HR!Day772 - How Emerson Can Change Your Life: Lessons from an American Stoic - Mark Matousek
- --- Humanity Rising Day 772 - Monday October 2, 2023 (GoTo Bottom)
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a spiritual revolutionary whose profound vision of human potential came to define the American character. In this empowering podcast, we explore Emerson’s extraordinary insights into how to live a better life. Originality, nonconformity, self-trust, and transcendental awareness are necessary to an awakened existence, he taught. We’ll discuss strategies for putting these timeless principles to work amidst our contemporary challenges, and why Emerson is the ideal teacher for these our techno-driven, overstimulated times. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,” he wrote. Matousek, a lifelong student of Emerson, provides time-honored tools for making this happen.
Mark Matousek, M.A., is an award-winning author, teacher, and speaker, as well as the founder of The Seekers Forum, an online community for non-sectarian dialogue and self-inquiry. He is the author of eight books including "Lessons From an American Stoic: How Emerson Can Change Your Life." Sex Death Enlightenment: A True Story, When You’re Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living, Ethical Wisdom: The Search for a Moral Life, and Writing To Awaken. His work has appeared in numerous anthologies and publications, including the New Yorker, Details, Harper’s Bazaar, The Chicago Tribune, O: The Oprah Magazine, and many others. A MacDowell Fellow and graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, he is a founding member of V-Men (with Eve Ensler), an organization devoted to ending violence against women and girls. Mark offers workshops internationally using his Writing To Awaken method, which has helps thousands of people around the globe to reach their artistic and personal goals. He lives in Springs, New York.
Jim Garrison
92 Participants
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