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Humanity Rising Day 151 After Chat

Chat from AfterChat Zoom from HR Day 151:

00:06:53 Maria Helene Kraul: sorry about that!

00:07:03 Shannon McArthur: Good morning David Cadman!! Lovely to see you here

00:07:23 Veronika: David Cadman: That was  a wonderful presentation.  Thank you.

00:07:36 Shannon McArthur: Heather! You’re here! lovely to have your presents here!

00:07:55 Kurt Krueger: David, Love to have your slides.

00:08:41 Julie Wolf: This is HR Day 151  - Returning to the Root: Contemplation and Stillness as a Pathway of Integration with Mary Magdalene

00:11:08 Shannon McArthur: we have many ideas… no confirmation. none  possible, that I know of…

00:13:25 Heather Frase: thank you Shannon!  good to be here.  

00:15:47 Shannon McArthur: Good morning Sally, I  hope you are well today

00:15:48 sallyannett: hey-guys-good-hair-dan

00:16:04 Heather Frase: Malini!!  yes with the books - Ainslie macleod changed my life in 2014 in a mermaid store ;)

00:16:15 Kurt Krueger:

00:16:56 Kurt Krueger: “Peace with Everything, and Everything with Peace.” ~ Lama Gangchen

We are envisioning a powerful step for Humanity Rising forward and upward by creating a National “Department of Peace!” We get to act as “HUMANKIND - Be Both.”

When you have any ideas that could bring peace in any manner, anywhere, anytime, please apply it and then share it. With us too…

At the turn of the year, we’re planning a major podcast of about 2-3 weeks, 90 minutes on weekdays. Your input would be much appreciated.

Together we fly more easily… :) The worldwide Department(s) of Peace will dramatically reduce violence and wars… We get what we focus upon.

Lots of Love,

K. A. Krueger


00:17:33 Julie Wolf: We are discussing the alternate stories of Jesus and the women, the Mary's.

There is a sacred place in India   Clare  and Malini referred to and even scripture that went under ground.

00:18:31 David Cadman: My website is

00:19:47 sallyannett:

00:19:47 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Holger Kresten- Jesus Lived in India. Please find the original publication there were many fake versions that emerged after that.

00:19:52 Julie Wolf: Jean asked if any one had heard of this alternate story about the 9s what startedths cpnversation.... facinating! He later mentions jesus family tomb .

00:19:55 Lucy Rieger:

00:20:03 Ken Haldenstein (he/him):

00:20:06 Maria Helene Kraul: Maria Helene Kraul

00:20:06 Paula Ste Marie: Paula Ste. Marie email -

00:20:10 Clare (Satya-Jai) Hartsdale, NY:  Clare Rosenfield

00:20:12 Maria Helene Kraul: thank you

00:20:12 Ken Haldenstein (he/him): Thank you!

00:20:20 sallyannett:

00:20:29 Julie Wolf: * about the  alternate story (typos above at 9s) ...

00:20:31 Paula Ste Marie: 🙏 Thank you

00:20:41 Leo Jacoby: I put in HR chat references to Silence of Saint Thomas by Josef Pieper and The World of Silence by Max Picard (1953).  I read these at boarding school, plus hearing Sounds of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel... influenced my writing a graduation speech shortly after my 18th birthday (which I will upload for your amusement.)

Going deep into Dogma we find mystery and silence.From the outside Dogma looks brittle and bare. Heresy and Dogma are cousins, if not brother and sister?

00:20:44 Shannon McArthur: SALLY!!

00:20:44 Dan Bailiff: Dan Bailiff ... thank you!

00:22:02 Julie Wolf: Last night Russ and I watched a very good movie on Amazon Prime - called 'Joshua'  its relavent to this. Let me know what you think.

00:23:12 Heather Frase: Unitarian Universalism :) thanks mom and dad

00:23:16 Stanley Pokras: Leo's file needs to be clicked on to download it. Files are not maintained as part of the chat.

00:23:38 Clare (Satya-Jai) Hartsdale, NY: The Quakers and the Indigenous both are non hierarchical in their way of collaborative decision making

00:25:00 David S: Thanks, Leo…. David Stoney

00:26:42 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: I was told Mary was an ESSENE.

00:26:45 Clare (Satya-Jai) Hartsdale, NY: Sally, I love what you are saying!

00:27:09 Ken Haldenstein (he/him): To Clare I am your “neighbor” in White Plains, NY

00:27:18 Julie Wolf: Essene attracts me

00:27:22 Shannon McArthur: 300,000,000  years ago all beings were feminine - Sally, could you suggest a source to read?

00:27:59 Daniel Rieders: the music today was other worldly (feminine principle), the silence was connecting (masculine principle); in partnership, in a dance, brilliant HR today, bravo

00:28:07 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Its not a human species need to name , its an Abrahamic religious inclination to Name things in certain ways.

00:28:12 Clare (Satya-Jai) Hartsdale, NY: And the Essene Gospel is found in a little book that says that Jesus told to John--that "one who eats of an animal eats of my brother," so the Essenes were vegetarian based on this, so far as I know.  I own that little book.

