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Humanity Rising Day 080 Chat Page

Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 080:

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:01 AM) Happy Sunday Everyone!

From: Bruce Schuman (11:01 AM) "a sacred space every day" !

From: Kate Hansen Hansen (11:01 AM) Hello! : From: Crystal (11:01 AM) Yes, thank you for this sacred space . . .

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:01 AM) Good Morning From: North Carolina woods.

From: Christine Ahn (11:03 AM) Aloha From: Hawaii

From: Shannon McArthur (11:04 AM) Greetings From: KAM)loops BC Canada

From: gary wohlman (11:05 AM) Hello From: Melbourne, Australia

From: Bruce Schuman (11:06 AM) Sacred Global Circle (!! From: Shannon McArthur (11:06 AM) aho

From: Georg Boch (11:06 AM) Yes all sessions are recorded, e.g on youtube (ubiquity university<9

From: Diane Skidmore (11:07 AM) Sacred Global Circle Greetings From: London, UK

From: Bruce Schuman (11:07 AM) Hurry up -- more women leaders!

From: Shannon McArthur (11:07 AM) don’t push us, @Bruce… we love you!

From: Diane Skidmore (11:08 AM) We're doing our best!! :-D xxx

From: Bruce Schuman (11:08 AM) (laugh From: Shannon McArthur (11:08 AM) we’ve got a heck of a load to push, ourselves!!

From: Earl Andrews (11:08 AM) Greetings to all From: Baja California (north), Mexico

From: Kat Haber (11:11 AM) 75th Anniversary of Nagasaki Bombing August 9, the second atomic bomb the USA dropped on Japanese civilians Kumu Hula Puna Dawson: breath beat, like Japanese use to describe time in seconds, representing attitude/longitude of Earth, let us be the inspiration and light, bringing peace Earht’s people, legacy of mankind to be responsible to be kind to Earth/resources/ensuring will be here for children yet to come,

From: Diane Skidmore (11:11 AM) Brilliant Kat!!! Thank you xxx

From: Shannon McArthur (11:12 AM) g’now, Kat. Well met! let us be one! aho

From: Kat Haber (11:12 AM)

) Sharing aloha, kind to each other, listen, Xperience what others say, being humble , not alone, sharing this space, patience to Xperience and enjoy all that is-ALOHA, come share my space/time/being one in this blanket of peace, ALOHA

From: Diane Skidmore (11:13 AM) Gosh!! Thank you for that Blessing xxx

From: Shannon McArthur (11:14 AM) need all blessings!

From: Diane Skidmore (11:14 AM) cock - doodle doo - change our view of that image - not the bomb!! a-doodle-doo - we suppoorttttt youuuuuu

From: Shannon McArthur (11:16 AM) the cock crows “wake up!”

From: Kat Haber (11:18 AM) Cynthia Lazoroff, 75 years ago today, US war plane dropped on 10:58 AM) the second bomb on Nagasaki, “IT is mistake to say. This cloud is what was before, girls, boys, women, men…” I will never look at this cloud the sAM)e way again 40,000 killed instantly. Burns, radiation sickness, cancer, hundreds of thousands more died, Nagasaki before/ after bomb, now thousands of times more lethal bombs, 14,000 bombs now,>>>end of life, everything, everyone we love and cherish in Earth, Hibakusha survivors tell this story, Sashiko-7 at time of the bombing, Keiko TAM)aki will read her story, Kayko, died 6 years ago, her daughter now speaks Sachiko’s story , Earie flash of suns, droning sound, thought body was floating in the air, blinded, buried alive, trapped under house, breathing dirt cAM)e into nose/mouth, 2 girls creAM)ed, eventually pulled From: the debris, fires moved in, other 4 dug out, all fled, adults carried other 4 children suffocated after swallowing dirt, brothers passed, bleeding, skin of arms washed, fever Excrutiating pain, wounds attracted flies, now treatment for wounds, what happened to me must never happen to you. WHAT IS PEACE? WHAT KIND OF PERSON SHOULD I BE?

From: Diane Skidmore (11:20 AM) We have to eliminate ALL weapons!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (11:21 AM) panelists, please turn on your cAM)eras

From: Carlos Prosser (11:22 AM) .Never forget Nagasaki, Never forget Hiroshima Never forget the human logic of war and destruction of the enemy. Peace is better, peace is the way, peace From: the heart, peace that arises as the other option. Today we need a global peace agreement, which allows to redirect the resources used in the logic of war, for the urgent and indispensable needs of humanity's survival.

From: Kat Haber (11:23 AM) CL: eliminate these weapons, 75 years, must act to solve this now so it never again happens, Christine Ahn-Korean War Peace advocate, Molly Herley-societal affects of nuclear weapons/art/youth beyond the bomb,

From: Kat Haber (11:23 AM) Convener
Cynthia Lazaroff, Founder, NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth

Christine Ahn, Founder and Executive Director, Women Cross DMZ
Molly Hurley, Fellowship Associate, Beyond the Bomb and Nuclear Fellow, Prospect Hill Foundation
Togzhan Kassenova, Senior Fellow, Center for Policy Research, SUNY-Albany
Mary Olson, Founder, Gender Radiation Impact Project

From: Diane Skidmore (11:23 AM) Thank you Carlos - yes indeed!!

