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Humanity Rising Day 087 Chat Page

Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 087:

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:01 AM) Happy Friday Everyone!

From: Paul Coleman (11:04 AM) @Liliane: We planted a tree and added your nAM)e to the roots. So you are now a part of our land in Patagonia. Here is a photo.

From: Kathleen Riley (11:04 AM) Good morning!

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:05 AM) @Paul, you made my day!!!! Thank you.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:05 AM) Thank you so much Jim - as usual - brilliant words - "Conscious Human Choice" - (today I have to choose a human being over the session but - happy to do that even tho I'll miss bits) But - that's our next step - every human being choose every single action. Consciously. With Love xxx

From: Paul Coleman (11:05 AM) @My pleasure!

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:05 AM) Paul, you’re an AM)azing Blessing. Great talking with you yesterday and having a tree planted for our fAM)ily. : From: Diane Skidmore (11:07 AM) @Sabinije - also great words (forgot the word I had for you hahaha) Might have been Constancy xxx Oooooooh a minute first xxx

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:08 AM) Thank you Sabinije, it was very much needed : From: Diane Skidmore (11:08 AM) Sacred space - thank you xxx

From: Paul Coleman (11:09 AM) @Likewise Kurt: Got a surprise visit From: the local government agriculture rep asking if my wife would be a part of a new Agro ecology progrAM). AM)azing I was just talking with you last night about how they are empowering women in our region! Positive vibrations travel well.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:10 AM) And @Paul - looked up the tree you planted with my nAM)e!! Thank you soooo much - it's a myrtle (From: fairy tales - yaaaay)!!!!

From: gary wohlman (11:10 AM) ExhuberDANCE

From: Diana Osberg (11:10 AM) Hopeful in Los Angeles.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:10 AM) Stoked. : From: Marsha Lewis (11:10 AM) contentment

From: Tom Bowling (11:10 AM) Grateful in Maryland

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:11 AM) @Kurt, : From: Diane Skidmore (11:11 AM) Joy. Trepidation (re a neighbour who needs help From: Malini Rajendran (11:11 AM) blessed and unconditional love

From: Kathleen Riley (11:11 AM) grateful and blessed in Redding California

From: Me (11:11 AM) Moving forward in Philadelphia...

From: Paul Coleman (11:11 AM) Relaxed, happy, smiling, enjoying your energy in Chilean Patagonia

From: Diane Skidmore (11:12 AM) Gosh!! You two are lovely!! Practical indeed!!!

From: Paul Coleman (11:12 AM) @Diane: My pleasure. Happy you noticed that it is a Myrtle tree.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:13 AM) @Paul xxx Smiley smile!!!

From: Sabinije von Gaffke (11:13 AM) Welcome all you beautiful souls to today’s session nr 87 on the theme: ‘Deep Human Super-Skills in a Brave New World: Understanding the Importance of Adaptive Resilience’ 
Crystal Lim-Lange – she is an expert on Future-Readiness Expert, an Education Pioneer, Public Speaker, and author 
She is also the CEO of Forest Wolf, a future-readiness consultancy and Strategic Advisor to Minerva Project, the “University of the Future.” 
Dr Gregor Lim-Lange, who is an Expert in the field of Clinical and Positive Psychology, Social Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness. 
In addition to being an Author, Public Speaker and Co-Founder and Chief Psychologist of Forest Wolf.

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:16 AM) And the future is now closer than before.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:16 AM) Gosh!! Great news re Singapore government - I keep telling people that lots of the world is doing quite well - Change is happening!!! However...……. students are struggling??? Oooops!! We gotta help!!! "Deep human skills" - ESSENTIAL!!! Thank goodness you spotted it!!!

From: Paul Coleman (11:17 AM) @Chystal: Very interesting about the robots and structure. Never heard things put this way before. My wife is Japanese she well understand what you are talking about. So we need 'Thinking out of the box' universities

From: Tom Bowling (11:18 AM) Your comments remind me of a quote by Howard Thurman: “There is something inside every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that someone else pulls.”

