo. 🙂
00:30:50 Kurt Krueger, What say your Lack/?
00:30:52 Carolyn Bumgardner: We need to find a way to occupy even when it's challenging
00:30:57 Kurt Krueger, Jack
00:31:58 Leo Jacoby: At noon I will tune into the Truth & Reconciliation Live Stream on Yukon's Self-Government: ::
00:32:14 Shannon McArthur: I would like to share about a shaman I met…
00:32:36 Shannon McArthur: Mongolian
00:33:46 Carolyn Bumgardner: I have been and am deeply touched by partitions. Just now I was moved to tears that I have a commitment to deliberate intention to be CONNECTED TO ALL. Everything and everyone is an invitation to See and BE that.
00:34:24 Leo Jacoby: Larry, you might want to check my Barry Cottrell links re. consciousness.
00:41:32 Leo Jacoby: Ciao for now. Blessings on your day.
00:43:51 Shannon McArthur: ::
00:45:12 Leo Jacoby: thanks Larry for the files you sent
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