From: Diane Skidmore (11:24 AM) A Global Peace Agreement!!

From: Carlos Prosser (11:29 AM) We need to "impose" the logic of peace through a planetary movement that imposes conditions of peace on governments and ends the horrendous arms business. A kind of "Peace coup"

From: Diane Skidmore (11:32 AM) No cure: Only Prevention!! It applies to so much - Corona; ocean dAM)age; melting glaciers; forests and fossil fuels plundered. We need to hurry up!! @Bruce - you're right!!!

From: Kala Perkins (11:32 AM) Can she please make these slides available on ubiverse?🙏

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:33 AM) We do need to look at who is not protected including Covid 19.

From: Shannon McArthur (11:37 AM) without girls there will be no boys

From: Bruce Schuman (11:38 AM) I had never heard this before -- this vast difference in gender vulnerability

From: Diane Skidmore (11:38 AM) Thanks for the re-mind-er!! @shannon

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:38 AM) @Shannon - duh LOL, but we seem to be blind to that

From: Diane Skidmore (11:40 AM) So - for future reference - 30 men to 70 women on balanced panels Not 50/50

From: Shannon McArthur (11:40 AM) thank YOU!

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:41 AM) Thank you Mary!

From: Kat Haber (11:41 AM) MO: Hibakusha-never again, reversing an old decision, evidence already helping to make new choices, more dAM)aging to females, males are most radiation resistent, industrial scale fission invented in Chicago in 1942 for the heat of the fireball, US adopted immediately as a weapon, then US decided to use as an indiscriminate weapons on Hiroshima/Nagasaki, data From: survivors, in 1950 researchers thought medical aid might skew results of the study, WRONG, sorry for those choices, wished this had not happened, post birth life cycle, gender matters during atomic age. honoring lives/deaths of survivors, prevention is the cure, self determination of nuclear free, based on treaty on landmines, humanitarian law, military law no longer sufficient for nuclear weapons choices, ionizing radiation disproportionate affect on females, 2,000 Xpolosions have already occurred, red dots are nuclear power reactors with each making radiation of 1,100 atom bombs per year, women/girls of color are most at risk due to placement

From: Kat Haber (11:41 AM) Radiation is source of health and empowerment, mother, fetus, primary germ cells, form unbroken cell chain to the previous generations, more harmful to children under 5, cells dividing rapidly under 5 and cell division in DNA is dAM)aged, even small XPosures result in cancer, all published in 2006 biological affects of ionizing radiation, survivors grouped by age they were at time of bombing, <5 years had most cancer at some point in their lives, girls twice as likely to get cancer than boys, ratio: 1:2, doubling is enormous news, gender also affected women-3 women died of cancer for each 2 males, difference greatest in young children, little girls are not a subpopulation, inextricable link in human life cycle, why-not yet known, reproductive cells, need research, 60 years to see the gender difference, to protect or species we must see the most impacted part of the cycle-FOCUS ON LITTLE GIRLS!

From: Diane Skidmore (11:41 AM) Thank you Mary!! Important information there!!

From: Shannon McArthur (11:41 AM) aho

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:41 AM) AS you unto the least of you….. the only way to include all.

From: Kat Haber (11:41 AM) MO: Replace reference man with reference Little Girl, retire him, regulations for all humans based on her, Eath’s biosphere is being changed into deep time, prohibition of nuclear weapons treaty 82 nations have signed, 44 ratified, at 50 these weapons become illegal

From: Kurt Krueger (11:41 AM) Can we get then slides with notes? Tears flow so easily ever since the reading of our survivor.

From: Georg Boch (11:42 AM) Dear Panel, may we share your slides on the UbiVerse?

From: Mary Olson (11:43 AM) A lot more information on disproportionate impact of radiation is here

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:43 AM) @Mary - thank you!

From: Bruce Schuman (11:44 AM) this convening of human intelligence From: all these angles is so inspiring

From: Kala Perkins (11:44 AM) Innthe West many people do not realize that parallel to the Nevada testing was the USSR test site in Kazakhstan 🙏

From: Mary Olson (11:44 AM) I want to bring news that there IS CHANGE! The new treaty is a means for the world to leave nuclear weapons in the past. See:

From: Kat Haber (11:45 AM) Togzhan Kassenova: traveled to villages in Kazakstan, tired of being treated like lab subjects , used for outsiders, not for the benefit of villagers themselves, crystallizing, first victim at time of test was 6 months, had 6 fingers on one hand, many children now 4th generation still malformed, (Thanks, @Mary Olson for the good news! From: MALINI Rajendran (11:46 AM) We need to shift the world into a more powerful and effective energy field to achieve global Peace. We need to create a wave of this powerful energy across the globe. Here is the tool to do this.

PLEASE Listen, share, download, repeat this meditation as often as you wish, to create that powerful wave of global peace that can only come From: your Divine Heart.
Let's take action now .

