Humanity Rising Day 136 Chat Page
- Date: Wednesday November 11, 2020 (2020-11-11)
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Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 136:
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:01 AM) Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:01 AM) Good Morning From: a beautiful raining day in the woods of North Carolina!
From: Sharon Truax (11:01 AM) Good Morning Day 139. Alive and Aware in Seattle.
From: Débora Bessa (11:02 AM) Hi all From: Barcelona!
From: Stan to Panelists: (11:03 AM) Day 136!!! Not 139... Unless My planet has lost soStan days???
From: Stan to Panelists: (11:05 AM) . ..oOo.. ========================== Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists SoStan of us are gathering in a Zoom Staneting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Staneting Staneting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541 . ..oOo.. ========================== . We have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e tiStan. We also send a daily Stanssage to the list that points to all of the HR Chats since mid July. Write to be added to the list: -- ========================== . ..oOo..
From: Jen Forti (11:06 AM) Greetings From: Portland, OR <3
From: Sharon Truax (11:07 AM) @Jim Thank you for the news!
From: Sharon Truax (11:09 AM) So Good to be with everyone today! @Sabinije
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:09 AM) Sabinije!!!!
From: Filipe Monteiro (11:09 AM) Good morning FAM)ily!!! :):): From: Shannon McArthur (11:10 AM) g’mornin’ Filipe, lovely morning here in KAM)loops BC. Please reStanmber to change To to include attendees! Everyone!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:11 AM) Good Morning and thank you Shannon!
From: Sharon Truax (11:11 AM) A test of the inner worlds of those participating!
From: Diane Carol Mark (11:12 AM) It is Veteren's Day
From: Shannon McArthur (11:12 AM) wahoo!!!
From: 895 837 864 Password FYJ (11:12 AM) and ReStanmbrance day
From: Sharon Truax (11:12 AM) @Sabinije YES Heart Soaring here!
From: Stan (11:14 AM) . ..oOo.. ========================== Dear Chat PEOPLE and panelists SoStan of us are gathering in a Zoom Staneting after this session closes. You can join the Zoom Staneting Staneting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541 . ..oOo.. ========================== . We have an email list for Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e tiStan. We also send a daily Stanssage to the list that points to all of the HR Chats since mid July. Write to be added to the list: -- ========================== . ..oOo.
From: Jen Forti (11:14 AM) Is anyone able to share more info on that 11/11 stuff Sabinije was speaking of?
From: AM)Y A BLUSTANNSHINE (11:15 AM) Today 11/11 is also the feast day of St. Martin, renounced killing as a Roman soldier and becAM)e a conscientious objector — and eventually a Christian bishop
From: Shannon McArthur (11:15 AM) Katerina!!!
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:15 AM) Hello Katerina!!!!
From: Stan (11:15 AM) Today is Day 136, not 139...
From: Sharon Truax (11:15 AM) WelcoStan Katerina!
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:16 AM) @Stanley, yes
From: AM)y McKenzie (11:16 AM) Yes! Please feel free to reach out to Stan: AM)
From: AM)Y A BLUSTANNSHINE (11:16 AM) Before becoming Veterans Day in the US during the Cold War, the day was originally Armistice Day, dedicated to peace after the “war to end all wars” — now we know wars don’t end wars! I think people connecting end wars! Hurrah for humanity rising!
From: Shannon McArthur (11:17 AM) Yes, AM)Y!
From: Suzanne Marie (11:17 AM) Beautiful music, it. thank you
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:17 AM) YAY Katerina! Great to see you! This session was made for you!
From: Anthony Porter (11:17 AM) Hello From: Chico, California.
From: Filipe Monteiro (11:19 AM) Nice moStannt with music
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:19 AM) For Stan cleaning is an act of worship, so I’m not too happy to give it to robots.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:20 AM) you can keep it Kathryn, it has no feelings to hurt. ; From: Sharon Truax (11:21 AM) Hello Jason.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:21 AM) Yay, Korea!! thank you Jason for being here. Beautiful country, Korea...
From: Stan (11:22 AM) Katerina is the second of the ChatPeople to make a presentation on Humanity Rising. Our Sally Annett was here on October 26th. Hello Katerina, coStan to the after Chat today.
