Youth Empowerment Alliance
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Youth Co:Lab established the Youth Empowerment Alliance to actively engage with over 200 ecosystem players who are contributing to youth empowerment across Asia-Pacific. With a focus on youth entrepreneurship and social innovation, this Alliance is one of the most powerful networks connecting young social entrepreneurs to finance, mentors, partners and support. The Alliance includes partners from government, the private sector, youth organization, academia, and the development sector. This page captures a snapshot of our most active YEA partners across different sectors.
See Also
- Does-Blog Roll (6)
- Is-Network (67)
- Is-Network of Networks (16)
- Issue-Entrepreneurship (22)
- Issue-Network (19)
- Issue-Network Ecology (5)
- Issue-Network Mapping (7)
- Issue-Network Weaving (7)
- Issue-Network of Conversations (7)
- Issue-Network of Networks (22)
- Issue-Networking (29)
- Issue-SDGs (5)
- Issue-Youth (24)
- Issue-Youth Entrepreneurship (5)
- My-ON Global Network (58)
- Serves-Social Entrepreneurs (4)
- Serves-Youth (19)
- Where-Asia Pacific (2)