From: Kat Haber (11:47 AM) TK: 1940-s test site, site of Hawaii, slightly smaller than New Jersey, why Kazakstan, desolate, uninhabited, If you are a Kazak, it is rich in flora and fauna, Taiga-world’s rarest antelope, in 19th century AM)ericans/Europeans would meet at the markets, writers/poets, on this land the Soviet conducted 400 tests for 40 years, first atmospheric then underground, all heart breaking accounts

From: Georg Boch (11:48 AM) Yes, chat is saved

From: Diane Skidmore (11:48 AM) @malini - sharing to Mongolia xxx (and here) xxx

From: Jane (11:48 AM) Togzhan, Mary....I had no idea! This is vital education for me, for all. Thank You soo much.

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:49 AM) This is genocide.

From: Jane (11:49 AM) Yes Liliane...genocide, I agree!!

From: Mary Olson (11:50 AM) It is good to wake up when we know there IS hope... This new treaty has had so little press... United Nations has a web page too--but ICAN -- International CAM)paign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons tells the story.

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:51 AM) genocide where genes or a type of gene is being systematically destroyed.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:53 AM) Thank you Mary - That's the story (ICAN) we need to share and spread!! There IS hope (although, yes, we need to understand the dAM)age first - man's inhumanity to man - again!! From: Diane Sue (11:53 AM) Togzhan Kassenova, you are describing humanity rising to spread the truth.

From: Mary Olson (11:54 AM) YES! We have the option to believe that effort can bring the needed change. It is so much better than boredom and despair to engage!

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:55 AM) while national geographic spent a lot of time filming in Afghanistan, Japan, VietnAM), they and other media seems to be happily ignorant about these events.

From: Kat Haber (11:55 AM) TK: Thermonuclear test in 1955, medical nurse, Eve military gave instructions, then all patients were walked outside and placed face down covered with blanket, and warned of extremely strong results, devastating for environment, blood/cancers/babies born without limbs/died prematurely, medical workers, if a woman is bleeding profusely there are problems, suicides AM)ong younger men, 1980’s, Perestoika with Gorbachov,anti nuclear movement nevada cemnitaratinsk (sp?), President for Physicians for Nuclear Responsibility, 2-3,000 gathered in large field as dozens told stories of Soviet/ Hibakusha downwinders, musicians, feast, children saw foreigners for the first time as for signatures, each movement inspired the other movement, Extraordinary people, Shoshone tribe also cAM)e, Kazak and AM)erican Native elder logo, (Tatyana Kanzaveli developed an app at to help manage cancer treatments-she is From: Russia-I’ll ask if she might have been Xposed) Medical portfolios are huge From: ionized radiation

From: Kat Haber (11:55 AM) TK: Price too high, insane that governments cling to these weapons.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:56 AM) Option - effort - responsibility! We CAN choose! We MUST do!!@Mary thank you

From: Shannon McArthur (11:56 AM) Thank you. heart breaking.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:56 AM) And thank you Togzhan!!

From: Bruce Schuman (11:56 AM) it's heoic

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:56 AM) I had no idea. The brazen disregard for humans that governments have is astounding.

From: Bruce Schuman (11:56 AM) heroic

From: Diane Skidmore (11:57 AM) Phew!!! More important than ever!!!!

From: MALINI Rajendran (11:57 AM) Thankyou so much Togzhan. these stories need to serve Humanity and Man-unkind a reminder and a wake-up call.

From: Kat Haber (11:57 AM) CL: Mr. t announced considering resuming nuclear weapons $1.7 TRILLION(? From: Liliane Mavridara (11:57 AM) Objectively, these are war crimes. That is how we would call them if there was an "official" war. And whoever was behind would be persecuted. But in this case, we do not do so and restore justice. This is unfathomable.

From: Kurt Krueger (11:58 AM) Ms. Ahn, We are together with tears.

From: Diane Skidmore (11:58 AM) Still playing the sAM)e gAM)e!! MEN in charge!! Come on us women! Gosh, united by teas. yes...…….. tears - phew - Freudian slip? We need tea - for the world!!

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:01 PM share your tears.yes we shouldn't be discussing this after 75 years. we should have been celebrating the advent of an armsfree world. 
we need a new species : womankindness

From: Shannon McArthur (12:01 PM how British of you, Diane ; From: Diane Skidmore (12:02 PM OMG (sorry) -1.2 MILLION landmines!!!!!

From: Mary Olson (12:02 PM I love it! Womankindness… though I want men's incredible hearts to be liberated From: being pressed into the mold of the oppressor of Patriarchy...

From: Shannon McArthur (12:02 PM tea shared throughout womankindness. me too, Mary

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:02 PM @Mary - Yes!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:03 PM Oh gosh - through the tears - yes - British AND womankindness!!! Phew xxxxx Gosh!! What a day!! 4 million killed - indiscriminate bombing - USA great???

From: Shannon McArthur (12:05 PM that is sooooo wrong. Why no warcrimes? just stop!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:05 PM reparations by USA

From: Kat Haber (12:05 PM Christine Ahn: So absurd 75 years later we are sill having these conversations, as a grad student at Georgetown discovered US almost went to war with North Korea during Clinton administration, Military industrial complex began with Korean war, Korea From: 1920-1945 Korea was colonized by Japan, AM)ericans/Soviets victor then Korea, colony of Japan at that time, led to division, two young military officers were tasked to split Korea across the 38th parallel, no Koreans were consulted , occupied North, sing Ma Ri, Kim Il Sung was a gorilla fighter, now in the 70 anniversary of the Korean war June 5, 2020, artificial boundary without Korean people’s consent, North Korea has tested 6 nuclear weapons may have 30 weapons, must now ask WHY?! singularly focused on North Korea instead we need peace to achieve denuclearization.instantly 300,000 would be killed instantly, 25 million would be impacted DEVASTATING! Why does this still Exist? 1953 promised within 90 days to negotiate a peace settlement that never happened,

From: Diane Skidmore (12:05 PM This si too much!! we MUST MAKE CHANGE!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:05 PM why prepare for war against N Korea? you’d all be dead

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:05 PM There is so much history about which we know nothing….

