Humanity Rising Day 258 After Chat – Friday May 28, 2021
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 258:
aka ChatPeople Chat
12:45:26 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : This is the chat for the ChatPeople day 258
12:46:02 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : The Trauma Tapping Technique ~
12:47:34 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : If you are new hear, send me your email address to begin receiving the daily set of links to the Humanity Rising episode, the associated chat, this recording and this chat. There is often a great wealth of wisdom captured in the chats.
12:52:08 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : Here’s an 8 minute video on a PeaceMaker Meditation. :: Peace in Everything, Everything with Peace will reverberate throughout your day… making it the focus and bringing more peace to you and ‘others.’
13:01:35 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : Please feel free to connect with Kurt Krueger, 1+818-399-0771., I presented programs stress management programs at the UN and Oxford U. Medical School., please contribute your wisdom
13:03:45 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Ronnie, you’re next!!
13:04:44 From kathryn davison to Everyone : Yes, thank you Davidson.
13:05:35 From Paula Petry to Everyone : ::
13:05:49 From Paula Petry to Everyone :
13:07:42 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : If you are new here, send me your email address to begin receiving the daily set of links to the Humanity Rising episode, the associated chat, this recording and this chat. There is often a great wealth of wisdom captured in the chats.
13:07:57 From Paula Petry to Everyone : I co-founded this school … more details here. ::
13:08:48 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : Wonderful info and connections here.
13:15:00 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : My organization is running programs aimed at bolstering the resilience of vulnerable communities affected by cycles of violence for peaceful co-existence. Happy to connect across the oceans.
13:15:59 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : Mt. Egon Peace Initiative - MEPI
13:16:22 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone :
13:16:54 From Paula Petry to Everyone : That is wonderful … I am involved in an initiative — Future Classes Initiative … I will connect you with that also …. They are offering neuroscience of stress ..globally into classrooms along with many other subject areas that promote higher thinking .. and peace..
13:19:07 From kathryn davison to Everyone : At the community level — a resource for you:
13:19:08 From kathryn davison to Everyone : ::
13:19:51 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : ::
13:21:48 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : Thank you for all the links!!!
13:22:03 From Rachel's Gift to Everyone : I wanted to leave this resource speaking to the topic from the session on ideas on what to do or say when someone is grieving and how to help them. This is a very short and simple list with just some practical things that serves our purpose so it’s not comprehensive; more to just get people thinking along these lines and encouraging them to reach out instead of avoiding. We have this resource we make available to friends and family members of those who have lost a baby, however, many of the suggestions can transition in coming alongside of anyone in the beginning stages of loss: :: Feel free to share with anyone that is searching for practical ways to be there for someone that is grieving.
13:22:33 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : Stanley, our personal griefs are lessons to prepare us for the great griefs in Davidson's country and other global woes that you often help us re-member and for future great griefs that Paula has forewarned.
13:24:19 From kathryn davison to Everyone : We haven’t yet spoken a lot about this but the work of Therese Schroder-Sheker, harp music for transition…
13:25:19 From Debra Kaiser to Everyone : Thank you Rachel for sharing your links
13:25:20 From Bert Farr to Everyone :
13:26:03 From Bert Farr to Everyone :
13:27:06 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : Paula, what you have just said resonates with me in every aspect. Thank you.
13:27:29 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : Thank you everyone for your thoughts!
13:27:45 From kathryn davison to Everyone : Thank you all of you….
13:28:30 From Paula Petry to Everyone : Davidson Akhonya — I so look forward to connecting to help children … in transformative ways.
13:28:58 From Davidson Akhonya - KENYA to Everyone : wonderful
13:29:40 From Lois Stark to Everyone :
13:32:32 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : WALK AND BE ESPECIALLY IN NATURE…
13:33:56 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : Stanley, can you stay & update with me after the after chat today?
13:34:17 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : Yes, Jean.
13:35:56 From diana to Everyone : Ronnie, you had your list of 13(???) exercises one can use to calm themselves when they suddenly get hit with emotion
13:38:29 From Debra Kaiser to Everyone : My closest friend lost her baby at birth. and being with her at the time and through the process, was a catalyst for me to become a birth doula, and then years later, hospice work. Thank you Lori Beth for your meaningful work.
13:40:33 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : The Four Sacred Gifts, a great book by an indigenous elder, Anita Sanchez - Forgiving the Unforgivable is the first of The Four Sacred Gifts,
13:44:50 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : Take 8 minutes of your life to experience a powerful expression on LOVE. ::
One learned from a parent and the other from the most unexpected source you’d probably ever image could teach it. View the first 10 minutes and get back to if the last statement is incorrect.
LOVE and helpfulness work wonders... When you “work it”… Start practicing this Meditation practice that can greatly help: :: Peace in Everything, Everything with Peace will reverberate throughout your day… making it the focus and bringing more peace to you and ‘others.’
