Matt Robertson

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I work at the intersection of contemplative practice, organizational design, and leadership. Bringing together a background in operations management, advancement, and recruitment, I support mission-driven institutions in bringing transformational learning experiences to seekers from all walks of life.
I've experienced that if we realize the "inner," we can actualize the "outer."
My journey has lead me around the world and to organizations like the Esalen Institute, the Presencing Institute, Generation Waking-up, Naropa University, Ubiquity University, and MindfulNYU. I am a certified Mindfulness Instructor and practitioner in the Arica School from the San Francisco Bay Area, with hobbies including poetry, basketball, and mountain biking.
 Networker - Manager - Fundraiser - Recruiter - Educator  Writer - Poet - Musician - Athlete - Adventurer Mystic - Philosopher - Activist

Participation On Humanity Rising

Day016 Education And Integral Wisdom
Day 75 - Developing Personal Empowerment in a Time of COVID
HR!Day083 - NextGen 2030: Integral Actions for Everyday Life
Day 309 Wed 9/8 What is a Man? What is Masculinity?

See Also