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Humanity Rising Day 077 Chat Page

Text of the Zoom Chat from HR Day 077:

From: Liliane Mavridara (11:02 AM) Happy Thursday Everyone!

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:03 AM) Blessings to you all From: North Carolina woods!

From: Crystal Steinberg (11:04 AM) Agree with significance of this day:

From: Kurt Krueger (11:05 AM) When will we progressives/futurists speak what WE mean: Physical Distancing rather than Social Distancing? We should still be Social at a distance!

From: Crystal Steinberg (11:05 AM) The beginning of the spiritual and energetic pandemic we now face which the corona virus calls our attention to; the separation of humanity From: Mother Earth.

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:06 AM) Thank you Kurt for your focus of language.

From: Joe Scarry Scarry (11:06 AM) Greetings From: Moningwanakauning -- Madeline Island -- in Lake Superior, spiritual center of the Anishinaabe people.

From: Crystal Steinberg (11:07 AM) greetings

From: Diane Sue (11:09 AM) Yes! I AM) so grateful for Jim's gift of Humanity Rising, And grateful to everyone who has made it possible.

From: Paul Coleman (11:09 AM) The first thing I thought when seeing the explosion in Beirut was the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. I would like to think that when people saw that horrendous blast they could picture also the even more horrendous impact of the bombs that exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I hope this dreadful event in Beirut helps to give people insight into the suffering caused by such explosions and spur the removal of atomic weapons From: out existence.

From: gary wohlman (11:11 AM) AM)en

From: Jane (11:15 AM) Thank You! greetings From: the Land of the Mi'kmaq-Poeple of The Dawn..Wapna'kikewaq.

From: Kat Haber (11:19 AM) Hibakusha break my heart with their stories. 14,000 nuclear bombs today, half shared between Russia and the USA. The USA has budgeted to spend $1 TRILLION on modernizing this deadly arsenal.

From: Paul Coleman (11:19 AM) Humanity has a long way to go in a very short time.

From: Tom AV (11:20 AM)

From: Malini Rajendran (11:20 AM) As we inhale, Let us create a global wave of universal unconditional love in every heart, that it may become a weapon more powerful than any other, because it gives each one of us the POWER to say NO to that which does not serve creation.

From: Paul Coleman (11:20 AM) Having experienced war I see no glory in it. It is tome for us to move on.

From: Michelle Kidd (11:21 AM) 💓 Malini

From: Kat Haber (11:21 AM) 50 countries signing the treaty will cause nuclear weapons to be illegal. May it be so today. May all of us call on our local leaders declare No Nukes today? In Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, how might we learn lessons From: the past never to repeat them again?…/hiroshima-bombing-tu…/5533700002/

From: Tom AV (11:22 AM) Mourning Armageddon -

From: Kat Haber (11:23 AM) I remember the terror of that day. My fAM)ily called in urgent fright. I was also changed forever. Thank you Makana!

From: Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson (11:23 AM) Research has revealed that President Truman, who gave the order to drop the nuclear bombs, knew in advance that Japan was already prepared to surrender. Yet, the decision was made to drop the bombs anyway.

From: Jane (11:26 AM) Thanks and unending Gratitude for Setsuko's presence as she tirrelessly continues to remind us about the horrific events and pain experienced by her and all who endured the horror of Hiroshima.

From: Miles Seiden (11:27 AM) How sad and beautiful, Makana. Aloha and mahalo.

From: Paul Coleman (11:29 AM) @Makana Wow! This is a very beautiful song and very tragic event.

From: Kurt Krueger (11:30 AM) Cut, correct. The Los Angeles Times had an Op-Ed exposing it. :(

From: Bruce Schuman (11:30 AM) No doubt you know about the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, here in Santa Barbara

From: Kat Haber (11:31 AM) Na=aow-brain in the stomach., for us to play again and again when we might slip into forgetting…

From: Doreen Tanenbaum (11:31 AM) Makana, Thank You!

From: Jane (11:31 AM) Beautiful Makana.

From: Malini Rajendran (11:32 AM) Beautiful Beautiful may it be sung. Arigatogozaimashita.