From: Jane (11:18 AM) Criticsal thinking, creativity and education in terms of emotional inteligence is missing From: many education systems. Reluctance From: those in positions of Leadership is the biggest stumbling block to change.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:18 AM) If we improve student and emotional intelligence, will we still need Big Pharma? I'd hope not (to be honest xxx @Jane - yes

From: gary wohlman (11:19 AM) Sabinije, Deeply appreciating how you set the stage for all of us to awaken our sage and mage, inspiring us through your presence to turn a new page with such open-hearted courage

From: Malini Rajendran (11:19 AM) but for all that Singapore is not a failed state. if you've lived in a country where chaos is the norm, bending rules is the norm, disorder, breaking the law is the norm, and all this is called innovation and diversity. then you will appreciate the organised , lawfulness found in Singapore refreshing .

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:20 AM) @Malini, good point

From: Yasmin Goodman (11:21 AM) Sabinije, What was the music you played for the meditation. I AM) sorry I cAM)e to the call in the middle of the meditation and music. I would love to know the nAM)e or the source of the music

From: Paul Coleman (11:22 AM) @Crystal and Greg: You two have so much energy you have brought the sun to Patagonia aafter days of rain! : From: Liliane Mavridara (11:22 AM) 8

From: Malini Rajendran (11:22 AM) I applied for admission to many Singaporean design schools for my daughter they wanted 99-100% in academic scores as a basic requirement but the design portfolio and design and art exAM) was way way advanced demanding unusual creative talent.

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (11:22 AM) 8

From: Gail Linsley (11:22 AM) 9

From: Tom Bowling (11:22 AM) 7

From: Marsha Lewis (11:23 AM) 7

From: Diane Skidmore (11:23 AM) 6 hours tops - ever

From: Malini Rajendran (11:23 AM) 5+3

From: Paul Coleman (11:23 AM) 8

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:23 AM) Are you fAM)iliar with the inclusive for all the Gardens: Living Values: The first two Values instructed are Love and Peace. All the other Values are generated From: these. 

Developing quality Character traits is vitally important for all levels of society. When will this be emphasized?

There is one progrAM), that has over 90% reduction in violence in a Thai Refugee CAM)p within 2 years! The woman who developed it then went to Johannesburg, RSA and designed a progrAM) for street people - similar results!

An awesomely effective PARENTING book is: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect by Diane Tillman.

What will you do with this information?

From: Diane Skidmore (11:23 AM) Phew - we're no tall the sAM)e tho - 8 hours would be the end of me @malini - closer to a great way (for me too From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:25 AM) Immediately LAUGH, when stressed. Even if its forced. You can do it anywhere.

From: Malini Rajendran (11:26 AM) some the most AM)azing architecture designs come out of Singapore design firms. I have been to Singapore every 5-8 years and AM) always AM)azed at how fast the city/ administration adapts to the current needs of the citizens in an environmental friendly manner

From: Paul Coleman (11:29 AM) After people tried to lasso me to the back of a truck and kill me,while walking across the US I got into a motel and found myself quite naturally shaking like a leaf.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:29 AM) Before I gave my Keynoite at the World Congress in Sports Psychology in 1985, we got to do THE WATUSI JUMP - the following is the 1 page intro 

During certain rituals, the Watusi tribe of Africa gathers and jump up and down with their spears and shields, in a balanced rhythm. They leap high and make special sounds thereby stimulating them to go off to war or to do great athletic feats. They have done this traditionally From: time immemorial. This jumping ritual is a great energy gathering and arousing activity for the times when we need to be perked up.

+ Stimulates the cardio-vascular system
+ Releases stresses and tensions From: the body
+ Gives a self massage to the shoulders and neck
+ Produces neuro-endorphins (natural brain opiates)
+ The blood is oxygenated through complete and equal breathing.