From: Shannon McArthur (12:05 PM we’d all be dead pretty much story by USA

From: Bruce Schuman (12:06 PM human idiocy is pervasive -- we need a universal global counter-force

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:06 PM It's clear now that This pandemic - is about the Rise of Humanity into womankindness and the fading of mankind where men have not got it right. 
as a species we were referred to as Humanity and mankind, This pandemic has shown that we will be referred to as Humanity and womankindness.

From: Molly Hurley (12:06 PM RE: Nuclear energy. That's a sticky one. Some people support both an end to nuclear weapons and energy while others separate the two issues. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty allows non-nuclear state signatories to receive international aid in developing nuclear energy capabilities with the promise not to use the knowledge to pursue nuclear weapons. The US also has the Atoms for Peace progrAM) with a similar goal.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:07 PM I love you, Women.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:09 PM Gosh Molly - to be discussed later (we hope) - have to watch the film and the pics and Christine and the chat We Love you women indeed!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:09 PM women will have to lead… it is our legacy

From: Kat Haber (12:10 PM Film will be released next year by award winning filmmaker, grassroots movement, 152 end for KOREAN War, 47 cosponsors so far, 10 years ago Congressional briefing only 2 was Dennis Kusinich and Barbara Lee, Lone voice to stand against bombing Afghanist after 9/11, people must lead and politicians will follow, we will change the world, more just, sustainable future for thriving

From: Shannon McArthur (12:10 PM thank you, Christine

From: Diane Skidmore (12:10 PM We've gotta Save the World!!!

From: Paul Coleman (12:10 PM @Christine Ahn: Your story and presentation is very moving and informative. Thank you.

From: Crystal (12:10 PM Sharing your tears . . . we never cry alone

From: Diane Sue (12:10 PM It's my honor to hear the messages From: all of you extraordinary women. Your leadership is so inspiring. We are listening!

From: Kurt Krueger (12:11 PM And IT IS SO.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:11 PM may that be so, Crystal… for so long, they/we have cried alone.

From: Kat Haber (12:11 PM CL: set intention that we stand with you for a Reunited Korean Peninsula are of nuclear threats anywhere in the world

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:11 PM And So be it.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:11 PM So be it xxx

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:11 PM Thataastu.

From: Mary Thorp (12:11 PM End the Korean War by when, Cynthia?

From: Bruce Schuman (12:11 PM Saturday night, I saw the movie "Anzio", with Robert Mitchum as a reporter -- who ended the movie by telling a general that the reason war continues is that men enjoy it

From: Shannon McArthur (12:11 PM looks so good on you, Molly! thank you for being part of my day

From: Diane Skidmore (12:12 PM Wow!!! A truly Sparkly Person, Molly!! :D xxx

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:13 PM @Mart Thorp. The when is always NOW.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:13 PM War begets war. Peace begets peace. We have to start Anew. Knowing that We cannot hurt another without hurting ourselves. The thing that shocks ME is as an educated westerner DIDN'T know most of this story. WHY??? Michelle

From: Diane Skidmore (12:13 PM Sparkly AND with a brain!!! Pale, male and STALE!!!! Brilliant!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:14 PM that’s got to change!! get the kids and the women in the room!!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:15 PM Thank goodness for this little girl!! What a joy!!!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:15 PM Mr. T feels the sAM)e - he has decimated our diplomacy core - history and relationships have been destroyed.

From: Mary Olson (12:15 PM There is CHANGE-- there is a huge literature underpinning all of her word choices... not the Cold War any more.

From: Paul Coleman (12:15 PM In 2006 my wife Konomi walked through South Korea, From: Incheon to Busan and along the way were invited by Father Mun, a leading peace activist, to let a tree at Daecheri, a small village on the west coast of South Korea, because villagers did not want to be moved by the expansion of a US base that was now building up due to tensions with China. The villagers were very angry, because this was the second time their village would be moved, The first time was following the Korean War when the base was built. When we got tot he village it was surrounded by thousands of heavily armed police and the center of the village had been barricaded by tractors and was fortified by young outsiders and the older villagers who were now being forced out of their homes twice in their lifetime by the US Military. There had been pitched battles, but I think that on this day, due to the national media coverage our visit generated the police army backed away and out of sight. Not long after we left the US Military got their way.