From: Diane Sue (11:32 AM) May your beautiful song be heard around the world, Makana. It reaches deep into the heart.

From: Michelle Kidd (11:32 AM) WOW. Makana. Vert Powerful and Profoundly moving. Thank you 💓 Michelle

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:32 AM) We SO worship death - we spend more money on death than on life. Is it any wonder that we are where we are? We have been ‘praying’ ‘visioning’ for death, now we MUST release fear and begin to trust ourselves to actually LIVE our potential. May it be so.

From: Kat Haber (11:33 AM) @KAthryn, yes, may peace prevail in our places.

From: Jane (11:33 AM) Schools in Nova Scotia continue telling the story of Hiroshima to this day as they make their paper cranes.

From: Kat Haber (11:34 AM) Yes, Global Zero!

From: Tom AV (11:34 AM) US-Russia Relations: Quest for Stability

From: Bruce Schuman (11:36 AM)

From: Kat Haber (11:37 AM) N Squared another powerful nuclear nonproliferation organization. @Rachel how can we make our leaders understand we are no longer so scared to support investing in our security with trillions of dollars. So may of us enslaved to paying taxes for this? How can we make them free us From: this?

From: Tom AV (11:39 AM) NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth

From: Kat Haber (11:41 AM) Doomsday clock set at 100 seconds to midnight the closest to the end of the world it has ever been.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (11:44 AM) It seems to me that so many in the middle East do not have a real understanding of the reality of nuclear war. they seem to believe that they will not be affected if they bomb someone else - what happened? Why are they so illusional?

From: Christine Ahn/ Women Cross DMZ (11:46 AM) 1.7 trill

From: Kat Haber (11:46 AM) Began as an art project…1953: 2 minutes to midnight when USA and USSR tested hydrogen bombs RECENTLY AT 3 MINUTES AND 2 MINUTES TO REFLECT THE CURRENT STATE OF DANGER, COLD WAR: no pathway to understand what others are doing, no verifying agreements (Mr. t has dismantled all of the arms control ) New START Xpires by 2021 From: this admin to support, pulling out and not modernizing agreements to reflect tech advances.Huge investments, arms race, leading to 63,000 weapons in the 80’s now every major power investing in nuclear progrAM)s, WHOAH $1.7 TRILLION! US entire new class of weapons. Earlier there was public engagement From: Hiroshima, now we are acustomed to these expenditures, It is this (FREEKING) dangerous RIGHT NOW! Sobering:(

From: Kat Haber (11:50 AM) Mary Robinson former Pres of Ireland, as long as we have nuclear weapons they will be used, RB: no first use commitment, only in response to deterrence, off hair trigger alert to build time (DO WE TRUST THE USA PRESIDENT CURRENTLY TO MAKE A NUCLEAR WEAPON DECISION? Concerned about low yield nuclear weapons similar to Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Strategy behind it no one has been able to Explain less than full escalation. (As a cadet at USAFA we studied mutually assured destruction.It was MAD! From: Kat Haber (11:53 AM) RB: arms control on track see Fiona Hill’s piece in politics arguing for RUSSIA?USA relations, strategic dialogue, diplomacy is a necessity must talk in this moment. Russians are Expansionists and involved in our elections. ISA has been doing many things to them (400 spies in a CIA corps?) strategic dialogue to avoid misperception leading to understanding, diplomatic return to arms control

From: Kat Haber (11:53 AM)

From: Bruce Schuman (11:54 AM) This is such a high-caliber panel

From: gary wohlman (11:55 AM) Beautifully expressed, Kathryn

From: Paul Coleman (11:58 AM) I first got a glimpse of the madness of nuclear war, when a friend of mine, former high rankung NATO intelligence officer told me that NATO concluded that the first thing the Soviets would do in the event of a war wth Europe would be to drop two nuclear bombs on Copenhagen, of all places! Such an act would enable the Soviet Baltic fleet to move into the Atlantic unhindered. After the cld war my friend met with his soviet counterparts and they verified that this is exactly what they theorised they would do should they decide to attack Western Europe. No one s safe From: the insanity of a nuclear war and as long as there are wars with nations that have such weapons then the threat of annihilation will always be just over the horizon.