00:28:17 sallyannett: dawkins=the-anscetors-tale-

00:28:30 sallyannett: julie-do-your-magic-on-acorrect-link

00:29:05 Julie Wolf: Sally thanks I wpi;d jhave fporgotten

00:29:14 sallyannett: she-is-indeed-the-tower

00:29:32 Julie Wolf: .

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00:29:44 Daniel Rieders: BTW to all of you neuro scientists type.  Broca’s speech area, is in the left brain, and a slow processor. to cross over to the right you need to cross the corpus collosum.

00:30:39 sallyannett: the-pendulum

00:31:21 sallyannett: the-tower-has-all-the-potential-contained-in-trauma-

00:31:23 Shannon McArthur: She is rising through us; through silence She forms

00:31:26 sallyannett: so-greatest-healing

00:31:32 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: That is why we have the ARDHANARISWAR form of Shiva whos body is part male and part female. That's the form that is said to emerge between the eras of destruction and creation.

00:31:34 Daniel Rieders: the older maps, are dominant and ignoring them is naive and will result in suffering

00:32:40 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Beautifully put Heather.

00:32:44 Julie Wolf: Heather Frase - We need your voice heree. Please keep joining us what you feel it.

00:33:00 Karen Ball: Dr. Marshall Rosenberg created a compassionate communication called Nonviolent Communication

00:33:00 Julie Wolf: when you feel it

00:33:22 sallyannett: she-is-isis-she-is-hecate-she-ismara-she-is-cyblele

00:33:34 sallyannett: thank-you-heather

00:34:01 Daniel Rieders: of course non-violent communication.  how about what communication do we imbibe.  I’m thinking from HR today, the language of love, peace, truth, and beauty

00:34:11 sallyannett: xxxdan

00:34:16 Daniel Rieders: It is not patriarchy.  rather doominator

00:34:17 Shannon McArthur: no accidents

00:35:05 Karen Ball: Yes Daniel, it is a language of domination

00:36:02 Daniel Rieders: depends ultimately, what type of god do you believe in.  a friendly god, or an unfriendly god

00:36:20 sallyannett: my-favourite-mary-magdamlene-is-norman-jewisons-mary-from-jesus-christ-superstar

00:36:31 Daniel Rieders: Heather, you are an empath

00:36:49 Daniel Rieders: and their may be a bit of projection

00:37:09 Kurt Krueger: Sally, so right

00:37:44 Kathryn Alexander, MA: yes - feeling all the things that happened under that pier.

00:37:59 Daniel Rieders: and the myth of separation

00:38:20 Dan Bailiff: dangerous assumption hearts and minds.... remember how thin a layer of Truth we can really uncover with our Self perception.... I am sorry for this traumatic experience but I believe Life knows the way and you are listening more every day.

00:38:23 sallyannett: we-are-here0

00:38:47 Shannon McArthur: grateful that you are here, Heather. thank  you for speaking.

00:38:55 sallyannett: pleaswrite-us-a-message

00:39:02 sallyannett: and-lesley-will-take-it

00:39:21 Julie Wolf: We love you Heather!

00:39:52 sallyannett: can-you-come-back-to-us-everyday-heather

00:40:21 Heather Frase:

00:40:24 Dan Bailiff: AHO!

00:40:35 Daniel Rieders: a-hoo

00:41:31 marciaraffstudio: he’s wonderful nd lives in Oak Prk I believe

00:41:59 marciaraffstudio: He used t live in Oak Park..but doesn’t matter where we live right now

00:42:18 Kurt Krueger: Just email you . I’ll call her after we get off

00:42:25 Shannon McArthur: doesn’t matter where we live physically,  yes, Marcia… I’m here for you Heather!

00:42:41 Lucy Rieger: holding all in compassion, understanding and care

00:42:57 Julie Wolf: We can find you what you need Heather

00:43:38 Daniel Rieders: perhaps you are in an awakening, heather, in a dark night, stay in the moment, and let it rip you apart, if you have the heart for it

00:44:38 sallyannett: i-think-jean-wanted-to-speak

00:44:40 Daniel Rieders: maybe there is nothing broken, nothing to fix

00:45:52 Daniel Rieders: maybe she is connected to her higher self

00:46:42 marciaraffstudio: Dan, you are a blessing!

00:46:43 sallyannett: grace-dan

00:47:39 Kurt Krueger: Blessings abound when We’re around!

00:47:40 Daniel Rieders: maybe the message - connect to your mary magdalena part - perhaps the medicine

00:47:59 sallyannett: stella-maris

00:48:02 Malini Rajendran - Infinite Life: Thank you Dan. For saying what needed to be said.

00:48:34 Daniel Rieders: what written on your forearm Heather

00:48:39 Shannon McArthur: and the phone rings to emphasize the message!!

00:48:52 Heather Frase:

00:49:03 David Cadman: My dear friends, please forgive me, but I have to go

00:49:05 marciaraffstudio: Andrew Harvey is all soul!