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:16 PM I’m very moved by these presentations. I previously referenced on the HR platform one of my articles about the root causes of war, “Fear and Projection as the Root Causes of War & the Archetypal Energies ‘Trust’ and Peace’ as Antidotes. I humbly offer the link to the article I referenced above:

From: Kat Haber (12:16 PM Molly Hurley: new to nuclear weapons a year ago, BEYOND THE BOMB, learn to be a better activist, learning about intersectionality, 90% of what has been learned From: BTB, intersects with all other current issues, Violence against women, code for if it was success fun-BOY, if failed a GIRL, no women in the room for nuclear policy, if yes, then white, no racial diversity, Patrial/male/stale, masculine diplomacy, age of TRUMAN-inferiority complex (RACIST if you read his early writings), weakness seen as feminine, stigma on women of survivors of atomic bomb (I wonder if the sAM)e will happen for women who are survivors of COVID-19? From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:17 PM @Paul - tears….

From: Shannon McArthur (12:17 PM thank you @Cuf.

From: Mary Olson (12:18 PM Special opportunity to see the film "The Ultimate Wish: Ending the Nuclear Age" -- Kathleen Sullivan producer and Robert Richter Director. THIS WEEK ONLY:

From: Diane Skidmore (12:18 PM @Paul!! What a story xxx

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:19 PM That was because of illegal uranium mining that the then congess party govt in India turned a blind eye to which was banned and the the mining in USA started. love her connecting the dots into areas which get pushed under the carpet.

From: Kat Haber (12:20 PM Small nuclear war between India and Pakistan would cause nuclear winter for 10-12 years, sever impact on food leading to worldwide fAM)ine, ObAM)a made moratorium on new nuclear mining, Mr t wants to resume (ALASKA!?) Systemic racism, Navajo, Marshal, Cogo, Asians, New Mexico poor with 6th most wealthy county. Where is the money going, privileged white scientists not to nativeAM)erians

From: Kelly Pasholk (12:20 PM “Los AlAM)os Revisited: A Workers' History”
by Peter Malmgren and Kay Matthews, is a book recording the oral history of the workers of Los AlAM)os National Laboratory in New Mexico initially organized during World War II for the design of nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project. Through this book, I see how the locals were exploited for the benefit of the war machine. The lab is still active.

From: Christine Ahn (12:20 PM @Paul Coleman thank you — yes that is the world’s largest military base at Pyongtaek/CAM)p Humphries. There are still 30k US troops in SK — but the two Koreas want peace, an end to the Korean War. We need to put pressure on the US to sign a peace agreement to formally end the Korean War otherwise militarization like what your wife witnessed will continue. We need those rice farmers and ecological sustainability. not more weapons of mass destruction and investments in preparation for war.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:21 PM @Molly - well spotted and demonstrated - "money is going to 'jobs' and white male priviledge."

From: Shannon McArthur (12:21 PM wow

From: Paul Coleman (12:21 PM @Kathryn Yes. The Korean war is an ongoing tragedy.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:21 PM what a waste

From: Diane Skidmore (12:22 PM Figures - one nuclear weapon could cover …. and - trillions of dollars ……… how dare they!!! While people have no water to drink!!! Tell us what to do Molly xxx

From: Michelle Kidd (12:23 PM @Christine.Would it ever be possible do you think to abolish the forced boundary so that Korea can become ONE Country again. Michelle

From: Kurt Krueger (12:24 PM Get all of us these resources that are being developed so that we can spread them everywhere.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:24 PM Can you put those organisations in the chat (when you've finished your presentation) - the philanthropic and the others. Thank you

From: Shannon McArthur (12:24 PM you are a treasure!

From: Molly Hurley (12:24 PM The Prospect Hill Foundation:

Beyond the Bomb:

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation:


From: Kat Haber (12:24 PM Mr. t wants to spend $5 billion on nuclear weapons, would buy many protective equipment, modernizing new to replace old weapons $1.7 trillion over the coming 30 years, $10.5 billion for Department of Defense, $29 billion additional for nuclear, already budget is $740 billion always plenty for military, never enough for health/care of PEOPLE! What can be done? meet with philanthropists, with policy people, increase understanding, cultural influences next task to travel to Hiroshima/Nagasaki to understand affect of nuclear weapons

From: Bruce Schuman (12:24 PM wow - beautiful

From: Christine Ahn (12:24 PM Thank you @Michelle and @Malini — we are trying to dismantle the DMZ! We need to first end that Korean War.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:24 PM Yaaaay!! Thank you Molly!!!

From: Kurt Krueger (12:25 PM So all encompassing. Mollly you rocked it.

From: Christine Ahn (12:25 PM Great job Molly!

From: Kala Perkins (12:25 PM Thank you! Such an awesome statement and presence for the future!

From: Jane (12:25 PM Molly, You are a much needed voice in educating us all. Thank God for the energy and leadership of our youth.

From: Kat Haber (12:25 PM CL: thanks for showing how it is all connected and affecting young people to lead in new way, where to From: here? How can we help?

From: Molly Hurley (12:25 PM Here are the organizations I'm primarily working with:

From: Molly Hurley (12:25 PM The Prospect Hill Foundation:

Beyond the Bomb:

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation:


From: Shannon McArthur (12:26 PM thank you Molly

From: Christine Ahn (12:26 PM You can visit and

From: Diane Sue (12:26 PM Yes. How can we help?

From: Christine Ahn (12:27 PM Please join our movement. You can contact me at

From: Shannon McArthur (12:27 PM thank you Mary!