From: Kat Haber (11:59 AM) Jessica Sleigh: Global Zero, Keeps awake at night, threat of accident nuclear war, miscalculation, escalation, false warning of incoming attack, Co Founder Bruce Blaire leading Xpert on nuclear launch process, systems of command and control, XPosing dangers inherent in these systems/policies to reduce risks, RIDICULOUS BELIEF: country can fight and win a nuclear war, underestimating the survivability of nuclear war-(LIFE AFTER NUCLEAR WAR IS HELL ON EARTH!) Eliminate the weapons to eliminate the threat, phased in elimination of nuclear weapons, through, nat Xperts, grassroots pressure, policies to address threats, work with govs, demand progress, recognize it will take time over this decade, TAKE STEPS NOW while getting to 0, eliminate strategy of launch on warning, when we are warned an attack on us, we are permitted to launch on others, ready to launch within minutes of receiving an order, computer errors, training tapes, scientic=ficirocket launch mistaken as a nuclear attack, Hawaii, take off high aler

From: Paul Coleman (12:02 PM Lack of trust is the issue. getting past that is the challenge.

From: Kat Haber (12:05 PM Cynthia Lazzaorof, Bruce a giant, missed, former launch code officered what needs to be finished, CHINA-stage reduction pathway, Mr. t says China must come in to make negotiations work, China becoming a nuclear rival, NEW START Treaty Expires in 6months can e Xtended must have China join in, but will not because 90% of arsenals are 10 times bigger than China’s current arsenal, Xperts are discouraged that the USA is putting a poison pill blAM)ing China, leaders must understand the risks and create political will (There now are VR applications that can give a very real Xperience of what nuclear weapons would do. Have any world leaders Experienced any of these?) Other nuclear countries would cap at 300 weapons, then phase in verifiable decrease of weapons, while US and Russia bring numbers down, other countries can reduce theirs, no first use, never use nukes first, indipendently or collaboratively, China has a no first use, but agreements between US?CHINA or CHINA/INDIA build trust increased transparency elimi

From: Raquel Torrent (12:10 PM Yes, let's not permit that !!! I AM) with you Christine !!!

From: Kat Haber (12:10 PM Christine Ahn - Women Cross DMZ: denuclearizing Korean Peninsula, was in Vancouver when Hawaiian false alarm was sounded, Rex Tillerson had convened Coalition of the willing, Fire and Fury, later was leaked that US was threatening a bloody no strike on Korea, opening days of a nuclear war between US and North Korea entire peninsula would be destroyed, 300,000 would die, 25 million would be affected, Peace agreement with North Korea, the Forgotten Was 1950-53, 4 million mostly civilians died, political billboards, forgotten ins the USA, political billboards 80% of cities were threatened, Truman threatened (I learned today about the racism of President Truman.) Give up the nuclear weapons originally North Koreans were in support, do not allow the MEN to dictate if there is war or peace in this dangerous part of the world


From: Raquel Torrent (12:11 PM YES !!!

From: Bruce Schuman (12:11 PM My fAM)ily in Monterey took in a Korean refugee in the early 1950's, who had been living on grass. He went on to get a law degree From: Stanford and becAM)e district attorney of Monterey.

From: Raquel Torrent (12:12 PM Worldwide PEACE agreement !!!

From: Kat Haber (12:13 PM CA: 2015 founded Women Cross DMZ, peace agreement a precondition, in USA we’ve been demanding eliminating weapons first then peace agreement, We are not getting to human rights until peace agreement with a formal armistice then promised to make a permanent peace treaty but never did, unresolved state of war,

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:13 PM WE have people who are rescuing people From: North Korea come to our church and tell stories - AM)azing what emotionally stunted leaders can do to their people…

From: Raquel Torrent (12:14 PM Let's pray that North Korea raises its conscious level by softening their hearts and opening their minds !!!

From: Leo Jacoby (12:15 PM NYT March 11, 2015 With Plan to Walk Across DMZ, Women Aim for Peace in Korea by Rick Gladstone

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:16 PM @Raquel - yes!!!

