Stan's search for a consultant
- My work on has led me to create a library of information about a certain daily Zoom webinar called Humanity Rising Global Summit
- Here is my table of episodes for over 500 of the webinars:
- I'm looking for help displaying the episode titles when running category searches. Here's an example:
- The query result only shows the page names. Is there a way to pull a report for a category and instead of only the page names, the page name and the subject of the session (the episode tittle) is displayed?
- Do you think that you can help with this?
- I can be reached at 267-968-0407
- Thank you.
MyWikis Sales <> See this email Dear friends, I'm looking for someone who can help improve the reports created from category queries on my Wiki. Here is my table of episodes for over 500 webinars: In "Edit Source" these pages are of this form: PageName | PageSubject
- Day001 Global Summit Establishing The Power Of Women In The World
- Day002 How Indigenous Women Are Finding Solutions To Climate Change And The Pandemic
- Day003 Community, Creativity And Spirituality Rebelieving Our World
- Day004 Courage And Compassion In Collaboration : Creating Resilient, Creative And Diverse Circles Of Change
I'm looking for help displaying the episode subjects when running category searches. Here's an example: The query result only shows the page names. Is there a way to pull a report for a category and instead of only the page names, the page name and the subject of the session (the episode tittle) is displayed? Please let me know if you think you can help make this work. Semantic Mediawiki is installed on the system. Stan