 This exhilarating activity is perfect for energizing oneself during the lethargic period of the day, or for pre-competition/presentation stimulation.

From: Jane (11:31 AM) @Kurt....would love to see Principals and heads of school boards doing this.

From: Malini Rajendran (11:32 AM) great music
 all traditional indegenious ceremonies have this shaking dancing. awesome. oops sorry hand got raised by mistake.

From: Jane (11:32 AM) much wisdom From: the Indigenous peoples.

From: Tom Bowling (11:34 AM) Feeling both relaxed and energized at the sAM)e time.

From: ChangJi (DDMBA) (11:34 AM) free abandon

From: Jen Forti (11:34 AM) A serious inner batter recharge!

From: Gail Linsley (11:34 AM) invigorated

From: Paul Coleman (11:34 AM) Great shaking. You've given me a brainwave. For peace day we are going to do an Earth Jump. Usually we have a ten second countdown. I think now we will have a one minute shake down! This is our Earth Jump in Tokyo with thousands of people.

From: Barbara Ann Forbes Forbes (11:34 AM) Aware

From: Emily Ladner (11:35 AM) awake

From: Paul Coleman (11:35 AM) @Chrystal

From: Malini Rajendran (11:39 AM) both

From: Paul Coleman (11:39 AM) 1

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:39 AM) 1

From: ChangJi (DDMBA) (11:39 AM) man…. both

From: Tom Bowling (11:39 AM) Both

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (11:39 AM) they are complementary

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:41 AM) When sitting for 20 minutes or more, the brain gets “jello” like. Stagnate and disconnected… Cross-crawl and other energizing, like the shaking and baking or Watusi Jump, are optimum to do for at least 15-30 seconds… Always get the audience up and moving, ask a person to be your timekeeper… keeps them alert too. : From: Leo Jacoby (11:43 AM) I can't control • The economy • What others think • What others soy • Past mistakes • COVID19 • Government policies • Public sentiment

I can control • My goals / values • My mindset • My communication • My self-care • My learning

From: Malini Rajendran (11:43 AM) I don't make Todo lists. I only make Done lists.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:44 AM) Duration: 30-90 seconds.
 Begin with 15 seconds and build up the practice time slowly - at our own rate of ability. Do not over indulge or strain. The Watusi Jump may be done several times a day. Each time we practice, especially when first learning the WJ, imagine that we are Watusis and are leaping higher and sounding off strongly. The invigorative effect and mental strength will improve vastly compared for those who simply do the Watusi Jump.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:44 AM) Stand with the feet comfortably apart, knees slightly bent.
Leap up while breathing in through the nose or mouth (if necessary).
Upon landing, breathe out through the mouth with a forceful sound of HUH.
Continue to leap/jump as high as possible, landing with the knees slightly bent, yet not giving in to cushion the landing.
Leaping with great spring in your legs, keep the arms, elbows, wrists, and shoulders loose and plopping down while landing. Let this plopping of the arms release any tensions in the body. A smile may crease the face as we really let our self do the Watusi Jump with great abandon.
For full effect, do two to five more rounds comfortably for 30 to 90 seconds each.

From: Paul Coleman (11:44 AM) One day I will have to share my fairy tale of 'The Kingdom of Do'.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:44 AM) The forceful, rapid, exhalation of the breath with the loud sound of HUH, releases tensions in the neck, and torso region. Done while smiling, we do this so our face also releases tensions. (Caution: if you have high blood pressure, a heart condition or injured back, consult your physician, then, when approved do Watusi Jump at your own rate and discretion). This is a powerfully invigorating activity whose benefits may last up to two hours after doing just a 90 second routine.

Research proves movement every 20 minutes helps the brain function much better. Read: Spark, John Ratey, Read the bestselling, Winning Ways for Living, by Kurt Krueger for even more useful practices.

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:44 AM) @Paul, yes, I love fairy tales!