From: Bruce Schuman (12:27 PM Just to mention -- this place is brand-new but growing fast. It's worth a look as an organizing pathway to universal global sacred circle spanning all disciplines, sectors and levels -- including "peace"

From: Shannon McArthur (12:27 PM yes

From: Michelle Kidd (12:27 PM Mary Divine Source Creator will Care for you and yours. Michelle 💓

From: Mary Olson (12:28 PM is the website for Gender and Radiation Impact Project

From: Shannon McArthur (12:28 PM thank you, Mary

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:28 PM Molly From: Male, Pale and Stale, We need now to have 
Female, Fellowship and Freshness in every Committe and Board room.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:29 PM let your voice be heard far and wide!! thank you TK

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:29 PM @Togzhan, I AM) in DC too. Let me know how I can reach you.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:29 PM I remember. I was hopeful.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:30 PM Hopefully via Humanity Rising we will share vital resources and info to UNITE many many useful organisations - - write to Stanford and include clips - we'll work on it!!

From: Kat Haber (12:30 PM CA: China needs to be included, signed two agreements saying they want a peace agreement, two Koreas and China want and end to the war,

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:31 PM Thank you.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:31 PM @Chrisitne - yes - MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION is taking place!! Here is the chance to suggest directions. Now is the time!!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:31 PM Many blessings to everyone - see you all tomorrow!

From: Mary Olson (12:31 PM For those with access to the Ubiquity world, I posted another webinar I did recently with CAM)paign for Nuclear DisarmAM)ent. I will post the narrative From: my slides today too.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:31 PM bye Kathryn take care!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:32 PM It's time for a UNITED World!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:32 PM thank you Mary

From: Annelies Weijschede (12:32 PM Wonderful Molly you use your art to connect and unite!

From: Kat Haber (12:32 PM Pentagon budget Senator Sanders had 23 Democrats agreed to a version of national conversation on the rare political window for a massive discussion of weapons of mass destruction of endless wars or different kind of security will affect the entire world, change must start in this country, young, women, diverse leaders rising up now,

From: Diane Skidmore (12:32 PM Bye Kathryn!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:32 PM Let us fall into the Love of Mother Earth, the Ultimate Woman.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:32 PM Yes, Molly - we hope you can carry on too!!!

From: Christine Ahn (12:33 PM Yay to anti-imperialism!

From: Jane (12:33 PM Blessings and thanks to you all. Thank you!

From: Mary Olson (12:33 PM Love is the answer.

From: Jane (12:33 PM AM)en Mary.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:33 PM Gonna write - Beyond the Bomb - not sure if it's already written but - will investigate and support. No, you are NOT alone!!!

From: Molly Hurley (12:34 PM Beyond the Bomb is a grassroots organization focused on building our movement and increasing young people's awareness of the nuclear issues. I would highly encourage people to keep an eye on us at as we are about to welcome our next term of Fall 2020 fellows to hone their leadership skills and increase understanding of intersectionality.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:34 PM All the Women in The World - for you!!!

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:34 PM To all of the women today speaking, I have been incredibly moved by each of your presentations. I appreciate "meeting" the people on the other side of the world who have had to withstand and deal with the devastation my country, the US, has inflicted on our human fAM)ily and Mother Nature. I have been asleep to the effects of our country's actions in 1945 and since then. Thank you to each of you. I have been woken up. To Molly, in particular, that you for picking up the torch of the other women on this panel to continuing us waking up. Thank you. With gratitude, Yasmin Goodman

From: Me (12:34 PM @Molly - the young singer Aurora could help move young people. Look for her video for her song The Seed.

From: Kala Perkins (12:34 PM Such a be on for the future you are, Molly !!

From: Michelle Kidd (12:34 PM Yes it's So Inspiring to See that We are at a point of change and that there are So many people willing to step forward to Change our World to One that supports All BEings HUman and plants, animals etc

From: Diane Skidmore (12:34 PM Women Can Save the World!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:34 PM have to, Diane

From: Diane Skidmore (12:34 PM We WILL!!!! Yaaay!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:35 PM i like this girl!!

From: Kat Haber (12:35 PM Peace is one of 7 pillars of Rotary Clubs internationally. Women could join local Rotary Clubs-good news the first Woman president will lead the 1.2 million community leaders through Rotary in 2022-Jennifer Jones. Let’s set a path for peace and health!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:35 PM She's brill!! Molly - you're BRILL!!! More power to your elbow (as they say!! From: Togzhan Kassenova (12:36 PM People like Molly give me HOPE : From: Diane Skidmore (12:36 PM Too idealistic? Never - shoot high - to the stars!!!

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:36 PM Thank you All for what you do and bringing this to our attention. I will pass this progrAM) and your information on.

From: gary wohlman (12:36 PM Hallelulah 💓 Michelle

From: Paul Coleman (12:36 PM @Christine Ahn: We were hosted and supported by KFEM for our entire walk and visited several places where there were US Bases to plant trees, show support and bring the media to the local peace and environmental movements.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:36 PM i’m listening!!!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:36 PM Yaaaay!!! Loud and annoying!!!!!

From: Paul Coleman (12:36 PM @Molly: Loud and annoying. Way to go!

From: Jane (12:37 PM Molly.....Now you exemplify the right kind of 'ENERGY'!

