HR!Day913 - Mon 5/6/24 Extraterrestrial Encounters by Children - Mary Rodwell
Day 913 Mon 5/6/24 Extraterrestrial Encounters by Children
- --- Humanity Rising Day 913 - Monday May 6, 2024 (GoTo Bottom)
Today we speak with Mary Rodwell who is Co-founder and Co-Director of The Dr Edgar Mitchell (FREE) Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) ::http://www.Experiencer.Org::. She is formerly a Registered Nurse, State Certified Midwife, Counselor Clinical Hypnotherapist, International speaker, Producer of documentaries Expressions of Et Contact a Visual Blueprint and Expressions of ET Contact a Communication and Healing Blueprint. Author of AWAKENING, How Extraterrestrial Contact can transform your life (2002) THE NEW HUMAN, Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage. (2016) Founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) which supports individuals and families with recall of Encounters with non-human intelligences (NHI) Mary has worked with over 3,500 individuals and families with anomalous paranormal events through a holistic framework, both physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual.
Convener: Jim Garrison
- 106 Participants
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