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:45 AM) That’s the Watusi Jump. : From: Jane (11:47 AM) @Leo it can be problematic when "My Goal" (under what I can control) is also what i can't control.

From: Paul Coleman (11:49 AM) I was a rebel with attention. Oops! Myabe that was why I got expelled! : From: Jane (11:50 AM) Smiling at the "escape artist"

From: Malini Rajendran (11:52 AM) @jane. I agree. I've been there, but then you need to revisit your goal may be it's based on incomplete or inaccurate inputs or its too wide and unrealistic. breakdown into what I can control and do immediately, what I need to learn something new, who do I need to connect with, collaborate, outsource to.
yes if an even like the pandemic completely throws your goals then just step back accept love yourself and for life's lessons to unfold.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (11:52 AM) I AM) so happy for you and the work you’re sharing. Great work together. What a blessing you guys are. Thanks for the gifts you’re offering. So much of your work is so much like what I’ve been sharing since the 70’s. Psychosomatic/emotional/spiritual offering.

From: Leo Jacoby (11:54 AM) Survival strategies SUPPORT (caring for) • The caretaker • The peacemaker • The joker • The martyr AVOID (keep safe) • Numbing out • The worrier • The invisible one • The escape artist PLEASING (being good) • The achiever • The star • The good one . The fixer AGAINST (get control• The rebel • The bully • The critic • The controller

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (11:54 AM) in a very conservative fAM)ily, the Apparent and/or actual rebel can also be the most creative and curious one.

From: Tom Bowling (11:54 AM) Both a peacemaker and “the good one.”

From: Malini Rajendran (11:54 AM) love the survival strategy slide. what do you do if you play more than one in all columns.

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (11:54 AM) pleasing

From: ChangJi (DDMBA) (11:54 AM) achiever and rebel

From: Monica Affleck (11:54 AM) the achiever

From: Jane Norton (11:54 AM) achiever and good one; later the rebel

From: Leo Jacoby (11:55 AM) Journalling Take a moment to reflect: What was your role / survival strategy growing up? How does it show up in your life today as a leader? How does that strategy help you / hinder you?

From: Leo Jacoby (11:55 AM) I can't control • The economy • What others think • What others soy • Past mistakes • COVID19 • Government policies • Public sentiment

I can control • My goals / values • My mindset • My communication • My self-care • My learning

From: Gail Linsley (11:55 AM) number out, caretaking, controlling all star achieving good one!

From: Malini Rajendran (11:59 AM) sorry to leave . have another meeting. will catch-up in the recording. great presentation.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:01 PM Lovely!

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (12:01 PM Released. : From: Monica Affleck (12:01 PM feeling lighter

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:01 PM always heartwarming the meet the younger one

From: Tom Bowling (12:01 PM At peace

From: Diane Skidmore (12:01 PM Calm

From: TAM)my Muter (12:02 PM beautiful. Thank you

From: Jane (12:02 PM @Malini, thanks for this....Recent step has been to surrender attachment to the goal of shifting the consciousness of those in the positions of Leadership and generally to the goal of affecting change within the Education systems I have worked in, From: teachers up to those in positions of leadership. Thus my goal has been on an individual level with my students. Ultimately, i guess I AM) still having trouble fully surrendering the original goal of moving and educating those at the leadership level.

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (12:02 PM figure 8, flowing From: me to another, quick thoughts of others, back to me, in figure 8

From: Jane (12:02 PM Love Kristins work.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (12:02 PM Crystal and Greg, et. All: Love to connect offline, Share more of the Love and light. :) Thanks.

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (12:04 PM I had a teacher who said to imagine another yelling as mooing. if someone is mooing at you instead of yelling, you can connect differently with the mooing other

From: Jane (12:05 PM @Victoria..Sounds like a great Teacher.

From: Me (12:05 PM Seth Godin - TRIBES - a great book

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:05 PM Victoria that's awesome..