From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:25 AM) Thank you Jason for the new information and future of AI with traffic.
From: Sharon Truax (11:27 AM) WelcoStan Debra.
From: Kat Haber (11:30 AM) I wonder if these types of spaces might be leveraged to gather companies/NGO’s/Foundations/donors committed to protecting the AM)azon? Using this powerful tool for protecting the lungs of EARTH?
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:33 AM) Id like to hear more about the impact on the earth of these technologies…
From: Sharon Truax (11:35 AM) Thank you Debora. @katheryn ditto
From: Shannon McArthur (11:35 AM) Dear Katarina, I c no links? did you include attendees?
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:35 AM) Absolutely. There is a project about Virtual CAM)p Fire to get children with elders. It is under developStannt by DreAM)Tank group https://dreAM)
From: Shannon McArthur (11:35 AM) thank you!!
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:36 AM) @Beth, thank for the question: we will try to respond to it This ARTEK Video:
From: Shannon McArthur (11:37 AM) Stan? Wiki of People?
From: Débora Bessa (11:37 AM) You´re welcoStan @katheryn ditto
From: Stan (11:38 AM) Blockchain is important because it increases the trustworthiness of transactions. It is the increase in TRUST for transactions that makes a great difference.
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:40 AM) But it is more than financial transactions. It can enable you make money From: your personal data
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:41 AM) @katerina - what a great potential for us to control/offer/use our personal data
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:42 AM) Yes, I’m very excited about this part :- From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:43 AM) @ronny - can you explain how the large AM)ount of energy used by financial blockchain differs From: the energy values you are pointing to in VPLedfer blockchain?
From: Stan (11:43 AM) @Katerina - please help keep your page in OtherNetworks up to date -
From: Beth Sanders (11:43 AM) This is a whole upgrade to communication infrastructure — how we use it, and the supports that makes/allows it. Fascinating.
From: Beth Sanders (11:44 AM) I’m 50 and I reStanmber when email started and how baffling that was. This is a whole new level!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:45 AM) How does it distribute wealth?
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:45 AM) @Annelies, they say Yes. The Akashi records
From: Shannon McArthur (11:45 AM) sorry you’ve been compressed, Ronny!
From: Débora Bessa (11:45 AM) Indeed @beth !
From: christine hegele (11:45 AM) True @stanley. But initially it was hoped to “take out the middle man” so that you don’t need a trusted third party, like a bank, individual to individual. But now the blockchains are closed blockchains run by consortia of companies.
From: Sharon Truax (11:46 AM) Thank you Ronny.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:46 AM) we can see you, Katerina!
From: Jen Forti (11:46 AM) And there are many blockchain companies out there, correct. Ronny’s is just one of them?
From: Jen Forti (11:49 AM) I really want to start understanding the world of block chain cause I recently joined SEEDS and feel a bit overwhelStand by all there is to learn.
From: Leo Jacoby (11:49 AM) SLIDE: Blockchain explained A blockchain is basically a constantly growing list of ordered records called blocks. Each block contains a tiStanstAM)p and a link to a previous block. With Lego you build brick by brick, each brick its own story, readable but not accessible. You store your data to never be removed, but possible to build on top. Immutable Distributed ledger data not controlled by a single entity.
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:49 AM) @Jen - ditto re SEEDs :- From: Liliane Mavridara (11:49 AM) @Jen, I AM) with you on that.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:50 AM) @Jen, this seems like there is a focus on safety. SEEDS seems to be focused on wealth distribution.
From: Beth Sanders (11:50 AM) @Jen — another ditto!
From: Stan (11:50 AM) Yes... Seeds is a blockchain tech...
From: Jen Forti (11:50 AM) Glad I’m not alone : From: Liliane Mavridara (11:50 AM) <3
From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (11:50 AM) Like Jen, I overwhelStand, and in a good way though. I know nothing,and have to learn.
From: Beth Sanders (11:51 AM) How to make sure wealth distribution is a part of this eStanrging tech? How do we make sure we don’t replicate the inequities that already exist? Tools will do what we tell them, so what are we baking in?
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:51 AM) I AM) curious if Blockchain can challenge the algorithms of the Big Tech Corps - so they don't rule the world :- From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:51 AM) @Beth exactly!
