Jack Strasburg

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I describe myself as a Peace, Justice and Environmental activist.  I've been playing around, in a somewhat serious fashion, with the notion of constructing a New World Paradigm since 1974.


I have a Permaculture Design Certificate and have taught certified permaculture courses

I have a bachelors in Economics and Psychology, but my interest in economics and psychology go far beyond that.  Also an associates degree in Data Processing and one course short of an associates in Drama.


Computer related:  Instructor, Director. Analyst, Programmer

Counselor, emotionally disturbed adolescents and developmentally disabled adults.


Tucson Peace Center Board Member 1983 – 2011

Founding Member Local, State and National Green Parties, Served on National Board of Directors  (Green Council) 4 yrs, Ran twice for pubic office

Served as president of a 501(c)3 that assisted homeless people focused on getting off the streets.

Was very active in the Navajo's (Dine') resistance to relocation struggle against the US gov and Peabody Coal Co. as a part of the Big Mountain Legal Defense/Offense Committee.  Organized and raised funds for several Dine' and Hopi elder contingents to the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva as part of the effort to halt relocation. Also wrote  speeches and press releases and ran for coffee.   Organized the first Indigenous run certified permaculture teaching team in Western Hemisphere (I was the only white boy).

Initiated the creation of activist community radio show that aired weekly for 30 years.  I was heavily involved for about 10.

Helped Friend with coffee and crafted fruit business in southern Mexico as means to provide locals jobs that didn’t require burning down their jungle.

VietNam Veteran

Websites Recommended by Jack:

  • Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement is Sri Lanka’s largest and most broadly embedded non-governmental community development organization. Its integrated and holistic approach to development based on people’s participation, self-reliance, and self-sustainability has reached over 15,000 underprivileged communities in Sri Lanka. https://www.sarvodaya.org/
  • A New Paradigm dot net The website needs work but does contain some very useful information

The Shift Network https://theshiftnetwork.com/ Shift Network

On Mon, Jun 6, 2022 at 7:52 AM Jack Strasburg <jackstrasburg@we.net> wrote:

Humanitys Team humanitysteam.org Humanity's Team
Idealist https://www.idealist.org/en Idealist.org
Common Future https://www.commonfuture.co/ Common Future
Unify https://www.unify.org/ Unify.org
NEC https://neweconomy.net/ New Economy Coalition (NEC)

More Recommendations

See Also