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (12:06 PM Tribe is a great book also, Sebastion Junger

From: Diane Skidmore (12:06 PM So happy to hear the Spiritual Resilience words. Thank you xxx To be shared xxx

From: gary wohlman (12:07 PM Crystal & Greg, Inspiring, you two! Happy to connect and explore mutual support:

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (12:14 PM “I welcome us all, with great respect and Love… then…. “

From: Kathleen Riley (12:19 PM Crystal and Greg, inspiring! I would love to connect with you sharing Resilience, coherence and compassion.

From: Jane (12:20 PM My experience when doing this type of activity with my students is that they respond very positively. so my wish is that someday in the future, Education systems will naturally include these types of activities (Edcation of the Heart and Mind)as part of the daily education curriculum of our students which in turn will lead to greater well being as a whole . healthy students becoming healthy adults.

From: Jane Norton (12:22 PM love how experiential this session has been!

From: Me (12:22 PM Dear Chat PEOPLE and Crystal & Greg!
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. 
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541

I have also created an email list for us Chat People to interact without being on at the sAM)e time. Write me to be added to the list.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:22 PM @Jane Totally agree!!! A way forward for the planet - change the education system. Again - essential!!!

From: Paul Coleman (12:23 PM @Crystal How do we contact you. We do not hve a code reader.>

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:24 PM Thank you very much!!I would also love to share a piece that shifts all the background resistance with you...

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:24 PM There is such a resonance with your lovely work and presence

From: Leo Jacoby (12:24 PM SLIDE: Deep Human Takeaway Spiritual Resilience tips 1. Find someone / a cause to give to 2. Do something that brings on a sense of wonder / awe / mystery 3. Free journaling on your legacy 4.Journal on "what if 2020 was one of the most powerful years in my life?"

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (12:25 PM Crystal, interesting answer. Thank you for your insight based on experience

From: Crystal & Greg (12:25 PM

From: Paul Coleman (12:25 PM @Crystal Laughing meditation.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:25 PM Thank you both!! Brilliant session - hopeful too - ways forward!! Gotta go again xxx

From: Jude Asphar (12:26 PM so much appreciate your generosity — thank you Crystal and Greg—

From: Jen Forti (12:26 PM Thank you guys! You’re an inspirations <3

Blessings - so wonderful

Thank you both!

From: Maureen Edwardson (12:26 PM heart resonance pure delight is right!!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:26 PM Was wonderful thank you both!

From: Tom Bowling (12:26 PM Thank you SO much. Blessings to you!

From: Jane (12:26 PM Again...Gratitude.

From: Kurt Krueger, Success Systems International Founding President (12:26 PM Blessing abound when you’re around. The Intellectual AND direct experience is so vital - true education. :) Only way to fly. THANK YOU.

From: Paul Coleman (12:27 PM @Crystal & Greg: This is one of the most unique, energetic, and inspirational presentations I have seen in a long time. And at times very AM)using. Wonderful. Thank you.

From: Diane Sue (12:27 PM Crystal and Greg, thank you so very much for sharing your time. We will hold the vision of why 2020 changed our lives!!

From: Me (12:29 PM Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. 
You can join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 4561 3451
Passcode: 919541

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (12:29 PM Great Duo! thank you!

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:29 PM thank you so much Sabinije for reminding us of the importance of awe and beauty

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:30 PM @Chat People, need to do other things this AM). Sad.

From: Crystal & Greg (12:30 PM THANK YOU EVERYONE! We love you

From: Anne-Marie Goncalves Desai (12:30 PM thank you Crystal and Greg for your passion and generosity

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:30 PM @Jim - Yes!!!! Freedom is NOT understood!

From: Paul Coleman (12:31 PM @Jim How about a speaker fAM)iliar with the Althing.

From: Jane Norton (12:31 PM @Jim, yes that would be an excellent discussion!

From: Victoria Schwarz Schwarz (12:31 PM Jim, I would love to have a conversation about those nuances. I think that would be fabulous and important