Elsie Maio

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Elsie Maio, Humanity, Inc/The SoulBranding℠ Institute Elsie and her team walk shoulder to shoulder with the movement-makers and disruptive business innovators transitioning from profit-primacy to wellbeing for the web of life today. They are grounded in both the high-performance metrics of Wall Street and the heart-centered ethic of feminine wisdom – the twin stepping stones on this transformative path. Elsie anticipated and helped usher in the sustainability movement. Now, with democratic capitalism over-ripe for a systemic flush, she shares some guideposts to help folks prepare for the coming waves of change. Chief among these is to Repurpose the Marketing function, and to empower the cultural shift to System Identity. All while society collectively explores a new equilibrium in the wobbly line between profitability and love of the whole living system. The SoulBranding℠ System lends stability to this chaordic process: for the individual leader and for the whole stakeholder ecosystem. Does Your Business Have a Soul?

Participation on Humanity Rising

Day 105 - Mindsets for Change: Stopping the Next Pandemic by Creating a Safer Future for People and the Planet