From: Kala Perkins (12:16 PM it’s so shocking the ignorance in the US of our role in creating these global tragedies that we continue to use to perpetrate more terrorism

From: Raquel Torrent (12:16 PM May God bless all those women !!!

From: Kat Haber (12:17 PM 10% of people who died in Hiroshima were Koreans, colonized by Japan, end of WWII Japan /truman/stalin divided the Korean Peninsula, 70 anniversary of the division of their ancient country as international women Canada, NZ, Australia, Mexico, 17 countries fought in this war, International Peace Symposium, impact of unresolved war, crossing division to build peace, heavy stories, brought quadrants of a quilt, womens art form, 4 groups stitched symbolically to reunite Korea,

From: Malini Rajendran (12:19 PM Thank you JIM for creating the platform for so much truth to come out and stories to be told. How much is kept untold to create a false narrative.

From: Leo Jacoby (12:19 PM

From: Kat Haber (12:19 PM May peace prevail in the Korean peninsula. still 30,000 troops there.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:19 PM I've been sending peace to North and South Korea for a few weeks since my Intuition advised me it was needed. If we All send PEACE thoughts to the World we can be So Powerful 💓. Michelle

From: Raquel Torrent (12:20 PM YES Malini!!! I always say that Jim should be the President of the World !!! :- From: Leo Jacoby (12:20 PM Crossing Borders: a feminist history of Women Cross DMZ

From: Kat Haber (12:21 PM FAM)ily reunions-100,000 Koreans in the US, 70’, 80’, 90’, separated for 3 generations, women peace processes, mandating peace leads to peace agreements and sustainable and durable, WOMEN RISING FOR PEACE IN OUR PLACES!

From: Raquel Torrent (12:21 PM Women can change the neagive energy into love and care !!!

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:21 PM I send blessing to al os us who are here bearing the pained sorrow that is such an integral part of healing. thank you ALL for having the courage to be present.

From: Kat Haber (12:21 PM CS: invest in soft power not guns, soldiers, and bombs!

From: Malini Rajendran (12:21 PM All countries, all councils, all parliAM)ents must have 33% womens representation to begin with.

From: Christine Ahn/ Women Cross DMZ (12:22 PM

From: Raquel Torrent (12:22 PM Thank you Christine !!! VEry very inspiring !!! Peace is the way !!!

From: Jean Yzer (12:23 PM I have watched every HR episode....they all moved me, some more than others......I think this was the most important one.....Thank you, I bow to you all.

From: Kat Haber (12:23 PM Underneath this is valuing life…nuclear weapons in the 21st Century, what weapons systems will come next if we do not change our mindsets about the fear that permits so many to be proud of serving the military, or making millions in the military industrial complex, of politicians bailing out state budgets by alluring a space force to Colorado or F-35 Air Force Base to Alaska. We have more bases than hospitals?

From: Kurt Krueger (12:24 PM Michelle, Yes, Worldwide peace..Barbara Marx Hubbard first wanted to create a Department of Peace - na Cabinet department in AM)erica. Let’s get that happening. IMAGINE works when we work. THANKS FOR WORKING.

From: Kala Perkins (12:24 PM 73 billion on nuclear weapons spent last year.. trillions on militarism... how can we transform our world for good with these funds??

From: Michelle Kidd (12:25 PM 💓 Kurt, it is my Souls work

From: Raquel Torrent (12:25 PM Malini 30%? Nooo, 50% and when men would recognize that women have a lot of wisdom to administraste a house (OUR PLANETARY HOME) in a very fabulous manner, then, I'm sure that it Will be 70% women and 30% men. That Will be the best for the world … I'm certain !!! Unless men develop their femenine consciousness and then it could be fantastically 50% !!!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:25 PM @Kala, with even 1% of that we could sustain a new economy and support fAM)ilies right now here in us.

From: Kat Haber (12:25 PM @Kurt, yea peace department. There is a Peace Institute in DC now. Does anyone know how credible are their accomplishments?