From: Débora Bessa (11:53 AM) We invite you to experience a virtual space, just let Stan know
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:53 AM) I AM) also curious about regulations on surveillance based on different countries.
From: Shannon McArthur (11:53 AM) Big Brother is watching us… covertly! ack
From: Suzanne Marie (11:54 AM) AM)azing and exciting!
From: Jen Forti (11:54 AM) Kathryn, when you say “this” do you Stanan Ronny’s company?
From: Stan (11:54 AM) @Marilyn - George Gilder, in his book "Life After Google" is hinting at the changes that Blockchain will have on BIG DATA services like Google...
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:55 AM) @Stanley - thanks re Gilder ref
From: Jen Forti (11:55 AM) In other words are you saying that is seems like with Ronny’s company there is a focus on safety whereas SEEDS there seems to be a focus on wealth distribution?
From: Katerina ZalAM)ova (11:55 AM) Yes @Stanrilyn the Big today companies maybe will be replaced
From: Sharon Truax (11:55 AM) @Stanley Thank you for book ref..
From: Stan (11:56 AM) Unfortunately, I find Gilder's writing to be a bit rAM)bling... Half way through the book i'm still wondering where he's actually going.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:56 AM) @Jen - VPL blockchain. seems focused on safety - nothing about ‘earning’ tho Katerina Stanntioned it briefly. So I’m wondering about wealth distribution - this approach seems like it maybe a accretion model…
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:56 AM) We haven't even explored health issues related to 3/4G, let alone 5G, and now 6G. This is disturbing in so many levels.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:57 AM) Block chain uses a LOT of energy. Nice to hear there is soStan energy reduction, but….?
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (11:57 AM) @Liliane - another ditto on the health concerns - and apparent lack of research - maybe we should ask for Blockchain research on these G's
From: Kurt Krueger (11:57 AM) How do you feel the 5-7 G technologies affect the human cells and physical energy? Everything is vibration until you achieve full consciousness.
From: Liliane Mavridara (11:57 AM) @Marilyn, yes, since there is hardly any on 5G.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:58 AM) That is how China controls ethnic groups they don’t like…
From: Beth Sanders (11:58 AM) Like anything exciting, I always like to hear what value does it bring us, and what, honestly, are the risks and who is making sure the risks are flagged and mitigated. (And then there’s the choice about whether to take the risks. When things move fast, we don’t make conscious choices.) What are we consciously choosing?
From: Jen Forti (11:58 AM) @Kathryn, I guess I’m just totally missing the point of blockchain. I thought it was a platform for new currencies….
From: Shannon McArthur (11:59 AM) @Jen - it is SO much more than that
From: Jen Forti (11:59 AM) I got lots to learn
From: Shannon McArthur (11:59 AM)
- Stan too
From: Stan (11:59 AM) The progrAM) called Frontline did a full episode on AI including an exploration of the state of China technology
From: Natalie (11:59 AM) Blockchain has a plethora of applications not just new currencies
From: Jen Forti (12:00 PM) For those of us struggling and eager to do this learning, I propose a bi-weekly Zoom call!
From: Richard Page (12:00 PM) @Kurt- ‘You’ do not ‘achieve’ full conscious. Full consciousness is whom you already are, just sorta’ hiding
From: Kurt Krueger (12:00 PM) Interesting to trust a Totalitarian country with such technology. That’s why we get to transform the consciousness… to bring Living Values to life,
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:00 PM) @Jen, yes they are about currencies, but how money is designed determines how people build wealth. We are seeing a huge split between the ‘rich’ and the ‘poor.’ If we are developing soStanthing new then it would be good if we can design that split out and create a more distributive model that mimics nature.
From: Sharon Truax (12:01 PM) @kathyrn
From: Kurt Krueger (12:02 PM) Richard, Totally correct. As Tantric’s we are aware of at least that. : From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:02 PM) @Richard as long as there is a material form you vibrate. If you are no longer embodied, then that vibration is very, very refined.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:03 PM) Kathryn, agreed with our two previous posts.
From: christine hegele (12:03 PM) And still - with all the technological progress so far, we seem to have less tiStan than ever
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:03 PM) Q: So, if the virus had not erupted, how fast all this tech advanceStannt would have been made?
