MiraMichelle Jones
MiraMichelle Jones, UK/USA-English/☘ &African/Indigenous-America MiraMichelle is the founder and director of the Sacred Female Rising Institute and author of the upcoming book, ‘Sacred-ize Your Life - The Ancient Art of Ceremony meets the Contemporary Age’. Mira’s love for humanity and planet Earth have bought her to a profound place of advocacy for female-kind. She feels that for humanity to truly establish peace it is necessary to restore and bolster the innate worth and core values of the Sacred feminine. ‘In its most basic form the Sacred Feminine is the life giving force of creation. Establishing a life balance between Feminine and Masculine values and perspectives holds a great power to reshape and heal our world.’ MiraMichelle is also the founder of the grass roots movement, The Cleanse Site Project. The Cleanse Site Project is an ongoing series of collective circle gathering ceremonies designed to release trauma from planet Earth and human bodies by enhancing a deeper connection with the natural world, our fellow human beings, ecological awareness and community consciousness. MiraMichelle works intensely with Ceremony as a way to awakening.
Participation on Humanity Rising
- HR!Day160 City & Community as Living Systems with Consciousness, Culture & Complex Adaptive Dynamics
- Day161 City & Community Governance Principles & Structures That Support Local Conditions
- Day 163 - Cities & Communities Are Vehicles for Regeneration When We Take Responsibility for Our Relationship With the Ecoregion Enabling Relationships of Reciprocity
- Day 199 - Monday March 8, 202 Trust in Life - Celebrating International Women’s Day
See Also
https://sacredfemalerising.com/ https://www.miramichelle.com/