From: Raquel Torrent (12:26 PM Thank you Rachel !!!

From: Kala Perkins (12:26 PM yes, we could completely heal our world with these resources.

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:26 PM @Kat, it's a beautiful building...

From: gary wohlman (12:26 PM Moved by your comment, Michelle: “If we All send PEACE thoughts to the World we can be So Powerful 💓. Michelle” I second the emotion

From: Jude Asphar (12:26 PM So deeply humbled by, and grateful for, all of you for your extraordinary courage, caring and commitment — what an exAM)ple of truly challenging the dominator culture — thank you so much Jim

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:26 PM I think that the Coherence Project is a great help in this regard.

From: Me to All panelists: (12:26 PM We need to work to #MakeAM)ericansProudAgain

From: Malini Rajendran (12:26 PM For those who missed this mornings session of meditation its now on the goodofthewhole facebook : heres the link

From: Michelle Kidd (12:27 PM Yes Gary we are So Powerful when we stand together 👍

From: Kat Haber (12:27 PM CA: in a portal with this pandemic, only essentials are what is important to us, have a choice for the world we will work together to rid our world of nuclear weapons, peace is the foundations to get us there

From: Bruce Schuman (12:27 PM "we have to push as hard as we can -- peace is the foundation to get us there"

From: Raquel Torrent (12:27 PM Thanks a lott Mailini !!!

From: Kala Perkins (12:27 PM Leslie Grimm: Fallout - book

From: Kat Haber (12:28 PM RB: Awaken global audience, for 75 years have been able to hear directly From: Hibakusha ling forward e will need to find these stories differently (VR, AR?) continue when relatives can not reminds of the destruction, need musicians, prayers, get to goals

From: Raquel Torrent (12:29 PM Yes Kathryn the Coherence Project could help a lot with this and with all the other problems that our world and Humanity is facing !!!

From: Kala Perkins (12:29 PM I remember in 1982 1/2 a million people marched through New York City From: around the world to Not have another war; we much live this again and again

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:29 PM In Europe we are still dealing with repercussions From: Chernobil...

From: Christine Ahn/ Women Cross DMZ (12:30 PM Please join our global movement to end the Korean War Also in the US, we need your help to get Congress to pass H. Res 152 to end the Korean War with a peace agreement. We have 46 co-sponsors !!!

From: Raquel Torrent (12:30 PM Absolutely !!! Not only today,. but consciouslly working on this matter throughout the year !!!

From: Jane (12:31 PM How do we it enough to come together in prayer or do we need to combine the power of coming together in spirit, prayer and meditation along with'action'?

From: Kat Haber (12:31 PM JS: Day of reflection list to Hibakusha, those affected by development Algeria, Kazakstan, Marshal Islands, carry these stories with us, not just these anniversaries, all year, every day, surround ourselves with peace events, hope: becomes an issue felt in everyday life because we understand these weapons take of human centered solutions and security, we can eliminate these weapons, up to us, affect us all, to eliminate these and honor Hibakusha, 14,000 nuclear weapons not securtiy


From: Kat Haber (12:31 PM Mahalo, Aloha!

From: Jean Yzer (12:31 PM Thank you!!

From: Leo Jacoby (12:31 PM WHEN: August 6, 2020 @ 7-8 PM CDT COST: Free ONLINE hiroshima nagasaki Webinar featuring: Evelyn Naranjo, of Pueblo de San Ildefonso, Jay Coghlan of, Roshi Joan Halifax of Upaya Zen Center, Rev. John Dear of Pace e Bene, Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe, NM, and a keynote by Dr. Ira Helfand, MD, a member of the International Steering Group of the Nobel Prize-winning International CAM)paign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

From: Shannon McArthur (12:31 PM Mother Earth promised me Peace. Please make Her promise true. We can only do it together.

From: Raquel Torrent (12:33 PM WOW !!!