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (12:37 PM Yes, Molly. As an African AM)erican, continue to be loud and annoying.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:37 PM Yes. So Many people with Hope and YAAY for HUmanity Rising bringing them All together. Great job, Jim. Michelle 👍

From: Kat Haber (12:37 PM Can we prevent nuclear war?

From: Shannon McArthur (12:37 PM we figure it out together!

From: Christine Ahn (12:37 PM @Paul Father Mun’s brother is the first civilian with Im Su Kyung to cross the DMZ in 1989. They were arrested and sentenced for 5 years but served 3 yrs. The Man brothers are my teachers and legendary! Fierce.

From: Jane (12:38 PM Go MOlly!!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:38 PM maybe we (elders) can hold your hand and show the rest of the world that - it's not just you young people - we're with you!!!

From: Kat Haber (12:38 PM YES!

From: Jane (12:38 PM So true Mary.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:38 PM Young and old - collaborate!!!

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:38 PM Everyone at the table and circle.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:38 PM Mary - TOTALLY. Molly just did a good job of inspiring an can mentor all of us. : From: Liliane Mavridara (12:38 PM There needs to be an intergenerational collaboration at all levels moving forward.

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:39 PM Female, Fellowship and Freshness.

From: Kat Haber (12:40 PM Yes, intergenerational collaboration! Intercultural as well.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:40 PM We need to Collaborate across cultures, ages, countries and genders. Michelle 💓

From: Diane Skidmore (12:40 PM We might even let a man join in, eh hahaha

From: Paul Coleman (12:40 PM @Christine: Father Mun: We really enjoyed meeting him and visited him again in 2008. I have many wonderful memories of our trip to Daechuri and time with him. We talked serious things, but laughed a lot! A lovely human being indeed.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:41 PM Thank you to All Panelists for a Fantastic, Educational, Inspirational, Informative conversation 💓. Michelle

From: Kurt Krueger (12:41 PM Let’s dialogue. We are developing a GOOD TROUBLE Podcast with the Conscious Connectors Coalition . Would love to have you all. We are looking to have millennials and elders dialoguing on World issues. Connect with me if you’re interested, Love you all.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:42 PM not just a little.

From: Kat Haber (12:42 PM Doctors do not have protective gear, all sectors are struggling, humans can no longer waster our resources on feeding this fear!

From: Molly Hurley (12:43 PM If anyone is interested in keeping up with my work, I will have a webpage up soon on The Prospect Hill Foundation website (, I'm on Twitter @smollyhurley, and my email is And again, Beyond the Bomb will never stop working to build the youth movement for a better world ( From: Me (12:43 PM Dear Chat PEOPLE, panelists, too..
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. Please write to me if you would like to participate (even if you can't join us today) and don't already have the Zoom link. I have also created an email list for us to interact without being on at the sAM)e time.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:43 PM ty, Molly

From: Kurt Krueger (12:43 PM Art, music, dance, film - the Creative Force… : From: Liliane Mavridara (12:43 PM @Molly, thank you for the twitter. I AM) @naturelili.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:43 PM @Molly - wonderful!!! Well done!!!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:43 PM let’s make art TOGETHER!!!

From: Kurt Krueger (12:43 PM Making a GREAT LOVING SOCIETY.

From: Kat Haber (12:43 PM There is a group in Hiroshima currently working on VR of the bombing.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:44 PM That is what NOW is for!!


From: Bruce Schuman (12:44 PM yes

From: Shannon McArthur (12:44 PM thank you Mary

From: Jane (12:44 PM How do we divert the money that is going to these destructive places over to the healing of humanity and the planet as a whole.

From: Diane Skidmore (12:45 PM Girls and women are standing up - at last!!! Thank you Mary!!

From: Kurt Krueger (12:45 PM We will spread it on Social Media. Just need simple memes AND backup links and info.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:45 PM @Jane, that is what I want to know too.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:45 PM let us learn how to live right… From: the past we learn but /and we need to learn how to live together peacefully.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:46 PM @Kurt. Great 💡

From: Shannon McArthur (12:46 PM thank you Molly

From: Kat Haber (12:46 PM HEIWA: Peace trees to generate local conversations to end nuclear weapons:

From: Paul Coleman (12:46 PM All the panelists; Thank you for your wonderful dedication to this extinction threatening subject.

From: Diane Sue (12:46 PM Molly, it was wonderful that you were a part of this panel!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:47 PM @Molly - all the panel were smiling as you spoke. You are our future - you will carry the flAM)e!! Well done again!! xxx

From: Me (12:47 PM Molly: your enthusiasm raises your qualifications!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:47 PM that’s what we were made for!

From: Kat Haber (12:47 PM Let us walk through lightly.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:47 PM AND IT IS SO! AM)EN.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:47 PM @Cynthia, thank you for bringing these beautiful women together!!!

From: MALINI Rajendran (12:48 PM Absolutely Christine we need to emerge on the other side with womankindness.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:48 PM Auntie Puna, thank you for starting us with a good song. Bless you and all you do…

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:48 PM Kay - I AM) sooooo glad I looked back through the chat and ground your reading. It was very moving to hear and now I have it to share with friends. I look to bring the lives of those that had to withstand the bomb the US dropped. Thank you, thank you for including your reading in the chat.

