Humanity Rising Day 252 After Chat – Thursday May 20, 2021
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Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 252:
00:12:58 diana: Not to Mention the difference in side effects
00:15:20 Kat Haber: Yes, please @Kurt.
00:15:33 diana: Kurt, Pls put it in,
00:16:03 Kurt Krueger, I had bronchial asthma and allergies. A member of the Humanity's Team in the San Fernando Valley that I facilitated had found a cure/remedy. It worked for me for 2 1/2 years and I only had to buy 1 bottle. The man who passed this onto me had to buy for a months supply to rid his nearly daily habit of using his inhaler.... If you don’t follow the instructions on the dosage, it isn’t as effective!
Let me know how it works for you and/or your family/friends... Then Share this with anyone you know that suffers from these issues.
The attachment tells all about it… Please feel free to forward this onward! and let me know how it works for you.
Why do blessings abound when You’re around?
Kurt Krueger
Author of Bestseller, Winning Ways for Living, founder of Success Systems International.
Success Systems International
Why is this the best day ever?

00:16:21 Kristine Sorensen: Will need to leave. Take care - stay safe
00:18:05 Kurt Krueger, I never said vaccines are bad. I didn’t even say I took it or not… Immediately there was a reaction…
00:21:25 Alecia Caine: sorry Kurt, I just had my vaccine, guess, Im a little sensitive to criticism against it.
00:22:04 Candy Leonard: So how do we motivate people to take care of their own health? I’ve always wondered why some people do and some people don’t
00:22:19 Kurt Krueger, Alicia, I wasn’t criticizing you nor anyone else. Sorry if it sounded like it. :)
00:23:51 Candy Leonard: Thank you!
00:26:34 Candy Leonard: You’re opening the world to us too
00:31:26 Kurt Krueger, I need to leave in 5. Sorry. Thanks for being here. Keep on Loving…
00:31:55 Shannon McArthur: you too, my friend
00:32:02 Kat Haber: UBUNTU
00:32:36 Debra Kaiser: These are great links Kurt. I was looking for my similar/same links to share. You beat me to it!
00:37:16 David Somekh: So sorry guys, I have to go. Been a long day. Nice to connect with you again
00:37:25 Shannon McArthur: bless you David!!!
00:37:33 Shannon McArthur: thank you for coming - come back
00:40:08 Alecia Caine: ego
00:45:24 Candy Leonard: ::
00:47:49 Kat Haber: ::
00:50:54 Alecia Caine: yes come to Italy, Shannon! im going to visit my family in the US in 2 weeks, I'll be in Seattle, Cincinnati and Los Angeles for 2 months
00:51:59 Shannon McArthur: oh, Alecia! what a lovely prospect!! thank you - won’t be until November or after; let’s talk!
00:52:12 Alecia Caine: si
00:53:11 diana: Am going to concentrate on ONE Thing, Right now! So see you guys, tomorrow :-) Ciao
00:53:58 Alecia Caine: Im going too, bye everyone!
00:54:11 Shannon McArthur: bye, Alecia!!
00:54:27 Debra Kaiser: I am going to go now to explore the day. bye for now
00:54:27 Kat Haber: ::
00:55:02 Shannon McArthur: bye! Lots of love!
01:00:14 Davidson Akhonya - KENYA: Thank you @Kat. My club is RC Bungoma Elgon, District 9212
01:00:35 Davidson Akhonya - KENYA:
01:01:42 Kat Haber: ::
01:13:32 Davidson Akhonya - KENYA: Kat, what time did you your club meets on Monday?
01:13:59 Stanley Pokras: ::
01:16:23 Kat Haber: ::
01:19:22 Stanley Pokras: ::
01:48:48 Kat Haber: ::
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