00:49:19 Shannon McArthur: David -  thank  you so much for coming!

00:49:21 sallyannett: thank-you-davidxx

00:49:45 sallyannett: ihavetogoinasec-toox

00:49:45 Kurt Krueger: DAVID, THANKS FOR BEING HERE

00:50:01 Kurt Krueger: CU Sally

00:50:19 Julie Wolf: Dan you are healing us all with your love.  Thank you Dan and  all for loving Heather in a moment of need of love and support.

00:50:20 Leo Jacoby: I resonated with theme of silence that David introduced; I put some references in chat from high school days.

My daughter in Chicago is a social justice Catholic and tells a poignant story. The family set up an annual altar for The Day of the Dead. The 3 year old (my granddaughter) was horrified by the sight of a crucifix on the family altar; she wailed "I don't want Jesus in my heart, I want Opa and Grammy in my heart." (her experience of love.) Sadly, we have too few Grammy images of the elder Mary (ala crone images by Thomas Dodd?)

cf. Matthew Fox's call from Original Sin to Original Blessing.

00:50:49 Shannon McArthur: thank you, DanB for your gentle wisdom, guiding words, and your generosity!

00:51:48 Karen Ball: We mirror one another

00:52:14 sallyannett: bye-guysxxx-loveyou

00:52:15 Heather Frase: thank you

00:52:29 marciaraffstudio: bye Sally  feel good

00:52:30 Shannon McArthur: bye Sally, thank yo for coming - stay well! Be well!!

00:52:35 Julie Wolf: bye Sally

00:52:45 Daniel Rieders: bye sally

00:54:09 Shannon McArthur: sometimes love doesn’t wear the garb we expect…

00:54:23 Julie Wolf: Do we want to invite Heaterh to our ActionPeople email list?

00:54:33 Shannon McArthur: of course.

00:54:36 Daniel Rieders: Clare you will always be jewish, your ancestral maps

00:54:40 Julie Wolf: so she can email us all for support if needed

00:55:34 marciaraffstudio: andrew Harvey does the Hail Mary like no one else in the world!

00:55:44 Leo Jacoby:

Is silence where all the traditions meet?

Archetypes apply across the board of religious expression.

00:55:56 Heather Frase: kuan yin

00:56:40 Shannon McArthur: we are being mixed in beauty - seeking beauty, we find the path that is exclusively ours..

00:56:45 Daniel Rieders: mystical traditions are amazingly same

00:57:04 Julie Wolf: Kuan Yin inspired my own identity this life. Compassion, unconditionally.

00:58:07 David S: @ Heather - During the meditation in silence offered by David Cadman, I focused on my breathing and used a prayer mantra directed toward the Source: “Guidance, strength, courage” over and over.  The three minutes seemed only to last for seconds and there was peace… David Stoney

00:58:36 David S: About naming the Source:  There was a middle-aged guru in India who one day vowed to remain silent until he could say the true name of God.  He died in silence.  Oh, oh, this story reminds me of Paul Tillich’s writings… David Stoney

00:58:46 Heather Frase: indigenous wisdom is a big part of my path too Doreen

00:59:07 David S: “The courage to be which is rooted in the experience of the God above the God of theism unites and transcends the courage to be as a part ad the courage to be as oneself.  It avoids both the loss of oneself by participation and the loss of one’s world by individualization.  The acceptance of the God above the God of theism makes us a part of that which is not also a part but is the ground of the whole.  Therefore the self is not lost in a larger whole, which submerges it in the life of a limited group.  If the self participates in the power of being-itself it receives itself back.”  (Paul Tillich, The Courage to Be, 1952)

00:59:13 Daniel Rieders: so true Malini and Lesley

00:59:52 Shannon McArthur: ego does not die - it is the canoe we ride through this world.  Occasionally it is holed by darkness

00:59:58 Shannon McArthur: imho

01:00:03 Daniel Rieders: however, the soul can have a dark night, as the soul is evolving, the soul’s journey…  true, most are dark nights of the ego

01:00:10 Julie Wolf: Heather do you know of the Dec 11 - 22 Worldfire, Indigenous People uniting the world? Its on Zoom at It has inspired me so!

01:00:35 Daniel Rieders: the time is right, now

01:01:49 Shannon McArthur: tuning my soul…

01:06:48 Leo Jacoby:

01:09:53 Ken Haldenstein (he/him): Beautiful music Heather, thank you!

01:10:18 Daniel Rieders: 100% protection,

01:11:15 marciaraffstudio: Lesley, you are amazing.  xxoo’s

01:11:35 David S: Thanks Heather… beautiful, deeply heartfelt.  Stay strong… David Stoney

01:11:48 Daniel Rieders: xxooxx Lesley

01:12:02 marciaraffstudio: I wish all of that to you, Lesley.

01:12:17 Amazing session with heartbreak and joy. Thank you.

01:12:50 David S: Health, wholeness, courage…. David Stoney


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