From: Christine Ahn (12:48 PM @Paul please reach out. I would love to connect with you and your wife. It has always taken a small group of people to get anything done, and we need more people like you two!

From: Michelle Kidd (12:48 PM @Molly, you Engaged us All in discussion and made us All Smile. Way to go 🙏. Michelle

From: Diane Skidmore (12:48 PM thank you so much wonderful ladies. may we all work together in the future. Looking forward to our success. We WILL Save the World!!!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:48 PM @Cynthia, count me in!

From: Jane (12:49 PM Good for you Kayko. Inspiring for us all.

From: Kat Haber (12:49 PM Yay Ploughshares Fund!

From: Paul Coleman (12:49 PM To all panelist and attendees. On September 20[21st, the International Day of Peace we will be planting 100 trees for peace on our land here in Chilean Patagonia and I would like to invite you all to join us in this event online and planting trees. Contact me @

From: Michelle Kidd (12:49 PM Count me in Cynthia. Michelle

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:49 PM the link?

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:49 PM Kayko I AM) not seeing the website to. be included

From: Shannon McArthur (12:50 PM aloha

From: Jane (12:50 PM The work continues!

From: Diane Skidmore (12:50 PM and thank you Jim too - of course xxx

From: Mary Thorp (12:50 PM Cynthia, do you know Dr. Laurie Ford?

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:50 PM Kayko, make sure it is to "All"

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:50 PM Please send the link

From: Me (12:50 PM Kayak make sure to send your chat entry to the attendees as well.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:50 PM most men are afraid of emotion. Thank you for being you, Jim.

From: Mary Thorp (12:50 PM Cynthia:

From: Molly Hurley (12:51 PM From: Kayko:

From: Mary Olson (12:51 PM Thank you ALL so much! YOU ARE MY HOPE!

From: Jane (12:51 PM Yes Thank You Cynthia.

From: Mary Olson (12:51 PM THANK YOU CYNTHIA and JIM!

From: Paul Coleman (12:51 PM @ Christine Ahn: I have some photo's of our visit to Daechuri should you be interested in them.

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:51 PM Thank you Kayko - got it!!!!

From: Mary Thorp (12:51 PM women women women

From: Shannon McArthur (12:52 PM From: the female, all growth springs

From: Diane Skidmore (12:52 PM Gosh what a day!! Such big thank yous to everyone xxxxx

From: Paul Coleman (12:53 PM pale patriarchal problematic

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:53 PM Cynthia - thank you for these last 2 days of awakening to this nuclear issue. I AM) deeply moved by you and the women you have gathered to full all our minds and hearts. Thank you Thank you!!!!!

From: Molly Hurley (12:53 PM Thank you, Jim! I've actually just written an article on gender equity to be published by inkstick on Monday. Keep an eye for it please at

From: Jane (12:53 PM @ Cynthia, I AM) so glad to meet you. Thanks for bringing this education to me.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:53 PM @paul Love it

From: Bruce Schuman (12:53 PM well :) -- i (male) did built the first "gather the women" web system and database --

From: Paul Coleman (12:53 PM @Cynthi and Jim: Wonderful group f people.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:53 PM thanks, Bruce

From: Diane Skidmore (12:53 PM And our governments are not listening so we need to bombard them - with love From: the women

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:53 PM @Jim,will be here!!!

From: Jane (12:54 PM Jim Again GRATITUDE!

From: Paul Coleman (12:54 PM Michelle: Great! Contact me!

From: Shannon McArthur (12:54 PM thanks, Jim, for today and every day …

From: Kat Haber (12:54 PM Is there a place where chats can be found? So many Xellent resources to share with those who have not been able to join us this morning?

From: Kurt Krueger (12:54 PM Infinite Potential, David Bohm’s documentary
Implicate Order, the Bonding ONENESS of All Wholeness. This film scientifically supports the Metaphysical experiences and teaching of the Mystics of all ages. 

The Observer and the Observed. This verifies the ancient teaching, "THE WORLD IS AS YOU SEE IT!" ~ VASISTHA's last instructions to RAM)a before RAM)a went to take over his kingdom. From: the book, Vasistha’s Yoga 

We are Co-Producers of life/experiences. Everyone is In-Formation. How do we choose to decide to inter-act with the Earth, with Each Other?

Unity is also the second of The Four Sacred Gifts, a great book by an elder, Anita Sanchez. 

See what you think/feel… Check it out

Lots of Love,


If you’d like to open more to that Infinite Potential more, contact me and/or read the best selling series, Winning Ways for Living

From: Michelle Kidd (12:54 PM

From: Yasmin Goodman (12:54 PM Jim - YOU are AM)azing. Thank you for these months of profound conversations. You have deeply moved my soul. Much Gratitude and blessings to you and your staff.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:55 PM Kat, come to @Stanley’s Chat People’s gathering after HR. We’ll talk about it.

From: Paul Coleman (12:55 PM @Christine: Wishing you all the very best with your work for your beautiful Korea.

From: Kat Haber (12:55 PM Thank you everyone, for your wisdom and courage!

From: Cynthia Lazaroff (12:55 PM thank you all for being here! So grateful to you all for holding this us and blessing this work!

From: Me (12:55 PM I publish the chats each day, write me

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (12:55 PM David Bohm’s great

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:55 PM @Stanely, will email you too.