From: Kat Haber (12:34 PM MadAM) Audrey Kitigawa: Secretary General for the US, Who’s who in prominence, Kehkashan Basu: advocate for all things justCanada peace prize, women and girls in SDG’s, Inaugural Voice of Youth award to abolish nuclear weapons,

From: Michelle Kidd (12:34 PM There is an App available where you can see the time of Meditations throughout the World. There is also Global Unity site which you can sign up to through email. 💓 Michelle

From: Me to All panelists: (12:34 PM Dear Chat PEOPLE, panelists, too..
Some of us are gathering in a Zoom meeting after this session closes. Please write to me if you would like to participate (even if you can't join us today) and don't already have the Zoom link. I have also created an email list for us to interact without being on at the sAM)e time.

From: Leo Jacoby (12:34 PM 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing :

From: Raquel Torrent (12:34 PM Kehkashan, Congratulations and thanks a lot for the work you do as being sooo youngs it is very inspirring to see you !!!

From: Kala Perkins (12:35 PM What is the nAM)e of the video?

From: Raquel Torrent (12:37 PM Thank you Michelle !!!

From: Michelle Kidd (12:37 PM 💓 Raquel

From: Kat Haber (12:37 PM Hiroshima/Nagasaki accord abolition of nuclear weapons, MAK: all world religions calling for end of nuclear weapons, transforming nuclear legacy 75th, announced the award to Kehkashan Basu please watch this video, vibrant civil society, make world a better place, everyone here has a voice that matters, first time these four interfaith organization ParliAM)ent of us religions, religions for peace, Charter for Compassion and Religion (?) Please sign this accord,

From: Kala Perkins (12:38 PM ParliAM)ent of Worlds Religions website -

From: Bruce Schuman (12:38 PM We need interfaith collaboration across a wide range of issues -- everything Humanity Rising is looking at.

From: Kat Haber (12:39 PM MAK met with Hiroshima Mayor, ParliAM)ent is able to convene thousands of different faith traditions, looked at facilities to large convening, also suggested to include mayor of Nagasaki, Pres of URI, Drafted joint statement calling for elimination of nuclear weapons,

From: Raquel Torrent (12:39 PM Don't you think that the ParliAM)ent of World Religions do that already, Bruce?

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:39 PM @Bruce - yes...

From: Kat Haber (12:40 PM (What makes so many AM)ericans think we must have nuclear weapons? Hatred, fear, dominance, prejudice? From: Bruce Schuman (12:40 PM I have worked with both the URI (Bill Swing) and the ParliAM)ent. I want to put together a proposal to combine these major groups.

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:41 PM @Kat yes and that it seems easier to deal with things ‘out there’ than with things ‘in here.’

From: Raquel Torrent (12:41 PM That sounds great Bruce, do so, please !!!

From: Crystal Steinberg (12:41 PM Link to video?

From: Kala Perkins (12:41 PM please tell us where we can watch the video!!

From: Tom AV (12:41 PM Hiroshima and Nagasaki Accord:

From: Leo Jacoby (12:41 PM for video

From: Bruce Schuman (12:42 PM We need a major initiative around this theme, to break through traditional problems in interfaith cooperation. This is a fantastic opportunity -- time to "push as hard as possible" as the lady said.

From: Raquel Torrent (12:42 PM Thank you for the video

From: Paul Coleman (12:42 PM MadAM) Audrey: Wonderful thank you.

From: Kat Haber (12:42 PM (With so many simultaneous crises, how do we simultaneously solve these before any of them cause the existential tipping? From: Liliane Mavridara (12:43 PM @Kat, great point, I AM) reflecting on that too, trying not to freak out completely <3

From: Raquel Torrent (12:43 PM Yes, it is the time for this Bruce and as Ken Wilber puts it, "Religions are the conveyor belts for change"

From: Jane (12:43 PM yes Kat, good point.

From: Crystal Steinberg (12:44 PM so true

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:44 PM OMG, it is incredible...

From: Malini Rajendran (12:44 PM @KAT:As we inhale, Let us create a global wave of universal unconditional love in every heart, that it may become a weapon more powerful than any other, because it gives each one of us the POWER to say NO to that which does not serve creation.