13:45:36 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : SHANNON: COSMIC LOVE
13:45:45 From kathryn davison to Everyone : Have to go but thank you all, and thank you Shannon for a window into your world.
13:45:47 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : You’re a blessing.
13:46:01 From marciaraffstudio to Everyone : Shannon eft us speechless
13:46:41 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : Thank you for sharing this story of your trauma and the beautiful ending to your grief!
13:47:20 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : thank you so much for listening, everyone. So glad for the happy ending…
13:55:55 From Kurt Krueger, to Everyone : I’ll be going in 5 minutes. Thank you ALL for BEING HERE NOW! Love you. :)
13:56:39 From Paula Petry to Everyone : I will be going in a few minutes … Thank you everyone!
13:56:52 From diana to Everyone : Shannon, how did your son find you on FB????
13:57:41 From Bert Farr to Everyone : Thank you! Have a wondrous day!
13:57:45 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : I’d like to know too! Maybe a search. I never changed my name.
13:57:51 From Shannon McArthur to Everyone : Tthank you for coming!!
13:58:07 From Paula Petry to Everyone : Thank you Bert, Ronnie, Lori Beth and Diana!!! Blessings!! See you soon!
13:58:11 From diana to Everyone : Thank YOU, Paula. An amazing contribution from you and everyone!
13:58:28 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : Debra, you shared that you ministered at both ends of life's journey: "a birth doula, and then years later, hospice work."
13:58:55 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : Quite a span of service to others.
14:03:35 From diana to Everyone : It's a Bulldozer!!
14:04:04 From diana to Everyone : :-D
14:04:16 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : Ingenius!
14:04:43 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : Diana requested Ronnie's 13 poins Here are some:
14:05:18 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : 1) Tongue Curl
Touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Gently
hold it there for a while — your lips can remam
closed if you are in public. You will feel your teeth
unclench, your jaw relax, and your body ease.
2) Shoulder Hunch
Shrug your shoulders up near your ears as tightly as you can. Hold for a few seconds, then let go. Repeat two or three times. Letting your hands dangle at your
sides, shake your hands and fingers and feel the "heebie-jeebies" of stress fall away.
3) Fist and Arm Squeeze
Ball up your fists, tighten the forearms, biceps and triceps as tightly as you can. Hold for a few seconds, then let go. Repeat two or three times.
14:05:23 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : 4) Butt Squeeze
Squeeze your butt (think cracking nuts with your cheeks) as tightly as you can. Hold for a few seconds, then let go. Repeat two or three times. You'll be
sitting up very straight and should be more relaxed when you 're done.
5) Feet Fists
Scrunch up your feet (slip your shoes off if possible) into fists. Tighten the feet and calves for a few seconds, then let go and spread the toes out. Repeat two or three times.
6) Warm Water Wash
Wash your hands and wrists in warm/hot water for at least a minute. It will relax your whole body. Try the tongue curl while you're washing. If you can apply a
warm, wet paper towel or wash cloth to your neck and the inside of your elbows do that also.
7) Power Poses
"Making yourself big" for just two minutes before a stressful situation changes the brain in ways that build courage, reduce anxiety and inspire leadership, according to Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist. Adopting a confident pose delivers quick self-assurance. If you can find two minutes of pri
14:06:04 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : of privacy (poses pics: restroom, stairwell, office, closet) try it. If you have no privacy, or cannot physically do the poses, just visualizing the stances can help.
8) Yoga Poses
Long before Power Poses there was yoga, an ancient form of body-mind union. There are many poses related
to grief— here (pic) is Warrior Two. Be sure to do both sides of the body. Try to hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds.
... (missing 9 & 10)
11) Acupressure
There are many acupressure points that can help with stress. Here are three easy
Gently massage the fleshy area between your thumb and index finger for 20 to 30 seconds. Do the other hand, too.
Place your third fingers on the flat end of both your collarbones. Press firmly or tap as you take slow, deep breaths for about a minute.
Gently rub the ears on the relaxation points.
14:06:20 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : 12) Doodling/Handcrafts
I like pencil doodling best but any writing implement will work.
Try drawing without a plan or goal — just move the pencil about and see what results. One of my favorites is a wooden, thick, multicolored pencil.
Crochet, knitting or embroidery are soothmg and creative, but not as subtle.
But if you're on a Zoom call, perhaps you can indulge below the range of the camera. (!)
14:06:39 From Leo Jacoby to Everyone : Missing two of them
14:21:58 From Stanley Pokras to Everyone : Jean Stevens suggests Jim Sagel New Mexico writer
14:22:50 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : ::
14:49:00 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : ::
15:43:47 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : ::
15:46:24 From Jean Stevens to Everyone : Documentary... Historic event "The Encirclement at Rocky Flats"
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