HR!Day309 - What is a Man? What is Masculinity?
- --- Humanity Rising Day 309 - Wednesday September 8, 2021 (GoTo Bottom)
We think we know what the words “Man” and “Masculinity" mean but these concepts have changed throughout history. What are the qualities of masculinity that are important - indeed crucial - in our climate-crisis-pandemic world? What is the proper role of men in building a non-hierarchical and non-patriarchal social structure? What can men do to support women as partners? This will be a wide-ranging discussion in preparation for the upcoming “Masculine Dialogues” summit on Humanity Rising November 15 - 19.
- Lion Goodman (Convener), CEO, Luminary Leadership Institute;
- George Cappannelli, CEO Age Nation
- Matt Robertson, Next Gen Coordinator, Humanity Rising
- Tom Pinkson, PhD, Leader of Wakan, a spiritual/shamanic community
- Jim Garrison, President, Ubiquity University
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Each Zoom live webinar will have a maximum capacity of 500 participants. If you are not able to join on Zoom, we will be live streaming here on the UbiVerse and on:
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