From: Kat Haber (12:45 PM CL: of the 9 steps, #5 call for citizens to join a nuclear abolition group, pray fervently, stop investing in nuclear weapons, Secret Saudi/Chinese effort enriched uranium into nuclear fuel, now 9 nuclear states, do not want a 10th, we risk polluting environment for thousands of years

From: Bruce Schuman (12:46 PM And Malini -- let's also highly organize this wave. We need specific details as well as resonance.

From: Raquel Torrent (12:46 PM Yes, Malini, let's créate that Consciousness Power by consciously breathing LOVE !!!

From: Marcia Raff (12:46 PM How wonderfully inspiring to help make “No First Use” Happen!

From: Michelle Kidd (12:47 PM My thoughts are World Peace starts with Self Peace. I do not have much sway on the world. However I CAN BE Peaceful within myself 👍. Michelle

From: Bruce Schuman (12:47 PM These brilliant ladies today have been highly informed -- such a special and talented and high-impact group. So -- we are indeed being led by "the feminine".

From: Raquel Torrent (12:48 PM YES Michelle that is also wonderful and very needed !!! And then there are people like the many panelists that we have been seeing during this 75 dyas in HR that have the sufficient love, pleace and energy than can also address it OUTSIDE !!!

From: Leo Jacoby (12:48 PM all issues interconnected

From: Raquel Torrent (12:49 PM Yes Bruce the Femenine Energy Will sabe the world !!!

From: Michelle Kidd (12:50 PM 💓 Raquel. HR has given me So Much Hope and some fantastic information and resources

From: Leo Jacoby (12:50 PM started by Kehkashan at age 12!

From: Kat Haber (12:51 PM KB: Started with children then moved to disarmAM)ent, consider herself fortunate to be in a fAM)ily of empathy and compassion, thought it was normal for fAM)ilies and people on the planet, helping others/loveempathy/passion for others 7 year old empathy for agony of a dead bird, so started by planting first tree on 8th birthday, then founded Green Hope, all worlds challenge are interconnected, gender eUALITY, PEACE, EARTH CARE, ALL CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER, RESEARHED WAR, HEARD STORIES OFPOINTLESS DESTRUCTION OF HUMANITY HIROPSHIMA AND NAGASAKI, WHAY PEOPLE DID NOT KNOW MRE, TO SPREAD UNDERSTANDING/KNOWLEDGE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, STARTED IN BELIEVING IN DISARMAM)ENT FROM: A YOUNG AGE.Protect planet, know about the problems then find solutions, workshops, explaining links, many kids do not have formal education, sustainability issues, so use, creatives-art/music/fashio to explain peace, biodiversity, gender equality, wrote a song many years ago and just released this song for peace and disarmAM)ent, taboos removed,

From: Michelle Kidd (12:51 PM 💓 Kehkashan. Awesome 💝

From: Raquel Torrent (12:51 PM Surely, Michelle, I'm sooo glad for HR and all the people I'm knowing through this great opportunity to connect and learn and keep on commiting with the highest of our inner and outer !!! Would you please put this Green …. link here?

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:52 PM

From: Raquel Torrent (12:53 PM YES !!!

From: Barbro Esbjörnsdotter (12:53 PM There is hope! Thank you all.

From: Raquel Torrent (12:53 PM Thanks a lot Liliane !!!

From: Me to All panelists: (12:53 PM Organizing the young people needs music. See the Seed by Aurora

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:53 PM <3

From: Patriciafaye Marshall (12:53 PM How old is sh now?

From: Bruce Schuman (12:54 PM books -- not nooks : From: Raquel Torrent (12:54 PM There is hope if what Basu is saying and the youngsters follow it !!! So let's pray that all youth of the world listen to this wonderful wisdom !!!

From: Liliane Mavridara (12:54 PM @Kekhashan, yes, books and intergenerational wisdom sharing.

From: Bruce Schuman (12:54 PM book nooks are ok though : From: Michelle Kidd (12:54 PM 💓 YES. Kehkashan, so important to educate our children to be Peaceful, Informed and Compassionate 💓

From: Patriciafaye Marshall (12:54 PM How old is she?

From: Raquel Torrent (12:54 PM Yes, dear Basu there is hope if you keep on working dear THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!