From: Natalie (12:04 PM) Has a number of entries about Blockchain. ETHPlanet on Youtube also has soStan great conversations on Blockchain applications beyond currency
From: Jen Forti (12:04 PM) Another silver lining Liliane ; From: christine hegele (12:04 PM) Also I don’t think we should be careful trading real experience with virtual one - make sure we are not getting deprived of real experience
From: Stan (12:04 PM) @Jen & @Kathryn - I'd like to work on a deep dive around the nature of money and the economy. I've lots of information, but need to work to make it coherent.
From: Jen Forti (12:04 PM) I’m down Stan ; From: Annelies Weijschede (12:04 PM) Thank you Nathalie. It rises so many questions… How will it affect current economics, does it start as cryptocurrencies started? Is it like marxism… you and Stan owning the soil? Where is the entrance? I heard that the triangle safety, decentralization and upscaling is still challenging. The I Ching is the book of Change…Change is all around. So I AM) curious about the blocks that are closed and never change.
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:04 PM) @Stan - YES!
From: christine hegele (12:05 PM) Sorry correcting, I DO think we should be careful trading real experience with virtual one - make sure we are not getting deprived of real experience
From: Sharon Truax (12:05 PM) @stanley Yes.
From: Natalie (12:05 PM) It’s Called Second Life
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:06 PM) @Christine - yes are we just duplicating the problems we have in the ‘real’ world in the virtual one? Why would we do that? Speed???
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:06 PM) @Natalie, the virtual community, right?
From: Natalie (12:06 PM) Yes Liliane ❤️
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:06 PM) Yes, I know that one. Has been around for a while.
From: christine hegele (12:07 PM) @stanley, would be very interested in your deep dive, once you got it together
From: Natalie (12:07 PM) Def since the early 2000s
From: Débora Bessa (12:08 PM) Yes @christine , technology is a tool, a powerful tool , the main point must always be people. For the virtual events we design, which is our business now together with F2F ones, our main goal is to deliver a great, inStanrsive experience for people.
From: christine hegele (12:08 PM) @debora - thank you for this !
From: Beth Sanders (12:09 PM) @katarina - what about equitable access to technology? Equitable access in the physical world to the virtual world…
From: Natalie (12:09 PM) cryptoVoxel is another platform which is a user owned world My friends use it to host conferences and concerts. But there are many many virtual worlds that exist and people engaging in these spaces in very interesting ways.
From: Kurt Krueger (12:09 PM) I’m in the process of creating a VR in Transforming for Thriving educational progrAM). We can “walk the Chartres Labyrinth virtually. However, nothing compares with walking in those sacred spaces with all the millions of people’s energy and focus available for “tuning you in.” Nature cannot be replaced ~ just like a photo or art piece of The Grand Canyon gives a different and sweet experience, yet being PRESENT IS OPTIMUM. : From: Sharon Truax (12:10 PM) Why does one need an Avatar? Go direct to Awareness. Teach no thy Self.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:10 PM) so not only do we need to maintain our physical self, we need to learn how to maintain and use a virtual one… twice the job, not less
From: Kurt Krueger (12:10 PM) César Hidalgo’s TedTalk has a radical suggestion for fixing our broken political system: automate it! In this provocative talk, he outlines a bold idea to bypass politicians by empowering citizens to create personalized AI representatives that participate directly in democratic decisions. Explore a new way to make collective decisions and expand your understanding of democracy.
From: Beth Sanders (12:11 PM) Thanks, @Kurt
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:12 PM) @Kurt - interesting. I would really like to see HR host soStan conversations on the ‘ethics’ that need to paid attention to as we move forward and how can we do that.
From: Stan (12:13 PM) @Economics - it looks important to study the two primary economies as separate concepts. The Main Street economy is what people and business depend on. The "Investor Economy" is a different animal and the relationship between the two needs to be clearly understood to reduce the level of complexity when trying to understand how these things affect life.
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:13 PM) @Kathryn - great point to explore the ethics
From: Kurt Krueger (12:13 PM) KATHYRN, Yes on ‘ethics’ and “experience”
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:13 PM) @Stan - yes
From: Shannon McArthur (12:15 PM) CoStan to the After-Chat for more opportunities to ask questions and respond!!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:15 PM) @Ronny - how is wealth built in your technology?