From: Paul Coleman (12:55 PM Even the chicken in the background is echoing hope

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (12:55 PM What a beautiful and painful panel today - thank you all for your heart and dedication!!!

From: Diane Sue (12:56 PM Thanks to all of the panelists of what you are doing everyday. You inspire us to do more and to bring this issue into our everyday conversations. I commit to looking into the steps and following up with them.

From: Leo Jacoby (12:56 PM Thank you Jim, for choosing this topic and host for HR on this somber day.

From: Raquel Torrent (12:56 PM Ha, ha, ha I also Heard them Paul !!! They're echoing everything that we're saying today panelists and chat people!!! The animal world representing our Mother Earth is agreeing that we need to have peace and stop nuclear weapons !!!

From: Jane (12:56 PM @Michelle, Malini, I have to believe that starting with self and peace within, along with coming together in prayer/meditation/intention will bring forth positive change.

From: Michelle Kidd (12:56 PM Thank you ALL So Much for such a Powerful, Informative, Inspirational session. Michelle 💖

From: Kala Perkins (12:57 PM Ketkashan thank you for being a beacon of the future reality!!💖🌈

From: gary wohlman (12:57 PM Michelle Kidd, moved by your comments, would appreciate connecting s’more…how can I reach you please? You can find me in

From: Bruce Schuman (12:57 PM yes -- this is the parliAM)ent call for "global ethics" coming into activist focus!

From: Michelle Kidd (12:58 PM 💓Gary

From: Tom AV (12:58 PM Hiroshima and Nagasaki Accord:

75th anniversary link:

From: Jane (12:58 PM AM)EN Kehkashan it starts with education!

From: Malini Rajendran (12:58 PM Bless the Pandemic this kind and level of comming together would never have happend but for this global pause. The attendees would not be here every day but for the lockin.

From: Kurt Krueger (12:59 PM EDUCATION: Use Living Values: The first two Values instructed are Love and Peace. All the other Values are generated From: these. 

Developing quality Character traits is vitally important for all levels of society. When will this be emphasized?

There is one progrAM), that has over 90% reduction in violence in a Thai Refugee CAM)p within 2 years! The woman who developed it then went to Johannesburg, RSA and designed a progrAM) for street people - similar results!

An awesomely effective PARENTING book is: Nurturing with Love and Wisdom, Disciplining with Peace and Respect by Diane Tillman.

What will you do with this information?


From: Michelle Kidd (12:59 PM Yes Malini this Pandemic has given us so many opportunities

From: Kat Haber (1:00 PM HEIWA:

From: Raquel Torrent (1:00 PM THANK YOU JIM !!!

From: Jane (1:01 PM Profound...thanks you all for your teaching today. The learning continues..

From: Michelle Kidd (1:02 PM YAAY for women, we have children to think about

From: gary wohlman (1:02 PM How wonderful to feel us all here co-creating the world we’ve dreAM)ed possible, in growing momentum.

From: Kurt Krueger (1:02 PM Panelists , We’d ;love to have you on a podcast GOOD TROUBLE, please connect with me

From: Jane (1:02 PM The Leadership of Women will bring about change.

From: Kat Haber (1:03 PM World Pulse: 70,000 emergent women leaders/writes in developing regions At the current rate of compensation it will take more than 100 years to reach global gender parity! How might we link these two issues to accelerate progress in both?

From: Michelle Kidd (1:04 PM The GREAT thing for me about HR is I now know without doubt that there is a So Much GOOD in the World

From: Liliane Mavridara (1:04 PM Thank you, this was incredible on so many levels.

From: Bruce Schuman (1:05 PM "more conscious" sometimes means "more explicit"

From: Kat Haber (1:05 PM Most humble and honorable gratitudes for your thoughts and good works everyone. We are in this together. We are having faith in a freer tomorrow with you.

From: Jude Asphar (1:05 PM brilliantly brilliant, on so many levels! — all of you — THANK YOU

From: Michelle Kidd (1:05 PM White Lions YAAY

From: Kathryn Alexander, MA (1:05 PM @Kurt - say more - what are you looking for?