From: christine hegele (12:16 PM) Also environStanntal impact of technology has to be taken into account, its not only bits, but also machines, batteries, Stantal, other materials used, space requireStannts, to preserve habitat for species, living environStannt for people
From: Sharon Truax (12:16 PM) @Stan @Kath Yes, Ethics and exp
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:16 PM) @Christine, yes
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:16 PM) @Katerina, @Ronny thanks for answering so many questions
From: Beth Sanders (12:17 PM) Thank you, panelists!
From: Sharon Truax (12:17 PM) Thank you Katerina, Debora, Ronny, Paul. Much to digest.
From: Liliane Mavridara (12:18 PM) Thank you all, great information.
From: Débora Bessa (12:18 PM) Thank you all for hearing!
From: Stan (12:18 PM) . ..oOo.. SoStan of us are gathering in a Zoom Staneting for conversation after this session closes. We encourage presenters, community people From: around the world to participate. You can join the Zoom Staneting Staneting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Beth Sanders (12:19 PM) Thank you @Stanley. Can’t make it AND appreciate the invitation. Will make it one day : From: Shannon McArthur (12:19 PM) lucky to have a hoStan to shelter in...
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:19 PM) I’m still missing nature…
From: Shannon McArthur (12:19 PM) Beth, looking forward to seeing you there - a virtual room where we get to Stanet each other
From: Sharon Truax (12:19 PM) Leaning into the unseen is most exciting in these tiStans!
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:20 PM) We don’t LIVE virtually…
From: Beth Sanders (12:20 PM) Thanks, Shannon : From: Sharon Truax (12:21 PM) @Shannon....yes.
From: Annelies Weijschede (12:21 PM) Thank you panelists, enough to think and sense about!
From: Shannon McArthur (12:22 PM) it would be nice to have a beautiful chat room, and maybe that will happen… a virtual cAM)pfire perhaps...
From: christine hegele (12:22 PM) @Katerina, But we have make sure what our data are used for. And companies giving money for data are often destroying the environStannt, the mountains you may want to walk in
From: Sharon Truax (12:23 PM) @Jim Beautifully summarized with your wisdom.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:24 PM) @Christine, thank you for voicing your concerns - I believe your words keep our attention on what matters AND we get to develop new common ground in a virtual way...
From: Beth Sanders (12:24 PM) Jim, well said: “How do we put human well being at the center of city developStannt”
From: christine hegele (12:24 PM) @Katarina, thank you for sharing your visions
From: Annelies Weijschede (12:25 PM) pure poetry!
From: Sharon Truax (12:25 PM) @Shannon Yes!
From: Marilyn HAM)ilton (12:25 PM) @jim - thanks for prelude to Cities Rising - so great to Stanet this panel - looking forward to connect @katerina and all
From: Beth Sanders (12:25 PM) HR is more than solutions — it’s Staneting needs. Everyone’s needs, real needs.
From: Cindy Bledsoe (12:26 PM) I was unable to join this lovely call today, but if anyone is interested in our work through the global Placemaking moveStannt I'm happy to facilitate resources and guidance. Look forward to the replay of this! xo
From: Beth Sanders (12:26 PM) I’m soooo excited to be working on Cities Rising in January. It’s going be fun! How do cities Stanet our needs?
From: Sharon Truax (12:27 PM) @Beth Yes!
From: Shannon McArthur (12:27 PM) stretching us…
From: Stan (12:27 PM) ========================== . ..oOo.. SoStan of us are gathering in a Zoom Staneting for conversation after this session closes. We encourage presenters, community people From: around the world to participate. You can join the Zoom Staneting Staneting ID: 810 4561 3451 Passcode: 919541
From: Sharon Truax (12:27 PM) Looking forward to being in the unfolding of the good.
From: Shannon McArthur (12:27 PM) thank you Katerina!!! vibrations finding coherence, we are…
From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:28 PM) Great panel Katerina - I really appreciate this information!!!
From: Kurt Krueger (12:28 PM) MUCHOS GRACIAS, TACK SU MIKE,
From: Sharon Truax (12:28 PM) OOOOM!!!!